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Create text or numeric edit field component


ef = uieditfield creates a text edit field in a new figure and returns the EditField object. MATLAB® calls the uifigure function to create the figure.

ef = uieditfield(parent) creates a text edit field in the specified parent container. The parent can be a figure created using the uifigure function or one of its child containers.


ef = uieditfield(style) creates an edit field of the specified style. The edit field style can be "text" or "numeric".

ef = uieditfield(parent,style) creates an edit field of the specified style in the specified parent container.


ef = uieditfield(___,Name,Value) creates an edit field with properties specified by one or more name-value arguments. For example, specify the edit field value using the Value property. Use this option with any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.



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Create a text edit field in a UI figure.

fig = uifigure;
ef = uieditfield(fig);

Figure contains an object of type uieditfield.

Create a numeric edit field by specifying the style as "numeric".

fig = uifigure;
ef = uieditfield(fig,"numeric");

Figure contains an object of type uinumericeditfield.

Create a numeric edit field and set its limits to be 0 to 100.

fig = uifigure;
ef = uieditfield(fig,"numeric", ...
    "Limits",[0 100]);

Figure contains an object of type uinumericeditfield.

Determine the default value.

val = ef.Value
val = 

Set the edit field value to 50.

ef.Value = 50;

Figure contains an object of type uinumericeditfield.

Create a numeric edit field that allows the app user to enter any value, but always displays the value using exactly two decimal places and the specified units. The edit field stores the exact value that the app user enters.

fig = uifigure;
ef = uieditfield(fig,"numeric", ...
    "ValueDisplayFormat","%.2f Volts");

Figure contains an object of type uinumericeditfield.

Type 5.5556 in the numeric edit field, then click outside it. The edit field displays 5.56 Volts.

The edit field stores the value in the Value property as the user-entered value (5.5556). If you click in the edit field again, it displays 5.5556.

For a complete list of supported format display operators, see sprintf.

Create a numeric edit field that allows the app user to enter a value greater than -5 and less than or equal to 10.

fig = uifigure;
ef = uieditfield(fig,"numeric", ...
    "Limits",[-5 10], ...
    "LowerLimitInclusive","off", ...
    "UpperLimitInclusive","on", ...

If you type a value in the numeric edit field that is outside the limits, MATLAB displays a message that indicates the problem. If you enter the invalid value, MATLAB restores the value to the previous valid value.

Text edit field. The value in the field is -10, and the edit field has a red border and an error tooltip with text "Value must be between -5 and 10"

Create a text edit field that allows the app user to enter text that is between 3 and 12 characters long and that consists only of letters and digits.

fig = uifigure;
ef = uieditfield(fig, ...
    "CharacterLimits",[3 12], ...

If you type a value in the text edit field that is invalid, MATLAB displays a message that indicates the problem. If you then enter the invalid value by pressing Enter or navigating away from the component, MATLAB restores the value to the previous valid value.

Text edit field. The text in the field is "ab", and the edit field has a red border and an error tooltip with text "Value must be between 3 and 12 characters long."

Create an app that moves a gauge needle when an app user enters a value in a numeric edit field.

In a file named editFieldApp.m, write a function that implements the app:

  • Create a UI figure and a grid layout manager to lay out the app.

  • Create a numeric edit field and a gauge in the grid layout manager.

  • Write a callback function named editFieldValueChanged that updates the gauge needle to match the edit field value, and assign the function to the ValueChangedFcn callback property of the edit field. For more information about callbacks, see Create Callbacks for Apps Created Programmatically.

function editFieldApp
fig = uifigure;
gl = uigridlayout(fig);
gl.RowHeight = {'1x',150,'fit','1x'};
gl.ColumnWidth = {'1x',150,'1x'};

g = uigauge(gl,"Limits",[0 10]);
g.Layout.Row = 2;
g.Layout.Column = 2;

ef = uieditfield(gl,"numeric", ...
    "Limits",[0 10], ...
    "ValueChangedFcn",@(src,event) editFieldValueChanged(src,event,g));
ef.Layout.Row = 3;
ef.Layout.Column = 2;

function editFieldValueChanged(src,event,g)
g.Value = src.Value;

Run the editFieldApp function. Enter a value in the edit field to update the gauge needle.


Figure contains an object of type uigridlayout.

Create an app that maintains a log of the values that an app user enters into a text edit field and displays that log in a text area.

In a file named logEntriesApp.m, write a function that implements the app:

  • Create a UI figure and a grid layout manager to lay out the app.

  • Create a text edit field and a text area in the grid layout manager.

  • Write a callback function named editFieldValueChanged that adds the previously entered text to the text area whenever a user enters new text in the edit field, and assign the function to the ValueChangedFcn callback property of the edit field. Access the previously entered text using the callback event data. For more information about callbacks, see Create Callbacks for Apps Created Programmatically.

function logEntriesApp
fig = uifigure;
g = uigridlayout(fig);
g.RowHeight = {'fit','1x'};
g.ColumnWidth = {'1x',150,'1x'};

loglist = uitextarea(g, ...    
loglist.Layout.Row = 2;
loglist.Layout.Column = 2;

ef = uieditfield(g, ...
  "Value","Daniela Hendrix",...
  "ValueChangedFcn",@(src,event) editFieldValueChanged(src,event,loglist));
ef.Layout.Row = 1;
ef.Layout.Column = 2;

% Create ValueChangedFcn callback
function editFieldValueChanged(src,event,loglist)
prev = event.PreviousValue;
loglist.Value = [prev; loglist.Value];

Run the logEntriesApp function. Enter some names in the edit field. Whenever you enter a new name, the app adds the previous name to the log displayed in the text area.

App with an edit field and a text area. The edit field contains a name, and the text area has a list of multiple names.

Input Arguments

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Type of edit field, specified as one of the following:

  • "text" — An app user can enter any text in the edit field. By default, text edit fields are empty.

  • "numeric" — An app user can enter only numeric values in the edit field. If a user tries to enter a nonnumeric value, MATLAB displays an error tooltip and reverts the value to the previous valid value. By default, numeric edit fields display the value 0.

Parent container, specified as a Figure object created using the uifigure function or one of its child containers: Tab, Panel, ButtonGroup, or GridLayout. If you do not specify a parent container, MATLAB calls the uifigure function to create a new Figure object that serves as the parent container.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

EditField and NumericEditField objects support different sets of properties. For a full list of properties and descriptions for each object, see the associated property page.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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See Also




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