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Partition signal into frames

Since R2024a


xw = framesig(x,fl) divides x into frames of length fl samples.


xw = framesig(x,fl,Name=Value) specifies additional options using name-value arguments.


[xw,fnlcond] = framesig(___) also returns the final condition array for any of the previous syntaxes.


[xw,fnlcond,fnlidx] = framesig(___) also returns the final index output.



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Create a matrix signal x and split each channel into frames of length 5 with 3 samples of overlap between consecutive frames.

x = reshape(1:24,12,2);

[xw,fc,fi] = framesig(x,5,OverlapLength=3)
xw = 
xw(:,:,1) =

     1     3     5     7
     2     4     6     8
     3     5     7     9
     4     6     8    10
     5     7     9    11

xw(:,:,2) =

    13    15    17    19
    14    16    18    20
    15    17    19    21
    16    18    20    22
    17    19    21    23

fc = 4×2

     9    21
    10    22
    11    23
    12    24

fi = 

Since x has two columns, xw results a 3-D matrix representing two channels of four frames and five samples per frame. The last three samples on any given frame are overlapped in the next one. fc contains the samples from the incomplete fifth frame in each channel, including the overlapping samples. fi is 1 due to the specified overlap length.

Compute the power spectral density of a signal by partitioning it into frames, windowing each frame, and applying the fast Fourier transform to each windowed frame.

Generate a signal x as 200-Hz cosine waveform with normally distributed noise. Set a sampling rate of 1000 samples per second and a time limit of 0.3 seconds.

fs = 1000;
t = 0:1/fs:0.3;
x = cos(2*pi*200*t)+randn(size(t));

Frame the signal using framesig with a frame length of 66 samples. Specify a Hamming window and 33 samples of overlap.

fl = 66;
ol = 33;
g = hamming(fl);

xw = framesig(x,fl,Window=g,OverlapLength=ol);

Compute the power spectral density. Use 256 points to compute the discrete Fourier transform for the framed signal.

NFFT = 256;
X = fft(xw,NFFT);
S = (diag(X*X')/(g'*g))/(size(xw,2)*fs);

Compare the computed power spectral density with Welch’s power spectral density estimate.

[p,f] = pwelch(x,fl,ol,NFFT,fs,"twosided");
xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
ylabel("Power/Frequency (dB/Hz)")
legend(["pwelch" "fft"])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Frequency (Hz), ylabel Power/Frequency (dB/Hz) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent pwelch, fft.

Create a multivariable single-channel timetable input signal and an initial condition timetable.

xTT = timetable(seconds((1:20)'),(1:20)',(41:60)');
icTT = timetable(seconds((-2:0)'),(-2:0)',(38:40)');

Split each variable into frames of length 4, using an underlap length of 3, an initial condition timetable, and setting the property IncompleteFrameRule to "zeropad".

xwTT = framesig(xTT,4,UnderlapLength=3, ...
xwTT=4×2 timetable
      Time              Var1                    Var2        
    ________    ____________________    ____________________

    -0.5 sec    -2    -1     0     1    38    39    40    41
    6.5 sec      5     6     7     8    45    46    47    48
    13.5 sec    12    13    14    15    52    53    54    55
    20.5 sec    19    20     0     0    59    60     0     0

Generate a 3-D signal array, define a 3-D initial condition array, and partition the signal array along its third dimension.

Define a 3-D array with 30 elements from 1 to 30, distributed along two rows, three columns, and five pages.

x = reshape(1:30,[2 3 5]);

Set an initial-condition array as a 3-D array with 12 elements from –11 to 0, distributed along two rows, three columns, and two pages.

initCond = reshape(-11:0,[2,3,2]);

Partition the signal array along its third dimension. Display the first page of the framed signal output.

[xw,fc] = framesig(x,3,OverlapLength=2, ...
(:,:,1,1) =

   -11    -5     1     7    13
    -5     1     7    13    19
     1     7    13    19    25

(:,:,1,2) =

    -9    -3     3     9    15
    -3     3     9    15    21
     3     9    15    21    27

(:,:,1,3) =

    -7    -1     5    11    17
    -1     5    11    17    23
     5    11    17    23    29

Define a multisegment data stream signal, perform successive framing for each segment, and compare with the framing of the entire stream.

