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Manual Fixed-Point Conversion in MATLAB

Assisted floating-point algorithm to fixed-point algorithm conversion

Use the buildInstrumentedMex function to instrument your algorithm for logging minimum and maximum values of all named and intermediate variables. Use the showInstrumentationResults function to propose fixed-point data types based on these logged values.


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buildInstrumentedMexGenerate compiled C code function including logging instrumentation
showInstrumentationResultsResults logged by instrumented, compiled C code function
clearInstrumentationResultsClear results logged by instrumented, compiled C code function
fiConstruct fixed-point numeric object
fimathSet fixed-point math settings
numerictypeConstruct an embedded.numerictype object describing fixed-point or floating-point data type
eyeCreate identity matrix with fixed-point properties
onesCreate array of all ones with fixed-point properties
zerosCreate array of all zeros with fixed-point properties
castCast variable to different data type
cast64BitFiToIntCast fi object types that can be exactly represented to a 64-bit integer data type (Since R2020a)
cast64BitIntToFiCast 64-bit integer types to an equivalent fi object type (Since R2020a)
castFiToIntCast fi object to equivalent integer data type (Since R2020a)
castFiToMATLABCast fi object type to an equivalent built-in MATLAB data type (Since R2020a)
castIntToFiCast an integer data type to equivalent fi type (Since R2020a)



Resolve Error: Function Is Not Supported for Fixed-Point Conversion

Troubleshoot functions that are not supported for fixed-point conversion.

Resolve Error: fi*non-fi

Troubleshoot fi*non-fi errors.

Resolve Error: Data Type Mismatch

Troubleshoot data type mismatch errors.

Resolve Error: Mismatched fimath

Troubleshoot mismatched fimath errors.

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