Programmatic App That Displays a Table
This example shows how to display a table in an app using the uitable
function. It also shows how to modify the appearance of the table and how to restrict editing of the table in the running app.
Create a Table UI Component Within a Figure
The uitable
function creates an empty UI table in the figure.
fig = uifigure('Position',[100 100 752 250]); uit = uitable('Parent',fig,'Position',[25 50 700 200]);
Create a Table Containing Mixed Data Types
Load sample patient data that contains mixed data types and store it in a table array. To have data appear as a drop-down list in the cells of the table component, convert a cell array variable to a categorical array. To display the data in the table UI component, specify the table array as the value of the Data
load patients t = table(LastName,Age,Weight,Height,Smoker, ... SelfAssessedHealthStatus); t.SelfAssessedHealthStatus = categorical(t.SelfAssessedHealthStatus, ... {'Poor','Fair','Good','Excellent'},'Ordinal',true); uit.Data = t;
Customize the Display
You can customize the display of a UI table in several ways. Use the ColumnName
property to add column headings.
uit.ColumnName = {'Last Name','Age','Weight', ... 'Height','Smoker','Health Status'};
To adjust the widths of the columns, specify the ColumnWidth
property. The ColumnWidth
property is a 1-by-N cell array, where N is the number of columns in the table. Set a specific column width, or use 'auto'
to let MATLAB® set the width based on the contents.
uit.ColumnWidth = {'auto',75,'auto','auto','auto',100};
Add numbered row headings by setting the RowName
property to 'numbered'
uit.RowName = 'numbered';
Reposition and resize the table using the Position
uit.Position = [15 25 565 200];
By default, table UI components use row striping and cycle through the specified background colors until the end of the table is reached. If you set the RowStriping
property to 'off'
, the table UI component will just use the first color specified in the BackgroundColor
property for all rows. Here, leave row striping 'on'
and set three different colors for the BackgroundColor
uit.BackgroundColor = [1 1 .9; .9 .95 1;1 .5 .5];
Enable Column Sorting and Restrict Editing of Cell Values
To restrict the user's ability to edit data in the table, set the ColumnEditable
property. By default, data cannot be edited in the running app. Setting the ColumnEditable
property to true
for a column allows the user to edit data in that column.
uit.ColumnEditable = [false true true true true true];
Make all the columns sortable by setting the ColumnSortable
property to true
. If a column is sortable, arrows appear in the header when you hover your mouse over it.
uit.ColumnSortable = true;
Create a Callback
To program the table to respond to user interaction, create a callback function. For example, you can specify a SelectionChangedFcn
to execute commands when the app user selects a different row, column, or cell of the table.
Here, write a callback function to validate that the values in the Age
column are between 0 and 120. Create a new function named ageCheckCB
and save it to a file named ageCheckCB
in a folder that is on the MATLAB path.
function ageCheckCB(src,event) if (event.Indices(2) == 2 && ... % check if column 2 (event.NewData < 0 || event.NewData > 120)) tableData = src.Data; tableData{event.Indices(1),event.Indices(2)} = event.PreviousData; src.Data = tableData; % revert the data warning('Age must be between 0 and 120.') % warn the user end
Assign the ageCheckCB
to the CellEditCallback
property. This callback executes when the user changes a value in a cell. If the user enters a value that is outside the acceptable range, the callback function returns a warning and sets the cell value back to the previous value.
uit.CellEditCallback = @ageCheckCB;
For more information about writing callback functions, see Create Callbacks for Apps Created Programmatically.
Get All Table Properties
To see all the properties of the table, use the get
BackgroundColor: [3x3 double] BeingDeleted: off BusyAction: 'queue' ButtonDownFcn: '' CellEditCallback: @ageCheckCB CellSelectionCallback: '' Children: [0x0 handle] ClickedFcn: '' ColumnEditable: [0 1 1 1 1 1] ColumnFormat: {} ColumnName: {6x1 cell} ColumnRearrangeable: off ColumnSortable: 1 ColumnWidth: {'auto' [75] 'auto' 'auto' 'auto' [100]} ContextMenu: [0x0 GraphicsPlaceholder] CreateFcn: '' Data: [100x6 table] DeleteFcn: '' DisplayData: [100x6 table] DisplayDataChangedFcn: '' DisplaySelection: [] DoubleClickedFcn: '' Enable: 'on' Extent: [0 0 312.5000 312.5000] FontAngle: 'normal' FontName: 'Helvetica' FontSize: [12] FontUnits: 'pixels' FontWeight: 'normal' ForegroundColor: [0 0 0] HandleVisibility: 'on' InnerPosition: [15 25 565 200] Interruptible: [on] KeyPressFcn: '' KeyReleaseFcn: '' Layout: [0x0 matlab.ui.layout.LayoutOptions] Multiselect: [on] OuterPosition: [15 25 565 200] Parent: [1x1 Figure] Position: [15 25 565 200] RowName: 'numbered' RowStriping: [on] Selection: [] SelectionChangedFcn: '' SelectionType: 'cell' StyleConfigurations: [0x3 table] Tag: '' Tooltip: '' Type: 'uitable' Units: 'pixels' UserData: [] Visible: [on]