Generate custom messages from ROS 2 definitions
generates ROS 2
custom messages by reading ROS 2 custom messages and service definitions in the specified
folder path. The function folder must contain one or more ROS 2 package. These packages
contain the message definitions in folderpath
files, service definitions in
files, and action definitions in .action
After you generate the custom messages, you can send and receive them in MATLAB® like all the other supported messages. You can create these messages using
view the list of messages by entering ros2 msg list
at the MATLAB
Command Window.
To generate custom messages for ROS 2, you must build the ROS 2 packages. This process requires you to have a C++ compiler for your platform. For more information, see ROS Toolbox System Requirements.
With every new release of MATLAB, you must regenerate the custom messages from the ROS 2 definitions.
Custom messages that you generate in MATLAB now support eProsima Fast DDS and Eclipse Cyclone DDS middleware. For more information on ROS middleware implementations, see Switching Between ROS Middleware Implementations.
specifies additional options using one or more name-value arguments.folderpath
Create Custom Messages from ROS 2 Package
Use custom messages to extend the set of message types currently supported in ROS 2. Custom messages are messages that you define. If you are sending and receiving supported message types, you do not need to use custom messages. To see a list of supported message types, enter ros2 msg list
in the MATLAB® Command Window. For more information about supported ROS 2 messages, see Work with Basic ROS 2 Messages.
If this if your first time working with ROS 2 custom messages, see ROS Toolbox System Requirements.
ROS 2 custom messages are specified in ROS 2 package folders that contain a folder named msg
. The msg
folder contains all your custom message type definitions. For example, the example_b_msgs
package in the custom
folder, has this folder and file structure.
The package contains the custom message type Standalone.msg
. MATLAB uses these files to generate the necessary files for using the custom messages contained in the package.
In this example, you create ROS 2 custom messages in MATLAB. You must have a ROS 2 package that contains the required msg
After ensuring that your custom message package is correct, you specify the path to the parent folder and call ros2genmsg
with the specified path. The following example provided three messages example_package_a,
, and example_package_c
that have dependencies. This example also illustrates that you can use a folder containing multiple messages and generate them all at the same time.
Open a new MATLAB session and create a custom message folder in a local folder.
folderPath = fullfile(pwd,"custom"); copyfile("example_*_msgs",folderPath);
Specify the folder path for custom message files and use ros2genmsg
to create custom messages.
Identifying message files in folder 'C:/Work/custom'.Done. Removing previous version of Python virtual environment.Done. Creating a Python virtual environment.Done. Adding required Python packages to virtual environment.Done. Copying include folders.Done. Copying libraries.Done. Validating message files in folder 'C:/Work/custom'.Done. [3/3] Generating MATLAB interfaces for custom message packages... Done. Running colcon build in folder 'C:/Work/custom/matlab_msg_gen/win64'. Build in progress. This may take several minutes... Build log
Call ros2 msg list
to verify creation of new custom messages.
ros2 msg list
action_msgs/CancelGoalRequest action_msgs/CancelGoalResponse action_msgs/GoalInfo action_msgs/GoalStatus action_msgs/GoalStatusArray actionlib_msgs/GoalID actionlib_msgs/GoalStatus actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray builtin_interfaces/Duration builtin_interfaces/Time composition_interfaces/ListNodesRequest composition_interfaces/ListNodesResponse composition_interfaces/LoadNodeRequest composition_interfaces/LoadNodeResponse composition_interfaces/UnloadNodeRequest composition_interfaces/UnloadNodeResponse diagnostic_msgs/AddDiagnosticsRequest diagnostic_msgs/AddDiagnosticsResponse diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticStatus diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue diagnostic_msgs/SelfTestRequest diagnostic_msgs/SelfTestResponse example_a_msgs/DependsOnB example_b_msgs/Standalone example_c_msgs/DependsOnB example_interfaces/AddTwoIntsRequest example_interfaces/AddTwoIntsResponse example_interfaces/Bool example_interfaces/Byte example_interfaces/ByteMultiArray example_interfaces/Char example_interfaces/Empty example_interfaces/Float32 