Define a signal source stream data in two segments with a length of 7 samples per segment.

Ls = 7;
x0 = (1:2*Ls)';
x = reshape(x0,Ls,[]);

Split each segment into frames of length 4 with 3 samples of overlap between frames. Set the initial condition as an empty vector.

fl = 4;
ol = 3;
ic0 = [];

Perform successive framing of the data stream signal. Initialize the output frames and the initial condition array. Frame each segment with the specified frame length, overlap length, and initial condition. Keep the same amount of overlap among frames of consecutive segments. Accumulate the output frames after each iteration. Display the output frames and the final condition array.

xwa = [];
ici = ic0;
numSegments = size(x,2);
for i = 1:numSegments
    % Data streaming and framing
    xi = x(:,i);
    [xwi,fci] = framesig(xi,fl,OverlapLength=ol, ...
    % Settings for the next iteration
    xwa = [xwa xwi];
    ici = fci;
     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11
     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12
     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13
     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14

Frame the entire data stream with the specified frame length, overlap length, and initial condition. Observe that successive overlap framing yields the same result as when you feed all the segments at once.

[xwe,fce] = framesig(x0,fl,OverlapLength=ol, ...
xwe = 4×11

     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11
     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12
     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13
     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14

fce = 3×1


Use the framesig and chirp functions to generate a linearly swept-frequency cosine signal in each frame.

Specify a time vector representing five periods of 1 second, with a sample rate of 500 Hz.

Fs = 500;
T0 = 1;
t = (0:1/Fs:5*T0-1/Fs)';

Define the frame length as the number of samples in one single period.

fl = round(T0*Fs);

Partition a time vector into frames.

tf = framesig(t,fl);

Generate a linear swept-frequency cosine signal at the time instances defined in each frame. Set the reference frequencies so that the chirp instantaneous frequency starts at 0 Hz and crosses 25 Hz at the end of the period T0. Specify the sweep method option as "linear". Alternate the signs for all even frames.

f0 = 0;
f1 = 25;
numFrames = size(tf,2);
y = zeros(fl,numFrames);

for i = 1:numFrames
    tfi = mod(tf(:,i),T0);
    y(:,i) = chirp(tfi,f0,T0,f1,"linear")*(-1)^(i-1);

Plot the chirp signal frames in time domain. Plot the spectrogram of the entire stream. Use a 144-sample Blackman window, an overlap of 128 samples, 1024 sampling points to calculate the discrete Fourier transform, the signal sampling frequency Fs, and set the frequency display axis property to "yaxis".

tiledlayout flow

title("Chirp Frames in Time Domain")
xlabel("Time (s)")
ylabel("Voltage (V)")

xlabel("Time (s)")
ylabel("Frequency (Hz)")
ylim([f0 1.2*f1])

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Chirp Frames in Time Domain, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Voltage (V) contains 5 objects of type line. Axes object 2 with title Spectrogram, xlabel Time (s), ylabel Frequency (Hz) contains an object of type image.

Partition a data stream signal into segments using overlap. Perform successive framing and joint framing of the signal segments with underlap.

Load a data file with a 73113-sample signal y sampled at a rate Fs of 8192 Hz.

load handel

Overlap Framing into Segments

Partition a signal y into 25000-sample segments. Specify an overlap length of 5000 samples, pad the last frame with zeros if incomplete, and set as initial condition a column vector with 5000 zeros. Plot the data frames. Highlight the overlapping regions between frames.

sl = 25000;
ol = 5000;

yfs = framesig(y,sl,OverlapLength=ol, ...
        IncompleteFrameRule="zeropad", ...
ns = size(yfs,2);

patch([0 sl]+[1 -1].*[0 0 ol ol]',2*([-1 0]+[1 ns ns 1]')-1, ...
xlabel("Sample Number")
ylabel("Segment Number")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Sample Number, ylabel Segment Number contains 2 objects of type line, patch.

