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Measurements and Testbenches

Analyze performance metrics of analog and mixed-signal systems

Analyze different foundation blocks and system-level models of mixed-signal systems using measurement blocks and testbenches. You can validate a block from the Mixed-Signal Blockset™ library, or you can validate your own customized blocks.

For PLL, use the measurement blocks to analyze performance metrics such as phase noise, reference and fractional spurs, aperture jitter, timing impairments, and lock time. Use block-specific testbenches to validate your customized blocks.

For ADC, use the measurement blocks to analyze key performance metrics such as aperture jitter, SNR, SINAD, noise floor, offset error, and gain error.

Use a system-level testbench to validate your PLL and ADC models.


Mixed Signal AnalyzerAnalyze circuit simulation data (Since R2021a)


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Lock Time MeasurementMeasure time a PLL takes to reach target frequency within given tolerance
Phase Noise MeasurementCompute phase noise at specific frequency offset vectors
PFD and Charge Pump TestbenchGeneric test environment for phase/frequency detectors and charge pumps
VCO TestbenchValidate voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) by measuring phase noise metrics or VCO characteristics
PLL TestbenchValidate PLL system by measuring operating frequency, lock time, and phase noise
ADC AC MeasurementMeasure AC performance metrics of ADC output
ADC DC MeasurementMeasure DC performance metrics of ADC output
ADC TestbenchMeasures DC and AC performance metrics of ADC output
DAC DC MeasurementMeasure DC performance metrics of DAC output (Since R2020a)
DAC AC MeasurementMeasure AC performance metrics of DAC output (Since R2020a)
DAC TestbenchMeasure DC and AC performance metrics of DAC output (Since R2020a)
Clock Jitter MeasurementMeasure jitter in periodic signals (Since R2021a)
Aperture Jitter MeasurementMeasure aperture jitter of periodic signals
Timing MeasurementMeasure period, frequency, duty cycle, rise time, fall time, and delay of a signal (Since R2020b)
Eye Diagram ScopeDisplay eye diagram of time-domain signal (Since R2023b)
Eye MeasurementCalculate metrics from eye diagram (Since R2024a)


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phaseNoiseMeasureMeasure and plot phase noise profile of time or frequency-domain signal (Since R2020a)
phaseNoiseToJitterMeasure RMS phase jitter from phase noise data (Since R2020b)
inldnlIntegral nonlinearity (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL) of data converters (Since R2020a)
calibrateADCRemove offset and gain errors from ADC output (Since R2023a)
calibrateDACCompensate DAC input for offset and gain errors (Since R2023a)
timeDomainSignal2RiseTimeMeasure rise time of time domain signal (Since R2020b)
timeDomainSignal2FallTimeMeasure fall time of time domain signal (Since R2020b)
timeDomainSignal2DutyCycleMeasure duty cycle of time-domain signal (Since R2020b)
eyeHeightMeasure vertical eye opening (Since R2024a)
eyeWidthMeasure horizontal eye opening (Since R2024a)
eyeAreaMeasure eye area (Since R2024a)
eyeAmplitudeMeasure eye amplitude (Since R2024a)
eyeLevelsMeasure symbol level statistics from eye diagram (Since R2024a)
eyeCenterMeasure eye center point (Since R2024a)
eyeCrossingMeasure eye crossing points (Since R2024a)
risetimeMeasure rise time from eye diagram (Since R2024a)
falltimeMeasure fall time from eye diagram (Since R2024a)
vecMeasure vertical eye closure (Since R2024a)
comMeasure channel operating margin (Since R2024a)
eyeLinearityMeasure eye linearity (Since R2024a)
upperContourMeasure upper contour of eye diagram (Since R2024a)
lowerContourMeasure lower contour of eye diagram (Since R2024a)
closedContourMeasure closed contour of eye diagram (Since R2024a)
marginCalculate margins of eye contour from mask (Since R2024a)
plotPlot eye diagram, eye contour, or eye mask object (Since R2024a)
adeinfo2msaExtract simulation data from Cadence to Mixed Signal Analyzer app (Since R2022b)
msaSessionUpdateUpdate saved session of Mixed Signal Analyzer app (Since R2023a)
adeGetExtract simulation parameters and variables from Cadence Maestro (Since R2023b)
adeSetSet simulation parameters and variables in Cadence ADE Maestro (Since R2023b)
adeSimRun simulation as setup in the Cadence ADE Maestro view (Since R2023b)


eyeDiagramSICreate eye diagram from time domain data (Since R2024a)
eyeContourContour of eye opening from eye diagram (Since R2024a)
eyeMaskShape and size mask of eye opening (Since R2024a)