example_interfaces/Float32MultiArray example_interfaces/Float64 example_interfaces/Float64MultiArray example_interfaces/Int16 example_interfaces/Int16MultiArray example_interfaces/Int32 example_interfaces/Int32MultiArray example_interfaces/Int64 example_interfaces/Int64MultiArray example_interfaces/Int8 example_interfaces/Int8MultiArray example_interfaces/MultiArrayDimension example_interfaces/MultiArrayLayout example_interfaces/SetBoolRequest example_interfaces/SetBoolResponse example_interfaces/String example_interfaces/TriggerRequest example_interfaces/TriggerResponse example_interfaces/UInt16 example_interfaces/UInt16MultiArray example_interfaces/UInt32 example_interfaces/UInt32MultiArray example_interfaces/UInt64 example_interfaces/UInt64MultiArray example_interfaces/UInt8 example_interfaces/UInt8MultiArray example_interfaces/WString geometry_msgs/Accel geometry_msgs/AccelStamped geometry_msgs/AccelWithCovariance geometry_msgs/AccelWithCovarianceStamped geometry_msgs/Inertia geometry_msgs/InertiaStamped geometry_msgs/Point geometry_msgs/Point32 geometry_msgs/PointStamped geometry_msgs/Polygon geometry_msgs/PolygonStamped geometry_msgs/Pose geometry_msgs/Pose2D geometry_msgs/PoseArray geometry_msgs/PoseStamped geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped geometry_msgs/Quaternion geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped geometry_msgs/Transform geometry_msgs/TransformStamped geometry_msgs/Twist geometry_msgs/TwistStamped geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped geometry_msgs/Vector3 geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped geometry_msgs/Wrench geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped lifecycle_msgs/ChangeStateRequest lifecycle_msgs/ChangeStateResponse lifecycle_msgs/GetAvailableStatesRequest lifecycle_msgs/GetAvailableStatesResponse lifecycle_msgs/GetAvailableTransitionsRequest lifecycle_msgs/GetAvailableTransitionsResponse lifecycle_msgs/GetStateRequest lifecycle_msgs/GetStateResponse lifecycle_msgs/State lifecycle_msgs/Transition lifecycle_msgs/TransitionDescription lifecycle_msgs/TransitionEvent logging_demo/ConfigLoggerRequest logging_demo/ConfigLoggerResponse map_msgs/GetMapROIRequest map_msgs/GetMapROIResponse map_msgs/GetPointMapROIRequest map_msgs/GetPointMapROIResponse map_msgs/GetPointMapRequest map_msgs/GetPointMapResponse map_msgs/OccupancyGridUpdate map_msgs/PointCloud2Update map_msgs/ProjectedMap map_msgs/ProjectedMapInfo map_msgs/ProjectedMapsInfoRequest map_msgs/ProjectedMapsInfoResponse map_msgs/SaveMapRequest map_msgs/SaveMapResponse map_msgs/SetMapProjectionsRequest map_msgs/SetMapProjectionsResponse nav_msgs/GetMapRequest nav_msgs/GetMapResponse nav_msgs/GetPlanRequest nav_msgs/GetPlanResponse nav_msgs/GridCells nav_msgs/MapMetaData nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid nav_msgs/Odometry nav_msgs/Path nav_msgs/SetMapRequest nav_msgs/SetMapResponse pendulum_msgs/JointCommand pendulum_msgs/JointState pendulum_msgs/RttestResults rcl_interfaces/DescribeParametersRequest rcl_interfaces/DescribeParametersResponse rcl_interfaces/FloatingPointRange rcl_interfaces/GetParameterTypesRequest rcl_interfaces/GetParameterTypesResponse rcl_interfaces/GetParametersRequest rcl_interfaces/GetParametersResponse rcl_interfaces/IntegerRange rcl_interfaces/ListParametersRequest rcl_interfaces/ListParametersResponse rcl_interfaces/ListParametersResult rcl_interfaces/Log rcl_interfaces/Parameter rcl_interfaces/ParameterDescriptor rcl_interfaces/ParameterEvent rcl_interfaces/ParameterEventDescriptors rcl_interfaces/ParameterType rcl_interfaces/ParameterValue rcl_interfaces/SetParametersAtomicallyRequest rcl_interfaces/SetParametersAtomicallyResponse rcl_interfaces/SetParametersRequest rcl_interfaces/SetParametersResponse rcl_interfaces/SetParametersResult rosgraph_msgs/Clock sensor_msgs/BatteryState sensor_msgs/CameraInfo sensor_msgs/ChannelFloat32 sensor_msgs/CompressedImage sensor_msgs/FluidPressure sensor_msgs/Illuminance sensor_msgs/Image sensor_msgs/Imu sensor_msgs/JointState sensor_msgs/Joy sensor_msgs/JoyFeedback sensor_msgs/JoyFeedbackArray sensor_msgs/LaserEcho sensor_msgs/LaserScan sensor_msgs/MagneticField sensor_msgs/MultiDOFJointState sensor_msgs/MultiEchoLaserScan sensor_msgs/NavSatFix sensor_msgs/NavSatStatus sensor_msgs/PointCloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 sensor_msgs/PointField sensor_msgs/Range sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest sensor_msgs/RelativeHumidity sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfoRequest sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfoResponse sensor_msgs/Temperature