Enable pan mode
You can use pan mode to explore data by interactively panning the view
of the axes. Enable or disable pan mode, and set other basic options, by
using the pan
function. To further control pan mode
behavior, return and use a pan
Most charts support pan mode, including line, bar, histogram, and surface
charts. Charts that support pan mode typically display the pan
icon in the axes toolbar.
You can also interactively explore data using built-in axes interactions that are enabled by default. For example, you can pan the view of a 2-D axes by dragging the axes. Built-in interactions do not require you to enable an interaction mode and respond faster than interaction modes. However, you can enable pan mode to customize the panning behavior. For more information about built-in interactions, see Control Chart Interactivity.
sets the pan mode for all axes in the current
figure. For example, option
pan on
enables pan mode, pan xon
pan mode for the x-dimension
only, pan yon
enables pan mode
for the y-dimension only, and
pan off
disables pan
When pan mode is enabled, pan the view of the axes using the cursor or the keyboard.
Cursor — Click and drag the cursor in the axes.
Keyboard — To pan vertically, press the up arrow (↑) or down arrow (↓) key. To pan horizontally, press the left arrow (←) or right arrow (→) key.
Some built-in interactions remain enabled by default,
regardless of the current interaction mode. To
disable built-in pan interactions that are
independent of the pan mode, use the disableDefaultInteractivity
toggles the pan mode. If pan
mode is disabled, then calling
restores the most
recently used pan option of on
, or
Input Arguments
Object Functions
Use the pan
object functions to customize the panning
behavior of axes objects within a figure. For all of these functions, the
axes and pan mode objects must be associated with the same figure.
| The Calling
Enabling pan mode for axes
using |
| The Calling Returning the pan mode of
axes using |
| The
the pan dimension for axes using
| The
Calling Returning the pan dimension of
axes using |
| The
For more information about the camera view angle, see Camera Graphics Terminology. |
| The
Calling |
| This function is not recommended. Use
The axes
pan dimension that is set by
| This function is not recommended. Use
Calling The axes pan dimension that is
returned using |
More About
Alternative Functionality
Axes Toolbar
For some charts, enable pan mode by clicking the pan
icon in the axes