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Saving and Loading Instances of Chart Classes

Charts that inherit from the ChartContainer base class follow the same rules for saving and loading as other MATLAB® objects. However in some cases, you might want your objects to save and load additional information. For example, to provide support for saving and loading the result of interactive changes, such as rotating or zooming, you must store the modified view of the axes in a property on your class. By defining properties and methods for storing and retrieving these kinds of changes, you enable users to save and reload instances of your chart with their changes preserved.

Coding Pattern for Saving and Loading Axes Changes

The built-in axes interactions change certain properties on the axes. For example, dragging to rotate a 3-D chart changes the View property. Similarly, scrolling to zoom within a chart changes the XLim, YLim, (and possibly ZLim) properties on the axes. To preserve the changes when the user saves and reloads the chart, add these components to your class:

  • Define a protected property for storing the chart state — This property provides a place to store the axes changes when MATLAB saves the chart object. For example, you might name this property ChartState.

  • Define a get method for retrieving the chart state — This method does either of two things depending on whether MATLAB is saving or loading the chart object. When MATLAB saves the chart object, the method returns the relevant axes changes so they can be saved. When MATLAB loads the chart object, the method returns the axes changes that are stored in the ChartState property.

  • Define a protected method that updates the axes — When the chart object loads into MATLAB, this method calls the get method for the ChartState property and then updates the relevant axes properties for the chart.

Define a Protected Property for Storing the Chart State

Define a protected property to store the relevant axes information. This property is empty except when MATLAB sets its value during the save process, or when MATLAB loads a saved instance of the chart. Define the property with a name that is useful and easy to recognize. For example, define a property called ChartState.

properties (Access = protected)
    ChartState = []

Define a get Method for Retrieving the Chart State

Define a public get method for the ChartState property. Like all set and get methods, this method automatically inherits the access permissions of the ChartState property. MATLAB calls this method when it saves an instance of the chart.

Within this method, create a variable called isLoadedStateAvailable that stores a logical value. This value is true when the ChartState property is not empty.

Next, write a conditional statement that checks the value of isLoadedStateAvailable. Divide the statement into clauses:

  • if...then clause — The isLoadedStateAvailable value is true. Return the contents of the ChartState property.

  • else clause — The isLoadedStateAvailable value is false. Create a structure and get the axes object. Add the XLim, YLim, and ZLim fields to the structure only if the XLim, YLim, and ZLim properties on the axes changed. To test whether the axes properties changed, check to see if the corresponding mode properties are set to 'manual'. Since there is no mode property associated with the axes View property, add the View field to the structure without checking anything.

    function data = get.ChartState(obj)
        isLoadedStateAvailable = ~isempty(obj.ChartState);
         if isLoadedStateAvailable
             data = obj.ChartState;
             data = struct;
             ax = getAxes(obj);
             % Get axis limits only if mode is manual.
             if strcmp(ax.XLimMode,'manual')
                 data.XLim = ax.XLim;
             if strcmp(ax.YLimMode,'manual')
                 data.YLim = ax.YLim;
             if strcmp(ax.ZLimMode,'manual')
                 data.ZLim = ax.ZLim;
             % No ViewMode to check. Store the view anyway.
             data.View = ax.View;

Define a Protected Method That Updates the Axes

Define a protected method called loadstate. In this method, perform these steps:

  • Query the ChartState property and store the returned value as data.

  • Check for the existence of the XLim, YLim, ZLim, and View fields before updating the corresponding properties on the axes.

  • Clear the contents of the ChartState property.

After you create this method, call it near the end of the setup method (after creating the graphics objects that make up your chart). The setup method executes when MATLAB creates a new instance of the chart or when it loads an instance of a chart.

function loadstate(obj)
    ax = getAxes(obj);
    % Look for states that changed
    if isfield(data, 'XLim')
    if isfield(data, 'YLim')
    if isfield(data, 'ZLim')
    if isfield(data, 'View')
    % Reset ChartState to empty

Example: 3-D Plot That Stores Axis Limits and View

Define a MeshGradientChart class for displaying a mesh plot with x and y gradient vectors at the grid points. Design this class so that the XLim, YLim, ZLim, and View properties of the axes are preserved when the user saves and reloads an instance of the chart.

