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Reload Out-of-Process Python Interpreter
When you run the Python® interpreter out-of-process, you can terminate the interpreter and start a new one, possibly with different version settings, without restarting MATLAB®.
To reload an in-process Python interpreter, see the example Reload Modified User-Defined Python Module.
This example assumes that you have Python version 3.9 and 3.10. If your interpreter is already loaded in-process, then restart MATLAB.
pe = pyenv; if pe.Status == 'NotLoaded' pyenv(ExecutionMode="OutOfProcess",Version="3.9"); end py.list; % Call a Python function to load interpreter pyenv
ans = PythonEnvironment with properties: Version: "3.9" Executable: "C:\Python39\pythonw.exe" Library: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\python39.dll" Home: "C:\Python39" Status: Loaded ExecutionMode: OutOfProcess ProcessID: "15176" ProcessName: "MATLABPyHost"
Reload the Python version 3.10 interpreter.
terminate(pyenv) pyenv(Version="3.10"); py.list; % Reload interpreter pyenv
ans = PythonEnvironment with properties: Version: "3.10" Executable: "C:\Python310\pythonw.exe" Library: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\python310.dll" Home: "C:\Python310" Status: Loaded ExecutionMode: OutOfProcess ProcessID: "24840" ProcessName: "MATLABPyHost"