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Choose Colormap tool


Use the imcolormaptool function to create a Choose Colormap tool. The Choose Colormap tool is an interactive colormap selection tool that allows you to change the colormap of a figure by selecting a colormap from a list of MATLAB® colormap functions or workspace variables, or by entering a custom MATLAB expression.

Choose Colormap Tool

Choose Colormap tool with a list of MATLAB colormap functions.

imcolormaptool opens the Choose Colormap tool for adjusting the colormap of the current figure.

imcolormaptool(hParent) opens the Choose Colormap tool for adjusting the colormap of an image in parent figure or axes hParent. The figure or axes must contain a grayscale or an indexed image.


hTool = imcolormaptool(___) returns the figure hTool containing the Choose Colormap tool.


collapse all

h = figure;
fig = figure;
ax1 = subplot(1,2,1);
ax2 = subplot(1,2,2);

Input Arguments

collapse all

Graphics object containing the image, specified as a Figure or Axes object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Choose Colormap tool, returned as a Figure object.

Version History

Introduced in R2009a

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