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Align figure windows


iptwindowalign(fixed_fig,fixed_edge, moving_fig,moving_edge) aligns the edge moving_edge of figure moving_fig with the edge fixed_edge of figure fixed_fig.

You can align two figure windows along the top, bottom, left, or right edges. You can also center the figures horizontally or vertically. The figure shows the possible alignments.

The six alignments of a figure window: top, bottom, left, right, horizontally centered, and vertically centered.



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To illustrate some possible figure window alignments, first create two figures: fig1 and fig2. Initially, fig2 overlays fig1 on the screen.

fig1 = figure;
fig2 = figure;

Use iptwindowalign to move fig2 so its left edge is aligned with the right edge of fig1.


The left edge of Figure 2 touches the right edge of Figure 1.

Now move fig2 so its top edge is aligned with the bottom edge of fig1. The right-left alignment of the figures from the prior step is preserved.


The top-left corner of Figure 2 touches the bottom-right corner of Figure 1.

Now move fig2 so the two figures are centered horizontally. The top-bottom alignment of the figures from the prior step is preserved.


The top of Figure 2 touches the bottom of Figure 1.

Input Arguments

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Fixed figure window, specified as a handle to a figure.

Alignment of the fixed figure window, specified as "left", "right", "hcenter", "top", "bottom", or "vcenter". To center the figures horizontally, use "hcenter". To center the figures vertically, use "vcenter".

Moving figure window, specified as a handle to a figure.

Alignment of the moving figure window, specified as "left", "right", "hcenter", "top", "bottom", or "vcenter". To center the figures vertically, use "vcenter".


  • The two specified edges must be consistent in terms of their direction. For example, you cannot specify "left" for fixed_edge and "bottom" for moving_edge.

  • iptwindowalign constrains the position adjustment of moving_fig to keep the figure entirely visible on the screen.

  • iptwindowalign has no effect if either figure window is docked.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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