The plot shows that:

  • The signal partition delivers four segments.

  • The first ol samples in the first segment are zeros because of the initial condition.

  • The last ol samples in each segment repeat in the next frame due to the specified overlap length.

  • Since the framing operation has a zero-padding rule, the last segment includes the last samples of y and completes with zeros.

Successive Underlap Framing

Perform successive underlap framing of a segmented data stream matrix. Specify a frame length of 256 samples and an underlap length of 112 samples. Frame each segment with the specified frame length, underlap length, initial condition, and initial index. Concatenate the output frames after each framing iteration. Keep the same amount of underlap among frames of consecutive segments.

fl = 256;
ul = 112;
yfa = [];
ic0 = [];
ii0 = 1;

ica = ic0;
iia = ii0;
for i = 1:ns
    % Data streaming and framing
    yi = yfs(:,i);
    [yfi,fci,fii] = framesig(yi,fl,UnderlapLength=ul, ...
    disp("i = "+i+", fii = "+fii)
    % Settings for the next iteration
    yfa = [yfa yfi];
    ica = fci;
    iia = fii;
i = 1, fii = 25
i = 2, fii = 49
i = 3, fii = 73
i = 4, fii = 97

The framing of first 25000-sample segment outputs from sample 1 through 256, then from sample 369 through 624, and so on until the last complete frame, from sample 24657 through 24912. Since the underlap length is 112 samples and the incomplete frame rule is "drop" (default value), the framing operation skips and counts from sample 24912 to 25000, casting 88 samples. The final index output fii sets to 25 since fii-1 is the difference between the 112 underlapping samples and the 88 samples skipped after the last complete frame. The framing of the next 25000-sample segments outputs final index outputs as 49, 73, and 97.

Joint Underlap Framing

Frame the entire segmented data stream with the specified frame length, overlap length, and initial condition. Plot the 20th, central, and 20th-last frames. Observe that successive underlap framing yields the same result as when you feed all the segments at once.

[yfe,fce,fie] = framesig(yfs(:),fl,UnderlapLength=ul, ...

nf = size(yfe,2);
tiledlayout vertical
for i = [20 floor(nf/2) nf-20]
    hold on
    hold off
    xlabel("Sample number")
    title("Frame "+i)
    legend(["Successive" "Joint"]+" framing",Location="eastoutside")

Figure contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Frame 20, xlabel Sample number contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Successive framing, Joint framing. Axes object 2 with title Frame 136, xlabel Sample number contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Successive framing, Joint framing. Axes object 3 with title Frame 252, xlabel Sample number contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Successive framing, Joint framing.

Input Arguments

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Input signal, specified as a vector, matrix, N-D array, timetable, or unformatted dlarray object.

  • Vector — the output xw is an fl-by-NF matrix where NF is the number of frames.

  • Matrix — framesig treats each column of x as an independent channel. The output is a 3-D array of size fl-by-NF-by-NC, where NC is the number of channels.

  • N-D array — framesig:

    1. Permutes the array dimensions so that the first dimension of size greater than 1 is first.

    2. Removes any trailing dimensions of size 1.

    3. Operates along the first dimension.

    The output is an (N+1)-D array whose first two dimensions have lengths fl and NF.

  • Timetable — framesig operates along the rows of the input timetable and returns a timetable whose row times are the row times of the frame centers. The input x must be regular and can have either a single variable containing a vector or matrix, or multiple variables each containing a vector.

  • Unformatted dlarray object — framesig operates exactly as it does on N-D arrays. The output is an unformatted dlarray object. You must have a Deep Learning Toolbox™ license to use dlarray objects.

Example: cos(2*pi*(0:200)/100).

Example: reshape(1:24,3,4,2).

Example: timetable(randn(20,3),SampleRate=5).

Example: dlarray(randn(3,5)).

Data Types: double | single | timetable | dlarray
Complex Number Support: Yes

Frame length, specified in samples as a positive integer scalar. fl must be smaller than or equal to the length of input x.