sensor_msgs/TimeReference shape_msgs/Mesh shape_msgs/MeshTriangle shape_msgs/Plane shape_msgs/SolidPrimitive simple_msgs/AddTwoIntsRequest simple_msgs/AddTwoIntsResponse simple_msgs/Num statistics_msgs/MetricsMessage statistics_msgs/StatisticDataPoint statistics_msgs/StatisticDataType std_msgs/Bool std_msgs/Byte std_msgs/ByteMultiArray std_msgs/Char std_msgs/ColorRGBA std_msgs/Empty std_msgs/Float32 std_msgs/Float32MultiArray std_msgs/Float64 std_msgs/Float64MultiArray std_msgs/Header std_msgs/Int16 std_msgs/Int16MultiArray std_msgs/Int32 std_msgs/Int32MultiArray std_msgs/Int64 std_msgs/Int64MultiArray std_msgs/Int8 std_msgs/Int8MultiArray std_msgs/MultiArrayDimension std_msgs/MultiArrayLayout std_msgs/String std_msgs/UInt16 std_msgs/UInt16MultiArray std_msgs/UInt32 std_msgs/UInt32MultiArray std_msgs/UInt64 std_msgs/UInt64MultiArray std_msgs/UInt8 std_msgs/UInt8MultiArray std_srvs/EmptyRequest std_srvs/EmptyResponse std_srvs/SetBoolRequest std_srvs/SetBoolResponse std_srvs/TriggerRequest std_srvs/TriggerResponse stereo_msgs/DisparityImage test_msgs/Arrays test_msgs/ArraysRequest test_msgs/ArraysResponse test_msgs/BasicTypes test_msgs/BasicTypesRequest test_msgs/BasicTypesResponse test_msgs/BoundedSequences test_msgs/Builtins test_msgs/Constants test_msgs/Defaults test_msgs/Empty test_msgs/EmptyRequest test_msgs/EmptyResponse test_msgs/MultiNested test_msgs/Nested test_msgs/Strings test_msgs/UnboundedSequences test_msgs/WStrings trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectory trajectory_msgs/MultiDOFJointTrajectoryPoint unique_identifier_msgs/UUID visualization_msgs/GetInteractiveMarkersRequest visualization_msgs/GetInteractiveMarkersResponse visualization_msgs/ImageMarker visualization_msgs/InteractiveMarker visualization_msgs/InteractiveMarkerControl visualization_msgs/InteractiveMarkerFeedback visualization_msgs/InteractiveMarkerInit visualization_msgs/InteractiveMarkerPose visualization_msgs/InteractiveMarkerUpdate visualization_msgs/Marker visualization_msgs/MarkerArray visualization_msgs/MenuEntry
You can now use the above created custom message as the standard messages. For more information on sending and receiving messages, see Exchange Data with ROS 2 Publishers and Subscribers.
Create a publisher to use example_b_msgs/Standalone
node = ros2node("/node_1"); pub = ros2publisher(node,"/example_topic","example_b_msgs/Standalone");
Create a subscriber on the same topic.
sub = ros2subscriber(node,"/example_topic");
Create a message and send the message.
custom_msg = ros2message("example_b_msgs/Standalone"); custom_msg.int_property = uint32(12); custom_msg.string_property='This is ROS 2 custom message example'; send(pub,custom_msg); pause(3) % Allow a few seconds for the message to arrive
Use LatestMessage
field to know the recent message received by the subscriber.
ans = struct with fields:
MessageType: 'example_b_msgs/Standalone'
int_property: 12
string_property: 'This is ROS 2 custom message example'
Remove the created ROS objects.
clear node pub sub
Replacing Definitions of Built-In Messages with Custom Definitions
MATLAB provides a lot of built-in ROS 2 message types. You can replace the definitions of those message types with new definitions using the same custom message creation workflow detailed above. When you are replacing the definitions of a built-in message package, you must ensure that the custom message package folder contains new definitions (.msg
files) for all the message types in the corresponding built-in message package.
Create Shareable ROS 2 Custom Message Package
In this example, you create a shareable ROS 2 custom message package in MATLAB. You must have a ROS 2 package that contains the required msg
file. This figure shows an example of an appropriate folder structure.
After you prepare your custom message package folder, you specify the path to the parent folder and call ros2genmsg
with the specified path.
Open a new MATLAB session and create a custom message package folder in a local folder. Choose a short folder path when you generate custom messages on a Windows machine to avoid limitations on the number of characters in the folder path. For example,
genDir = fullfile('C:/test/ros2CustomMessages')
genDir = fullfile(pwd,'ros2CustomMessages'); packagePath = fullfile(genDir,'simple_msgs'); mkdir(packagePath)
Create a folder named msg
inside the custom message package folder.
Create a file named .msg
inside the msg
messageDefinition = {'int64 num'}; fileID = fopen(fullfile(packagePath,'msg', ... 'Num.msg'),'w'); fprintf(fileID,'%s\n',messageDefinition{:}); fclose(fileID);
Create a folder named srv
inside the custom message package folder.
