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Get MATLAB Package Manager

Use MATLAB® Package Manager (mpm) to install MATLAB, Simulink®, and other MathWorks® products or support packages from the operating system command line. mpm also installs all required products and skips installation of products already installed.

Run mpm from a script to automate the installation of products on multiple computers. If you run mpm from the MATLAB Dockerfile, you can build a customized MATLAB Docker® container.

To download the latest version of mpm, follow the instructions for Linux®, Windows®, or Mac.


Verify that the following required software is installed on your computer:

  • Third-party packages required to run the mpm command, unzip and ca-certificates.

  • All MATLAB dependencies. To view the list of dependencies, go to the MATLAB Dependencies repository on GitHub®. Then, open the <release>/<system>/base-dependencies.txt file for your MATLAB release and your computer's operating system.

From a Linux terminal, use wget to download the latest version of mpm.


Give executable permissions to the downloaded file so that you can run mpm.

chmod +x mpm

You can then use mpm install to install products. For example:

  • Install the latest release of MATLAB to the default installation folder for that release: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b

    ./mpm install --release=R2024b --products=MATLAB
  • Install the latest release of MATLAB to a specified installation folder.

    ./mpm install --release=R2024b --destination=/home/<USER>/matlab --products=MATLAB


Open Windows PowerShell as an administrator, and use Invoke-WebRequest to download the latest version of mpm.


You must run mpm as an administrator on Windows or you get an error when installing products.

From the Windows PowerShell prompt, use Invoke-WebRequest to download the latest version of mpm.

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile mpm.exe

You can then use mpm install to install products. For example:

  • Install the latest release of MATLAB to the default installation folder for that release: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b

    .\mpm.exe install --release=R2024b --products=MATLAB
  • Install the latest release of MATLAB to a specified installation folder.

    .\mpm.exe install --release=R2024b --destination="C:\Users\<USER>\matlab" --products=MATLAB


From a Mac terminal, use curl to download the latest version of mpm for your Mac architecture.

  • Mac Apple silicon:

    curl -L -o ~/Downloads/mpm

  • Mac Intel®:

    curl -L -o ~/Downloads/mpm

mpm is downloaded to your Downloads folder. Navigate to that folder.

cd ~/Downloads

Give executable permissions to the downloaded file so that you can run mpm.

chmod +x mpm

You can then use mpm install to install products. For example:

  • Install the latest release of MATLAB to the default installation folder for that release: /Applications/

    ./mpm install --release=R2024b --products=MATLAB
  • Install the latest release of MATLAB to a specified installation folder.

    ./mpm install --release=R2024b --destination=/home/<USER>/matlab --products=MATLAB

See Also

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