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API MEX de Fortran

Utilice esta biblioteca para realizar operaciones en el entorno de MATLAB® desde archivos MEX de Fortran

Utilice mexFunction en un archivo MEX como lo haría con subroutine en un programa de Fortran. Para llamar a una función de MATLAB, use mexCallMATLAB o mexEvalString. Para pasar datos entre el archivo MEX y el área de trabajo de MATLAB, use las funciones mexGet* y mexSet*.

mexFunctionEntry point to Fortran MEX function
mexFunctionNameName of current MEX function
mexAtExitRegister function to call when MEX function clears or MATLAB terminates
mexCallMATLABCall MATLAB function, user-defined function, or MEX file
mexCallMATLABWithTrapCall MATLAB function, user-defined function, or MEX file and capture error information
mexEvalStringExecute MATLAB command in caller workspace
mexEvalStringWithTrapExecute MATLAB command in caller workspace and capture error information
mexGetVariableCopy of variable from specified workspace
mexGetVariablePtrRead-only pointer to variable from another workspace
mexPutVariableArray from MEX function into specified workspace
mexPrintfANSI C PRINTF-style output routine
mexErrMsgIdAndTxtDisplay error message with identifier and return to MATLAB prompt
mexWarnMsgIdAndTxtWarning message with identifier
mexIsLockedDetermine if MEX file is locked
mexLockPrevent clearing MEX file from memory
mexUnlockAllow clearing MEX file from memory
mexMakeArrayPersistentMake array persist after MEX file completes
mexMakeMemoryPersistentMake memory allocated by MATLAB persist after MEX function completes