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Customize Code Suggestions and Completions

To customize code suggestions and completions for your functions and classes, provide MATLAB® with information about your function signatures. Function signatures describe the acceptable syntaxes and allowable data types for a function. MATLAB uses this information to display code suggestions and completions in the Editor, Live Editor, and Command Window. Define this function information in a JSON-formatted file called functionSignatures.json. MATLAB is able to provide code completions and suggestions for functions with arguments blocks based on the information contained in the arguments block. This information is available without requiring a functionSignatures.json file. Custom code suggestions and completions are not supported in MATLAB Online.

For MATLAB to detect the function signature information, place functionSignatures.json in a resources folder in the folder that contains the function code. If you define information for a class method or namespace function, place functionSignatures.json in a resources folder in the parent folder of the outermost class or namespace folder. For example, to define information for a method of myClass, place functionSignatures.json in a resources folder in myFolder for these class and namespace structures:


For classes located outside of class or namespace folders, place functionSignatures.json in a resources folder in the folder that contains the class code. You can define signatures for multiple functions in the same file.

The functionSignatures.json file contains a single JSON object. JSON uses braces to define objects, and refers to objects as collections of name and value pairs. Since these terms are overloaded in the context of function signatures, "property" is used instead of "name." The JSON object in functionSignatures.json contains an optional schema version and a list of function objects. Each function object contains a list of signature objects, and each signature object contains an array of argument objects. JSON uses brackets to define arrays.

Example functionSignatures.json file showing the function object property "functionName1" with one signature object property "inputs". The "inputs" signature object property has three argument objects named "A", "dim", and "nanflag".

To specify the optional schema version use _schemaVersion as the first property and the version number as its value. Specify the version number as a JSON string in the format major#.minor#.patch#, with each number specified as a nonnegative integer. The current schema version is 1.0.0. If the file does not specify a schema version, MATLAB assumes version 1.0.0.

If functionSignatures.json contains syntax errors, MATLAB displays an error message in the Command Window when it reads the file. Use the validateFunctionSignaturesJSON function to validate the functionSignatures.json file against the JSON schema and the MATLAB function signature schema.

Function Objects

To define information for a function, create a property that is the same as the function name. Its value is a signature object.

  "functionName1": { signatureObj1 },
  "functionName2": { signatureObj2 }

To define information for a class constructor, class method, or namespace function, use the full name of the function or method. For example, define a class constructor, class method myMethod, and a namespace function myFunction.

  "myClass.myClass": { signatureObj },
  "myClass.myMethod": { signatureObj },
  "myNamespace.myFunction": { signatureObj }

You can define multiple function signatures for the same function or method by defining multiple function objects with the same property (function or method name). For more information, see Multiple Signatures.

Signature Objects

A signature object defines the input and output arguments and supported platforms for the function. The value of each property, except for the platforms property, is an array of argument objects.

     "inputs": [ argumentObj1, argumentObj2 ]

If you specify an instance method such as myClass.myMethod in the JSON file, one of the elements in inputs must be an object of myClass. Typically, this object is the first element. MATLAB supports code suggestions and completions for a specified method when you call it using either dot notation (b = myObj.myMethod(a)) or function notation (b = myMethod(myObj,a)) syntax.

Each signature in the JSON file can include the following properties.

PropertyDescriptionJSON Data Type of Value

List of function input arguments. MATLAB uses this property for code suggestions and completions.

Array of argument objects


List of function output arguments. MATLAB uses this property to refine code suggestions and completions.

Array of argument objects


List of platforms that support the function. MATLAB does not present custom code suggestions and completions if the platform does not support the function.

The default is all platforms. Elements of the list must match an archstr returned from the computer function. The list can be inclusive or exclusive, but not both. Example values are "win64,maci64" or "-win64,-maci64".

String of comma-separated values

Argument Objects

Argument objects define the information for each of the input and output arguments.

        {"name":"in1",  "kind":"required", "type":["numeric"]},
        {"name":"in2",  "kind":"required", "type":["numeric","integer","scalar"]}

The order that the inputs appear in the JSON file is significant. For example, in a call to the functionName1 function, in1 must appear before in2.

Each argument object can include the following properties.

 name – Name of argument

 kind – Kind of argument

 type – Class and/or attributes of argument

 repeating – Specify argument multiple times

 purpose – Description of argument

For more complicated function signatures, the following properties are available for each argument object.

 platforms – List of supported platforms

 tuple – Definition of set of arguments

 mutuallyExclusiveGroup – Definition of set of exclusive arguments

Create Function Signature File

This example describes how to create custom code suggestions and completions for a function.

Create a function whose signature you will describe in a JSON file in later steps. The following function accepts:

  • Two required arguments

  • One optional positional argument via varargin

  • Two optional name-value arguments via varargin

myFunc is presented to demonstrate code suggestions and does not include argument checking.

