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Lea datos de sensores

Conéctese a diferentes sensores para leer datos.


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mpu9250Connect to MPU-9250 sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus
lsm9ds1Connect to LSM9DS1 sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus
mpu6050Connect to MPU-6050 sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus
lsm303cConnect to LSM303C sensor Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2021a)
lsm6ds3Connect to LSM6DS3 sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2021a)
lsm6ds3hConnect to LSM6DS3H sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2021a)
lsm6dslConnection to LSM6DSL sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2021a)
lsm6dsmConnect to LSM6DSM sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2021a)
lsm6dsoConnect to LSM6DSO sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2021a)
lsm6dsrConnect to LSM6DSR sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2021a)
hts221Connect to HTS221 sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2021a)
lps22hbConnect to LPS22HB sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2021a)
adxl345Connect to ADXL345, ADXL343, ADXL344, or ADXL346 sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2022a)
icm20948Connect to ICM-20948 sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2022a)
bmp280Connect to BMP280 sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2022b)
lis3dhConnect to LIS3DH sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2022b)
bmi160Connect to BMI160 sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2023a)
adis16505Connect to ADIS16505 sensor on Arduino hardware SPI bus (desde R2024a)
flushFlush the host buffer
infoRead information related to sensor
readRead real-time sensor data at a specified rate
readAccelerationRead one sample of acceleration from sensor
readAngularVelocityRead one sample of angular velocity from sensor
readMagneticFieldRead one sample of magnetic field from sensor
readTemperatureRead one sample of temperature from sensor (desde R2021a)
readHumidityRead one sample of relative humidity data from the sensor (desde R2021a)
readPressureRead one sample of barometric air pressure data from the sensor (desde R2021a)
readVoltageRead voltage from ADC pins on sensor (desde R2023a)
releaseRelease the sensor object
stopStop data collection from sensor object (desde R2020a)
bno055Connect to BNO055 sensor on Arduino hardware I2C bus (desde R2020a)
flushFlush the host buffer for BNO055 sensor
infoRead output data rate and bandwidth setting of BNO055 sensor
readRead acceleration, angular velocity, magnetic field, time, and overrun data from BNO055 sensor
readAccelerationRead one sample of acceleration from BNO055 sensor
readAngularVelocityRead one sample of angular velocity from BNO055 sensor
readCalibrationStatusRead calibration status of BNO055 sensor
readMagneticFieldRead one sample of magnetic field strength from BNO055 sensor
readOrientationRead orientation data from BNO055 sensor
releaseRelease the BNO055 object
gpsdevConnect to GPS receiver on Arduino hardware (desde R2020a)
flushFlush the host buffer (desde R2020a)
infoRead Update Rate, GPS Lock information and number of satellites in View for the GPS receiver (desde R2020a)
readRead data from GPS (desde R2020a)
releaseRelease the GPS object (desde R2020a)
stopStop data collection from GPS module (desde R2020a)
writeBytesWrite raw data to GPS module (desde R2020a)
apds9960Connect to APDS9960 sensor on Arduino hardware using I2C bus (desde R2021b)
readColorReads clear light and RGB components through APDS9960 sensor (desde R2021b)
readGestureRead gesture through APDS9960 sensor (desde R2021b)
readProximityRead the proximity from APDS9960 sensor (desde R2021b)
ultrasonicConnection to ultrasonic sensor on Arduino hardware
readDistanceDistance to object in front of ultrasonic sensor
readEchoTimeRead echo time of ultrasound waves


Solución de problemas

Troubleshooting Sensors

Troubleshoot sensors.

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