reads the RoadRunner HD Map from a binary file specified by filename and
populates the rrMap object with the map data. Specify the extension of
the file as .rrhd.
rrMap — RoadRunner HD Map road data model roadrunnerHDMap object
RoadRunner HD Map road data model, specified as a roadrunnerHDMap object.
rrMap defines a simple data structure to represent road layouts
using lanes, lane boundaries, lane markings, and junctions. This object provides
functions that support reading, writing, and plotting HD map data.
filename — File name to read map data from character vector | string scalar
File name to read the map data from, specified as a character vector or string
scalar. This argument specifies the absolute or relative path to the binary file you
want to read. If you specify a relative path, then the path is relative to the
Scenes folder of the current project. filename
must end with .rrhd.
Example: read(rrMap,"MyMap.rrhd") reads the map data from the
MyMap.rrhd binary file.
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