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Set JDBC or ODBC connection options

Since R2020b


opts = setoptions(opts,Option1,OptionValue1,...,OptionN,OptionValueN) sets JDBC or ODBC connection options, where opts is one of the following:



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Create, configure, test, and save a JDBC data source for a Microsoft® SQL Server® database.

Create an SQL Server data source for a JDBC database connection.

vendor = "Microsoft SQL Server";
opts = databaseConnectionOptions("jdbc",vendor)
opts = 
  SQLConnectionOptions with properties:

              DataSourceName: ""
                      Vendor: "Microsoft SQL Server"

          JDBCDriverLocation: ""
                DatabaseName: ""
                      Server: "localhost"
                  PortNumber: 1433
          AuthenticationType: "Server"

opts is an SQLConnectionOptions object with these properties:

  • DataSourceName — Name of the data source

  • Vendor — Database vendor name

  • JDBCDriverLocation — Full path of the JDBC driver file

  • DatabaseName — Name of the database

  • Server — Name of the database server

  • PortNumber — Port number

  • AuthenticationType — Authentication type

Configure the data source by setting the JDBC connection options for the data source SQLServerDataSource, full path to the JDBC driver file, database name toystore_doc, database server dbtb04, port number 54317, and Windows® authentication.

opts = setoptions(opts, ...
    'DataSourceName',"SQLServerDataSource", ...
    'JDBCDriverLocation',"C:\Drivers\mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre8.jar", ...
    'DatabaseName',"toystore_doc",'Server',"dbtb04", ...
opts = 
  SQLConnectionOptions with properties:

              DataSourceName: "SQLServerDataSource"
                      Vendor: "Microsoft SQL Server"

          JDBCDriverLocation: "C:\Drivers\mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre8.jar"
                DatabaseName: "toystore_doc"
                      Server: "dbtb04"
                  PortNumber: 54317
          AuthenticationType: "Windows"

The setoptions function sets the DataSourceName, JDBCDriverLocation, DatabaseName, Server, PortNumber, and AuthenticationType properties in the SQLConnectionOptions object.

Test the database connection with a blank user name and password. The testConnection function returns the logical 1, which indicates the database connection is successful.

username = "";
password = "";
status = testConnection(opts,username,password)
status = logical

Save the configured data source.


You can connect to the new data source using the database function or the Database Explorer app.

Edit an existing JDBC data source for a Microsoft® SQL Server® database. Set an additional JDBC driver-specific option, and save the data source.

Retrieve the existing SQL Server data source SQLServerDataSource.

datasource = "SQLServerDataSource";
opts = databaseConnectionOptions(datasource)
opts = 
  SQLConnectionOptions with properties:

              DataSourceName: "SQLServerDataSource"
                      Vendor: "Microsoft SQL Server"

          JDBCDriverLocation: "C:\Drivers\mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre8.jar"
                DatabaseName: "toystore_doc"
                      Server: "dbtb04"
                  PortNumber: 54317
          AuthenticationType: "Windows"

opts is an SQLConnectionOptions object with these properties:

  • DataSourceName — Name of the data source

  • Vendor — Database vendor name

  • JDBCDriverLocation — Full path of the JDBC driver file

  • DatabaseName — Name of the database

  • Server — Name of the database server

  • PortNumber — Port number

  • AuthenticationType — Authentication type

Add a JDBC driver-specific connection option by using a name-value pair argument. The option specifies a timeout value for establishing the database connection. opts contains a new section of properties for the additional JDBC connection option.

opts = setoptions(opts,'loginTimeout',"20")
opts = 
  SQLConnectionOptions with properties:

              DataSourceName: "SQLServerDataSource"
                      Vendor: "Microsoft SQL Server"

          JDBCDriverLocation: "C:\Drivers\mssql-jdbc-7.0.0.jre8.jar"
                DatabaseName: "toystore_doc"
                      Server: "dbtb04"
                  PortNumber: 54317
          AuthenticationType: "Windows"

	Additional Connection Options:

                loginTimeout: "20"

Test the database connection with a blank user name and password. The testConnection function returns the logical 1, which indicates the database connection is successful.

username = "";
password = "";
status = testConnection(opts,username,password)
status = logical

Save the updated data source.


Create a data source that connects to a MySQL® server on the Windows® or macOS platform.

On the Windows platform, use the databaseConnectionOptions function to create a data source that connects to a MySQL server.

opts = databaseConnectionOptions('odbc','mysql')
opts =

SQLConnectionOptions with properties:
              DataSourceName: ""
                      Vendor: "MySQL"
                DatabaseName: ""
                      Server: "localhost"
                  PortNumber: 3306
                  ODBCDriver: "MariaDB ODBC 3.1 Driver"

Configure the data source by setting the ODBC connection options.

opts = opts.setoptions('DataSourceName','mysql_odbc','DatabaseName',"toy_store","Server","dbtb09");

Alternatively, use the databaseConnectionOptions function on the macOS platform to create a data source that connects to a MySQL server.

opts = databaseConnectionOptions("odbc","MySQL") 
opts =

SQLConnectionOptions with properties:
              DataSourceName: "mysql-server-test"
                      Vendor: "MySQL"
                DatabaseName: "toy_store"
                      Server: "dbtb09"
                  PortNumber: 3306
                  ODBCDriver: "/Applications/"
               DriverManager: "unixODBC"  

Configure the data source by setting the ODBC connection options.

opts = setoptions(opts,"DataSourceName","mysql-server-test", ...

Input Arguments

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Database connection options, specified as one of the following:

JDBC or ODBC connection options to set, specified as one or more name-value arguments. Option is a character vector or string scalar that specifies the name of a connection option. OptionValue is the value of the connection option, specified as a character vector, string scalar, logical scalar, or numeric scalar. You can specify any connection option that is a property of the following objects:

Example: "DataSourceName","myDataSource","Server","localhost","PortNumber",3306 configures a JDBC data source named myDataSource that is located on the local server with the port number 3306. "DataSourceName","mysql-server-test","DatabaseName","toy_store","Server","dbtb01" configures an ODBC data source named mysql-server-test that is located on a server named dbtb01.

Output Arguments

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Database connection options, returned as one of the following:

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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