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Model Configuration Parameters: Code Generation AUTOSAR

The Code Generation > AUTOSAR Code Generation Options category includes parameters for controlling AUTOSAR code generation. Based on your system target file selection, autosar.tlc or autosar_adaptive.tlc, you see code generation parameters for the AUTOSAR Classic Platform or the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform.

Classic Platform ParameterDescription

Generate XML file for schema version

Select the AUTOSAR Classic Platform schema version to use when generating XML files.

Maximum SHORT-NAME length

Specify maximum length for SHORT-NAME XML elements for the AUTOSAR Classic Platform.

Use AUTOSAR compiler abstraction macros

Specify use of AUTOSAR macros to abstract compiler directives.

Support root-level matrix I/O using one-dimensional arrays

Allow root-level matrix I/O for column-major array layout.

Adaptive Platform ParameterDescription

Generate XML file for schema version

Select the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform schema version to use when generating XML files.

Maximum SHORT-NAME length

Specify maximum length for SHORT-NAME XML elements for the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform.

Transport layer

Select transport layer for XCP Server communication.

IP address

Specify IP address for XCP communication.


Specify network port for XCP communication.


Enable verbose XCP server messages.

Use custom XCP Server

Specify whether to use custom or default XCP server.

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