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Result from build system build


    This object requires CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check. Use the build result, padv.BuildResult, to find the properties of the build system build, including a list of the tasks that the build system ran and the settings the build system used.



    buildResultObj = padv.BuildResult() stores the results from a build system build.



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    Start time of build, returned as datetime.

    Example: 09-Aug-2022 14:32:05

    Data Types: datetime

    End time of build, returned as datetime.

    Example: 09-Aug-2022 14:32:37

    Data Types: datetime

    Overall status for build, returned as the padv.TaskStatus enumeration value:

    • Error if a task iteration in the build returns an error.

    • Fail if none of the task iterations in the build return an error, but at least one task iteration fails.

    • Pass if none of the task iterations were run, or if none of the task iterations in the build return an error or fail.

    Example: Pass

    Task iteration result values, returned as a structure array with fields:

    • Pass

    • Warn

    • Fail

    For example, if the build runs one task iteration and the task iteration returns one passing result and five warning results, the structure array contains:

      struct with fields:
        Pass: 1
        Warn: 5
        Fail: 0

    Data Types: struct

    IDs for task iterations that passed during the build, returned as a cell array.

    If the build system runs one task iteration and the task iteration passes, PassTasks returns a one-dimensional cell array. For example, if the build system only ran the task padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode on the model AHRS_Voter.slx and the task iteration passed, PassTasks returns:


    If multiple task iterations pass, PassTasks returns one cell for each task iteration that passed. For example:

    {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode|sl_model_file|02_Models/AHRS_Voter/specification/AHRS_Voter.slx'              }
    {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode|sl_model_file|02_Models/Actuator_Control/specification/Actuator_Control.slx'  }
    {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode|sl_model_file|02_Models/Flight_Control/specification/Flight_Control.slx'      }

    Data Types: cell

    IDs for task iterations that returned an error during the build, returned as a cell array.

    If the build system runs one task iteration and the task iteration returns an error, ErrorTasks returns a one-dimensional cell array. For example, if the build system tried to run a custom task, customTask, on the model AHRS_Voter.slx, but the task iteration returned an error, ErrorTasks returns:


    If multiple task iterations error, ErrorTasks returns one cell for each task iteration that returned an error. For example:

    {'customTask|sl_model_file|02_Models/AHRS_Voter/specification/AHRS_Voter.slx'              }
    {'customTask|sl_model_file|02_Models/Actuator_Control/specification/Actuator_Control.slx'  }
    {'customTask|sl_model_file|02_Models/Flight_Control/specification/Flight_Control.slx'      }

    Data Types: cell

    IDs for task iterations that the build system skipped, returned as a cell array. The build system skips task iterations that already have up-to-date results, unless you specify Force as true when you call the function runprocess.

    If the build system skips one task iteration, SkippedTasks returns a one-dimensional cell array. For example, if you instructed the build system to run the task padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode on the model AHRS_Voter.slx, but the task iteration already had up-to-date results, SkippedTasks returns:


    If the build system skips multiple task iterations, SkippedTasks returns one cell for each task iteration that the build system skipped. For example:

    {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode|sl_model_file|02_Models/AHRS_Voter/specification/AHRS_Voter.slx'              }
    {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode|sl_model_file|02_Models/Actuator_Control/specification/Actuator_Control.slx'  }
    {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode|sl_model_file|02_Models/Flight_Control/specification/Flight_Control.slx'      }

    Data Types: cell

    IDs for task iterations that failed during the build, returned as a cell array.

    If the build system runs only one task iteration and the task iteration fails, FailedTasks returns a one-dimensional cell array. For example, if the build system ran the task padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode on the model AHRS_Voter.slx and the task iteration failed, FailedTasks returns:


    If multiple task iterations fail, FailedTasks returns one cell for each task iteration that failed. For example:

    {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode|sl_model_file|02_Models/AHRS_Voter/specification/AHRS_Voter.slx'              }
    {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode|sl_model_file|02_Models/Actuator_Control/specification/Actuator_Control.slx'  }
    {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateCode|sl_model_file|02_Models/Flight_Control/specification/Flight_Control.slx'      }

    Data Types: cell

    Input arguments that defined how the build system ran the build, returned as a structure array with fields:

    • TasksToBuild — List of task iteration IDs that you want the build system to run

    • Isolation — Setting to include or ignore task dependencies

    • Force — Setting to skip or run up-to-date task iterations

    • RerunFailedTasks — Setting to ignore or rerun failed task iterations

    • RerunErroredTasks — Setting to ignore or rerun task iterations that returned an error

    For example, the InputArgs for a build result could return:

      struct with fields:
             TasksToBuild: [1×5 string]
                Isolation: 0
                    Force: 0
         RerunFailedTasks: 0
        RerunErroredTasks: 0

    For more information, see runprocess.

    Data Types: struct


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    Open a project, run a build, and use the build result, padv.BuildResult, to get a list of the passed task iterations and the settings that the build system used when running the build.

    Open the Process Advisor example project, which contains an example process model.


    Generate a list of the tasks defined by the process model.

    tasks = generateProcessTasks;

    Run the first five task iterations in tasks and specify Force as true.

    buildResult = runprocess(Force=true,Tasks=tasks(1:5))

    Use the build result, buildResult, to get a list of the task iterations that passed.

    passed = buildResult.PassTasks'
    passed =
      5×1 cell array
        {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateSimulinkWebView|sl_model_file|02_Models/AHRS_Voter/specification/AHRS_Voter.slx'              }
        {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateSimulinkWebView|sl_model_file|02_Models/Actuator_Control/specification/Actuator_Control.slx'  }
        {'padv.builtin.task.GenerateSimulinkWebView|sl_model_file|02_Models/Flight_Control/specification/Flight_Control.slx'      }

    When you used the function runprocess, you specified Force as true. You can see that information in the InputArgs property of the build result, buildResult.

    runprocessInputs = buildResult.InputArgs
    runprocessInputs = 
      struct with fields:
             TasksToBuild: ["padv.builtin.task.GenerateSimulinkWebView|sl_model_file|02_Models/AHRS_Voter/specification/AHRS_Voter.slx"    …    ]
                Isolation: 0
                    Force: 1
         RerunFailedTasks: 0
        RerunErroredTasks: 0
    The build result shows that the Force setting was 1 (true) when the build system ran.

    You can export a build report that summarizes the task statuses, task results, and other information about the task execution by using padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator to specify options for the report and generateReport to generate the report.

    rptObj = padv.ProcessAdvisorReportGenerator;
    Alternatively, in the Process Advisor toolstrip, in the Export section, click Report. In the Export Report dialog box, you can specify options for the report an export a report for the current process by clicking Export.

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