% myFunc  Example function
% This function is called with any of these syntaxes:
%   myFunc(in1, in2) accepts 2 required arguments. 
%   myFunc(in1, in2, in3) also accepts an optional 3rd argument. 
%   myFunc(___, NAME, VALUE) accepts one or more of the following name-value 
%       arguments. This syntax can be used in any of the previous syntaxes.
%           * 'NAME1' with logical value
%           * 'NAME2' with 'Default', 'Choice1', or 'Choice2'
function myFunc(reqA,reqB,varargin)
    % Initialize default values
    NV1 = true;
    NV2 = 'Default';
    posA = [];
    if nargin > 3
        if rem(nargin,2)
            posA = varargin{1};
            V = varargin(2:end);
            V = varargin;
        for n = 1:2:size(V,2)
            switch V{n}
                case 'Name1'
                    NV1 = V{n+1};
                case 'Name2'
                    NV2 = V{n+1}

In a resources folder in the same folder as myFunc, create the following function signature description in a file called functionSignatures.json. The input names do not match the names in the body of myFunc, but are consistent with the help text.

  "_schemaVersion": "1.0.0",
        {"name":"in1", "kind":"required", "type":["numeric"], "purpose":"ID of item"},
        {"name":"in2", "kind":"required", "type":["numeric"], "purpose":"# Items"},
        {"name":"in3", "kind":"ordered", "type":["numeric"], "purpose":"Input Value"},
        {"name":"Name1", "kind":"namevalue", "type":["logical","scalar"],"purpose":"Option"},
        {"name":"Name2", "kind":"namevalue", "type":["char", "choices={'Default','Choice1','Choice2'}"]}

MATLAB uses this function signature description to inform code suggestions and completion.

How Function Signature Information is Used

MATLAB uses the function signature information in the JSON file to display matching syntaxes as you type. You also can complete partially typed text by pressing the Tab key. In the Command Window, MATLAB does not use the JSON file to display matching syntaxes as you type.

To experiment with code suggestions, start to call myFunc from a script or live script. The names and purposes from the JSON file appear. MATLAB indicates when arguments are optional and if there are multiple suggestions available (such as the third positional argument or a name-value argument). Name-value argument options are listed.

Three calls to the myFunc function showing examples of different code suggestions. The first suggestion shows the purpose of the in1 argument, the second suggestion shows the purpose of the in3 argument with the word Optional in parentheses, and the third suggestion shows a list of supported name-value arguments for the options argument.

When adding a name-value argument to the function call, MATLAB presents the choices from the JSON file. Since 'Name1' is defined as a logical scalar, MATLAB populates the choices automatically (true or false). MATLAB takes the three values for the 'Name2' argument from the JSON file.

Two calls to the myFunc function showing examples of different name-value argument value suggestions. The first suggestion shows true and false as the supported values for the Name1 name-value argument. The second suggestion shows 'Choice1', 'Choice2', and 'Default' as the supported values for the Name2 name-value argument.

Multiple Signatures

If a function has many syntaxes, it can be helpful for code suggestions to group syntaxes as multiple function signatures (regardless of the implementation of the function). To provide code suggestions and completions for multiple signatures, create multiple function objects with the same property in the JSON file.

Consider the following function that follows different code paths depending on the class of the second input. This function is presented as an example for code suggestions, and, therefore, does not perform any computations or error checking.

function anotherFunc(arg1,arg2,arg3)
    switch class(arg2)
        case 'double'
            % Follow code path 1
        case {'char','string'}
            % Follow code path 2
            error('Invalid syntax.')

From a code suggestions perspective, consider the function as having two function signatures. The first signature accepts two required numeric values. The second signature accepts a required numeric, followed by a character or string, and finally a required numeric. To define multiple function signatures, define multiple function objects in the JSON file with the same property (function name).

  "_schemaVersion": "1.0.0",
        {"name":"input1",  "kind":"required", "type":["numeric"]},
        {"name":"input2",  "kind":"required", "type":["numeric"]}
        {"name":"input1",  "kind":"required", "type":["numeric"]},
        {"name":"input2",  "kind":"required", "type":[["char"],["string"]]},
        {"name":"input3",  "kind":"required", "type":["numeric"]}

Alternatively, you can define multiple function signatures using the mutuallyExclusiveGroup property of the argument object. Typically, it is easier and more readable to implement multiple function objects, but using mutually exclusive groups enables reuse of common argument objects, such as input1.

  "_schemaVersion": "1.0.0",
        {"name":"input1",  "kind":"required", "type":["numeric"]},
              {"name":"input2",  "kind":"required", "type":["numeric"]}
              {"name":"input2",  "kind":"required", "type":[["char"],["string"]]},
              {"name":"input3",  "kind":"required", "type":["numeric"]}

See Also

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