n = numpartitions(ds,pool)
returns a number of partitions to parallelize datastore access over the parallel
pool specified by pool. To parallelize datastore access, you must
have Parallel Computing Toolbox™ installed.
Input datastore. You can use the datastore function to
create a datastore object from your data.
pool — Parallel pool parallel pool object
Parallel pool object.
Example: gcp
Extended Capabilities
Thread-Based Environment Run code in the background using MATLAB® backgroundPool or accelerate code with Parallel Computing Toolbox™ ThreadPool.
Usage notes and limitations:
In a thread-based environment, you can use numpartitions only with the
following datastores:
ImageDatastore objects
CombinedDatastore, SequentialDatastore, or
TransformedDatastore objects you create from
ImageDatastore objects by using
combine or transform
You can use numpartitions with other datastores if you have Parallel Computing Toolbox. To do so, run the function using a process-backed parallel pool instead of
using backgroundPool or ThreadPool (use either
ProcessPool or ClusterPool).
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