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Check if Test Sequence block or object


tf = slreportgen.utils.isTestSequence(obj) tests if the input obj is a Simulink® Test Sequence block or a Stateflow® Test Sequence object.



collapse all

tf = slreportgen.utils.isTestSequence...
tf = logical

In this case, the Debouncer_Test block in the slrgex_sltestTestSequenceDebouncerExample model is a Test Sequence block.

Input Arguments

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Object to check for being a Test Sequence block or object, specified as a string or character array of the object path or handle.

Output Arguments

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Whether input is a Test Sequence block or object, returned as 1 (true) if the input is a Test Sequence. Otherwise, it returns 0 (false).

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

See Also

(Simulink Test)

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