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Rotating Machinery

Apply predictive maintenance development tools to rotating machinery applications, such as gearboxes, bearings, and motors

Apply predictive maintenance development tools to rotating machinery applications, such as gears, bearings, and motors. Physics-based rotating machinery features use knowledge of rotation rate and machine harmonics to isolate specific hardware degradation and faults.


Diagnostic Feature DesignerInteractively extract, visualize, and rank features from measured or simulated data for machine diagnostics and prognostics

Live Editor Tasks

Extract Spectral FeaturesInteractively extract spectral fault band metrics in the Live Editor (Since R2021a)


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tsaTime-synchronous signal average
tsadifferenceDifference signal of a time-synchronous averaged signal
tsaregularRegular signal of a time-synchronous averaged signal
tsaresidualResidual signal of a time-synchronous averaged signal
ordertrackTrack and extract order magnitudes from vibration signal
rpmtrackTrack and extract RPM profile from vibration signal
convertVibrationCompute baseline-corrected and filtered acceleration, velocity, and displacement signals from vibration measurements using a single sensor output from either an accelerometer, velocity sensor, or displacement sensor (Since R2024a)
pspectrumAnalyze signals in the frequency and time-frequency domains
envspectrumEnvelope spectrum for machinery diagnosis
orderspectrumAverage spectrum versus order for vibration signal
modalfrfFrequency-response functions for modal analysis
bearingFaultBandsGenerate frequency bands around the characteristic fault frequencies of ball or roller bearings for spectral feature extraction
gearMeshFaultBandsConstruct frequency bands around the characteristic fault frequencies of meshing gears for spectral feature extraction
faultBandsGenerate fault frequency bands for spectral feature extraction
bearingFaultBandsGenerate frequency bands around the characteristic fault frequencies of ball or roller bearings for spectral feature extraction
gearMeshFaultBandsConstruct frequency bands around the characteristic fault frequencies of meshing gears for spectral feature extraction
faultBandsGenerate fault frequency bands for spectral feature extraction
faultBandMetricsSpectral metrics for the specified fault frequency bands of the power spectral density (PSD)
gearConditionMetricsStandard metrics for gear condition monitoring
rpmtrackTrack and extract RPM profile from vibration signal


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