Optimización de tipos de datos en Simulink
La optimización de tipos de datos itera automáticamente a través de varias configuraciones de punto fijo para elegir los tipos de datos heterogéneos óptimos y, al mismo tiempo, cumplir las limitaciones de tolerancia en el comportamiento numérico del sistema. La optimización busca reducir una función objetivo, como el número total de bits o el recuento total de operadores, utilizando tipos de datos de punto fijo para lograr un diseño eficiente.
Puede optimizar los tipos de datos mediante la función fxpopt
en la línea de comandos o a través del flujo de trabajo Optimized Fixed-Point Conversion
en Fixed-Point Tool.
Fixed-Point Tool | Convert a floating-point model to a fixed-point model |
fxpopt | Optimize data types of a system |
fxpOptimizationOptions | Specify options for data type optimization |
OptimizationSolution | Optimized fixed-point implementation of system |
OptimizationResult | Result after optimizing fixed-point system |
- Data Type Conversion Overview
Convert data types in your model to fixed point in one of three ways.
- Best Practices for Fixed-Point Conversion Workflow
Use best practices when converting a model to fixed point.
- Specify Behavioral Constraints
Use signal tolerances and model verification blocks to verify behavior of fixed-point implementation.
- Optimize Fixed-Point Data Types for a System
Optimize data types in a system based on specified tolerances.
- Optimize the Fixed-Point Data Types of a System Using the Fixed-Point Tool
Use the Fixed-Point Tool to optimize the data types of a system using multiple simulation scenarios.
- Optimize Data Types Using Multiple Simulation Scenarios
Define multiple simulation scenarios for range collection and verification.
- Perform Data Type Optimization with Custom Behavioral Constraints
Use Model Verification blocks to specify custom behavioral constraints for data type optimization with
. - Model Configuration Changes Made During Data Type Optimization
Changes made to model configuration parameters during data type optimization with
Solución de problemas
Blocks That Do Not Support Fixed-Point Data Types
Troubleshoot blocks that are not supported for fixed-point conversion.
Data Type Optimization Not Successful
Troubleshoot errors thrown during data type optimization using the
Follow best practices and avoid unsupported MATLAB® Function block features.