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Test System Object

MATLAB Command Line

  1. Create an instance of the DigitalRead class.

    dr = DigitalRead()
  2. Execute the stepImpl method.

    ans =
  3. Remove the dr system object and test the releaseImpl method.

    clear dr

Simulink Model

To bring the DigitalRead System object™ into Simulink®, follow the steps:

  1. Create a new Simulink model.

  2. Add the MATLAB System block from the User-Defined Functions library.

  3. In the block, set System object name to DigitalRead.

  4. From the Sinks library, add a Scope block to the model.

  5. In the Modeling tab of the Simulink Editor, click Model Settings.

  6. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, on the Hardware Implementation pane, set Hardware board to match your hardware, for example, 'Arduino Due'.

  7. On the Hardware tab of the Simulink model, in the Mode section, select Run on board.

  8. In the Run on Hardware section, set Stop Time to Inf and then click Monitor & Tune to build and run the model containing your System object on the hardware board.

See Also


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