Create a file named .srv
inside the srv
serviceDefinition = {'int64 a' 'int64 b' '---' 'int64 sum'}; fileID = fopen(fullfile(packagePath,'srv', ... 'AddTwoInts.srv'),'w'); fprintf(fileID,'%s\n',serviceDefinition{:}); fclose(fileID);
Create a folder named action
inside the custom message package folder.
Create a file named .action
inside the action
actionDefinition = {'int64 goal' '---' 'int64 result' '---' 'int64 feedback'}; fileID = fopen(fullfile(packagePath,'action', ... 'Test.action'),'w'); fprintf(fileID,'%s\n',actionDefinition{:}); fclose(fileID);
Generate custom messages from ROS 2 definitions in .msg, .srv
and .action
files. Use the CreateShareableFile
name-value argument to create a shareable ZIP archive of the generated custom messages.
For information about how to use use this ZIP archive to register the custom messages in another machine, see ros2RegisterMessages
Identifying message files in folder 'C:/Users/echakrab/OneDrive - MathWorks/Documents/MATLAB/ExampleManager/echakrab.Bdoc23a.ROS2transform/ros-ex71849911/ros2CustomMessages'.Validating message files in folder 'C:/Users/echakrab/OneDrive - MathWorks/Documents/MATLAB/ExampleManager/echakrab.Bdoc23a.ROS2transform/ros-ex71849911/ros2CustomMessages'.Done. Creating a Python virtual environment.Done. Adding required Python packages to virtual environment.Done. Copying include folders.Done. Copying libraries.Done. Done. [1/1] Generating MATLAB interfaces for custom message packages... Done. Running colcon build in folder 'C:/Users/echakrab/OneDrive - MathWorks/Documents/MATLAB/ExampleManager/echakrab.Bdoc23a.ROS2transform/ros-ex71849911/ros2CustomMessages/matlab_msg_gen/win64'. Build in progress. This may take several minutes...
Verify creation of the new custom messages by entering ros2 msg list
in the Command Window.
Input Arguments
— Path to ROS interfaces folder
string scalar | character vector
Path to the ROS interfaces folder, which is the parent folder of ROS message
packages, specified as a string scalar or character vector. The parent folder must
contain a package .xml
and package folders. These folders contain a
folder named /msg
with .msg
files for message
definitions, a folder named /srv
with .srv
for service definitions, and a folder named /action
files for action definitions. For more information, see
About ROS 2 Interfaces.
Example: 'C:/test/ros2CustomMessages'
Data Types: char
| string
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: BuildConfiguration='fasterruns'
— Allows for selecting different compiler optimizations when building the message libraries
(default) | 'fasterruns'
Build configuration, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a character vector or string scalar
containing 'fasterbuilds'
or 'fasterruns'
— Build the message libraries with compiler optimizations for shorter build times.'fasterruns'
— Build the message libraries with compiler optimizations for faster execution.
Example: ros2genmsg('C:/test/ros2CustomMessages',BuildConfiguration='fasterruns')
Data Types: char
| string
— Option to generate shareable ZIP archive
or 0
(default) | true
or 1
Option to create a sharable ZIP archive, specified as a numeric or logical
or 0
When you specify this argument as 1
, the function creates a ZIP archive be compressing the
install folder in the matlab_msg_gen
folder. You can use this file
with another machine running on the same platform and using the same MATLAB
When you specify this argument as 0
, the function does not create a ZIP archive.
Example: ros2genmsg('C:/test/ros2CustomMessages',CreateShareableFile=true)
Data Types: logical
Restart Nodes
After you generate custom messages, restart any existing ROS 2 nodes.
Code Generation with custom messages:
Custom message and service types can be used with ROS 2 functionality for generating C++ code for a standalone ROS 2 node. The generated TGZ archive includes definitions for the custom messages, but not the ROS 2 custom message packages. When the function builds the generated code in the destination, the custom message packages must be available in the colcon workspace. Set this workspace as your current working directory. Install or copy the custom message package to your system before building the generated code.
MATLAB Compiler
MATLAB Compiler™ software do not support ROS custom messages and the
During the Microsoft® Visual Studio® installation, ensure that you select Desktop development with C++ workload. This installs the MSVC compiler and all necessary dependencies required to generate custom messages.
Ensure that the path to the custom message folder does not exceed 64 characters.
Verify that the python environment configuration is correct. For more information, see ROS Toolbox System Requirements.
Version History
Introduced in R2019bR2022a: Support for ROS Middleware Implementations
MATLAB generated custom messages now support eProsima Fast DDS and Eclipse Cyclone DDS middleware. For more information on ROS middleware implementations see Switching Between ROS Middleware Implementations.
See Also
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