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IO Device Builder

Cree bloques de Simulink para archivos C/C++ personalizados o de terceros.

La app IO Device Builder en Simulink® Support Package for Arduino® Hardware permite crear de forma rápida un System object™ para archivos de fuente (C/C++) personalizados o de terceros. Puede utilizar System object para crear un bloque Simulink que utilice un bloque MATLAB System.

Para utilizar IO Device Builder, acceda a la pestaña Hardware en la barra de herramientas de Simulink. En la sección Prepare, en Design, elija IO Device Builder. A continuación, una serie de pantallas le guiará por el proceso de creación de un System object y del bloque de Simulink.



Create DHT11 Sensor Block to Measure Relative Humidity and Temperature Using IO Device Builder App

This example shows how to use the IO Device Builder app to create DHT11 sensor for measuring relative humidity and temperature.

Create ADXL343 Sensor Block to Read Acceleration Using IO Device Builder App

This example shows how to use the IO Device Builder app to create ADXL343 sensor to measure acceleration.

Create OLED Display Block to Display Acceleration Using IO Device Builder App

This example shows how to use the IO Device Builder app to create ADXL343 sensor to measure acceleration and display the same in SH1106 OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) display module.

Create OLED Display Block to Display Acceleration and Tap Count Using IO Device Builder App

This example shows how to use the IO Device Builder app to create OLED Display block to measure acceleration, tap count and then display the same in OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) display module.

Create OLED Display Block to Display Acceleration and Tap Count Using Arduino External Interrupt Block and IO Device Builder App

This example shows how to use the IO Device Builder app to create OLED Display block to display acceleration and tap count using Arduino External Interrupt block.