Algoritmos CORDIC en MATLAB
Operaciones de algoritmos CORDIC en MATLAB®
Los algoritmos CORDIC (COordinate Rotation DIgital Computer) son algunos de los más eficientes desde el punto de vista del hardware, ya que solo requieren operaciones iterativas de desplazamiento y suma. El algoritmo CORDIC elimina la necesidad de usar multiplicadores explícitos y es adecuado para calcular una gran variedad de funciones.
cordicabs | CORDIC-based absolute value |
cordicacos | CORDIC-based approximation of inverse cosine |
cordicangle | CORDIC-based phase angle |
cordicasin | CORDIC-based approximation of inverse sine |
cordicatan2 | CORDIC-based four quadrant inverse tangent |
cordiccart2pol | Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar using CORDIC-based approximation |
cordiccexp | CORDIC-based approximation of complex exponential |
cordiccos | CORDIC-based approximation of cosine |
fixed.cordicDivide | Fixed-point divide using CORDIC (desde R2020b) |
cordicpol2cart | CORDIC-based approximation of polar-to-Cartesian conversion |
fixed.cordicReciprocal | Fixed-point reciprocal using CORDIC (desde R2021b) |
cordicrotate | Rotate input using CORDIC-based approximation |
cordicsigmoid | CORDIC-based approximation of sigmoid activation (desde R2023b) |
cordicsin | CORDIC-based approximation of sine |
cordicsincos | CORDIC-based approximation of sine and cosine |
cordicsinhcosh | CORDIC-based approximation of hyperbolic sine and cosine (desde R2023b) |
cordicsqrt | CORDIC-based approximation of square root |
cordictanh | CORDIC-based hyperbolic tangent |