Example: fl = 5.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: framesig(x,5,Window=hann(35),IncompleteFrameRule="zeropad") partitions a signal x into frames of length 5 using the 35-sample Hann window and the zero-pad incomplete frame rule as name-value pair arguments.

Window, specified as a vector.

The length of Window must be equal to the frame length fl. When Window is specified, framesig splits each channel of x into Window-length frames and then multiplies each frame by the real-valued floating-point vector Window.

Example: hann(30) and (1-cos(2*pi*(0:29)'/29))/2 both specify a Hann window of length 30.

Data Types: double | single | dlarray

Overlap length, specified as a nonnegative integer scalar. OverlapLength is the number of overlap samples between adjoining frames. OverlapLength must be nonnegative, smaller than the frame length, and applies only when UnderlapLength is not specified.

Underlap length, specified as a nonnegative integer scalar. UnderlapLength is the number of samples to be skipped after each frame, thus reducing the frame rate. UnderlapLength must be nonnegative and applies only when OverlapLength is not specified.

Array of initial conditions that is stacked on top of the input signal, specified as a vector, matrix, N-D array, timetable, or unformatted dlarray object.

  • The array must have such a shape that it can be concatenated with the input signal along the first array dimension of length greater than 1.

  • If the input signal is a regular timetable, then InitialCondition must also be a regular timetable with the same time step and the same variable names as the input timetable. The row times of the initial condition timetable must be such that concatenating it with the input timetable results in a regular timetable.

Example: framesig(3:17,4,InitialCondition=[0 0 0]) partitions a 15-sample vector into frames with a length of four samples. The initial condition is also a vector.

Example: framesig([1:5;19:23]',3,InitialCondition=[-1 -1; 0 0]) partitions a 5-by-2 matrix into frames with a length of three samples. The initial condition is also a matrix, which 2-by-2 size enables concatenation with the input matrix signal.

Data Types: double | single | timetable | dlarray
Complex Number Support: Yes

Initial index, specified as a positive integer scalar. InitialIndex indicates the index of the first element from which the framing operation starts. Equivalently, InitialIndex-1 is the number of initial data samples in x to discard.

Incomplete frame rule, specified as either "drop" or "zeropad". IncompleteFrameRule specifies the rule to handle incomplete frames when the input does not have enough remaining samples to fill up the last frame, if there is one.

  • "drop"framesig drops the incomplete frame.

  • "zeropad"framesig pads the incomplete frame with zeros.

Data Types: char | string

Dimension, specified as a positive integer scalar. Dimension indicates the dimension along which to frame the input signal x.

  • If x is an N-D array, Dimension must be a positive integer scalar between 1 and N.

  • If you do not specify Dimension, the framesig function computes the frames along the first array dimension of size greater than 1.

This argument does not support timetable inputs.

Output Arguments

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Framed signal, returned as a matrix.

Final condition output, returned as a vector.

  • If you specify IncompleteFrameRule as "zeropad", then fnlcond is empty.

  • If you specify OverlapLength, then fnlcond contains the last OverlapLength samples of the last complete frame and any samples that might remain from the incomplete frame, if there is one.

  • If you specify UnderlapLength, then fnlcond contains only the remaining samples in the incomplete frame, if there are any. The final condition array has the same dimensions as the input signal.

  • You can use fnlcond as the initial condition input for a subsequent framing iteration in a sequence of consecutive framing operations, preserving the desired overlap or underlap from frame to frame.

Final index output, returned as a positive integer scalar.

  • If you specify OverlapLength or set IncompleteFrameRule to "zeropad", then fnlidx is 1.

  • When you specify UnderlapLength, fnlidx-1 indicates the difference between UnderlapLength and the number of samples in x skipped after the last complete frame. The example Continuous Buffers with Overlap and Underlap Framing illustrates this concept.

  • You can use fnlidx as the initial index for a subsequent framing iteration in a sequence of consecutive framing operations, preserving the desired underlap from frame to frame.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

GPU Code Generation
Generate CUDA® code for NVIDIA® GPUs using GPU Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

See Also