To define this class, create a program file named MeshGradientChart.m in a folder that is on the MATLAB path. Then implement the class by following the steps in the table.


Derive from the ChartContainer base class.

classdef MeshGradientChart <

Define the public properties.

        XData (:,:) double = []
        YData (:,:) double = []
        ZData (:,:) double = []

Define the private properties. One property stores a Surface object, and the other stores a Quiver object.

    properties (Access = private,Transient,NonCopyable)
        SurfaceObject (1,1)
        QuiverObject (1,1)

Define a protected ChartState property for storing the axes state.

    properties (Access = protected)
        ChartState = []

Implement the setup method. In this case, call the mesh and quiver3 functions to create the Surface and Quiver objects respectively. Store the objects in the corresponding properties, and turn the hold state of the axes to 'off'. Then call the loadstate method to update the state of the axes.

    methods(Access = protected)
        function setup(obj)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            % Create Mesh and Quiver objects.
            % Load state of the axes.

Implement the update method. In this case, update the x- and y-coordinates of the mesh plot and the tails of the gradient vectors. Then update the lengths and directions of the vectors.

        function update(obj)
            % Update Mesh data.
            obj.SurfaceObject.XData = obj.XData;
            obj.SurfaceObject.YData = obj.YData;
            obj.SurfaceObject.ZData = obj.ZData;
            % Update locations of vector tails.
            obj.QuiverObject.XData = obj.XData;
            obj.QuiverObject.YData = obj.YData;
            obj.QuiverObject.ZData = obj.ZData;
            % Update lengths and directions of vectors.
            [gradx,grady] = gradient(obj.ZData);
            obj.QuiverObject.UData = gradx;
            obj.QuiverObject.VData = grady;
            obj.QuiverObject.WData = zeros(size(obj.ZData));

Implement the loadstate method, which updates the axes and resets the ChartState property to an empty array.

        function loadstate(obj)
            ax = getAxes(obj);
            % Look for states that changed.
            if isfield(data, 'XLim')
            if isfield(data, 'YLim')
            if isfield(data, 'ZLim')
            if isfield(data, 'View')
            % Reset ChartState to empty.

Implement the ChartState get method, which returns the axes state information.

        function data = get.ChartState(obj)
            isLoadedStateAvailable = ~isempty(obj.ChartState);
            % Return ChartState content if loaded state is available.
            % Otherwise, return current axes state.
            if isLoadedStateAvailable
                data = obj.ChartState;
                data = struct;
                ax = getAxes(obj);
                % Get axis limits only if mode is manual.
                if strcmp(ax.XLimMode,'manual')
                    data.XLim = ax.XLim;
                if strcmp(ax.YLimMode,'manual')
                    data.YLim = ax.YLim;
                if strcmp(ax.ZLimMode,'manual')
                    data.ZLim = ax.ZLim;
                % No ViewMode to check. Store the view anyway.
                data.View = ax.View;

Next, create an instance of the chart. Then rotate or zoom into the chart and save it. The object preserves the interactive changes when you load the chart back into MATLAB.

Create an instance of the chart

[X,Y] = meshgrid(-5:5);
Z = X.^2 + Y.^2;
c = MeshGradientChart('XData',X,'YData',Y,'ZData',Z);

When you create the chart:

  • The setup method calls the loadstate method.

  • The loadstate method performs these tasks, which ultimately have no effect on the chart object or the underlying axes object.

    • Call the get.ChartState method, which returns a structure containing the current value of the axes View property.

    • Reset the View property on the axes to the value stored in the structure.

    • Clear the contents of the ChartState property.

Rotate or zoom into the chart and save it


When you save the chart, MATLAB calls the get.ChartState method, which returns a structure containing:

  • The values of the XLim, YLim, or ZLim properties on the axes, but only if they changed

  • The value of the View property on the axes

After MATLAB retrieves the structure, it stores the structure in the ChartState property of the chart object that is being saved.

Load the chart that you saved


When you load the chart:

  • The setup method calls the loadstate method.

  • The loadstate method performs these tasks:

    • Call the get.ChartState method, which returns the structure from the ChartState property.

    • Reset the XLim, YLim, ZLim, and View properties on the axes, but only if the structure contains the corresponding fields.

    • Clear the contents of the ChartState property.

See Also




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