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Group of tasks and subprocesses in process


    This object requires CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check. A padv.Subprocess object represents a group of tasks and subprocesses in your process. You can have multiple processes inside your process model. In your process model, use the object functions addTask and addSubprocess to group tasks and other subprocesses inside your subprocess. You can specify a dependency between tasks or a desired execution order by using either dependsOn or runsAfter. Use dependsOn when a subprocess cannot start without another task or subprocess finishing first. Otherwise, if you only want to specify a preferred execution order, you can use runsAfter instead.



    subprocessObject = padv.Subprocess(Name) represents a subprocess, named Name, in a process. Each subprocess in a process must have a unique Name.


    subprocessObject = padv.Subprocess(___,Name=Value) sets properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example, padv.Subprocess("mySubprocess",Title="My Subprocess") creates a subprocess with the title My Subprocess in Process Advisor.

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.


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    Unique identifier for subprocess, returned as a string. When you specify the Name, you specify the Name property of the subprocess object.

    Each subprocess must have a unique Name.

    Example: padv.Subprocess("mySubprocess")

    Data Types: string

    Type of artifact, specified as one or more of the values listed in this table. To specify multiple values, use an array.

    CategoryArtifact TypeDescription


    "m_class"MATLAB class
    "m_file"MATLAB file
    "m_func"MATLAB function
    "m_method"MATLAB class method
    "m_property"MATLAB class property

    Model Advisor

    "ma_config_file"Model Advisor configuration file
    "ma_justification_file"Model Advisor justification file

    Process Advisor


    Related artifacts that current artifact depends on


    Process Advisor output file


    "project"Current project file


    "mwreq_file"Requirement file (since R2024b)
    "mwreq_item"Requirement (since R2024b)


    Requirement (for R2024a and earlier)
    "sl_req_file"Requirement file (for R2024a and earlier)
    "sl_req_table"Requirements Table


    "sf_chart"Stateflow chart
    "sf_graphical_fcn"Stateflow graphical function
    "sf_group"Stateflow group
    "sf_state"Stateflow state
    "sf_state_transition_chart"Stateflow state transition chart
    "sf_truth_table"Stateflow truth table


    "sl_block_diagram"Block diagram
    "sl_data_dictionary_file"Data dictionary file
    "sl_embedded_matlab_fcn"MATLAB function
    "sl_block_diagram"Block diagram
    "sl_library_file"Library file
    "sl_model_file"Simulink model file
    "sl_protected_model_file"Protected Simulink model file
    "sl_subsystem_file"Subsystem file

    System Composer™

    "zc_block_diagram"System Composer architecture
    "zc_component"System Composer architecture component
    "zc_file"System Composer architecture file
    Tests"harness_info_file"Harness info file
    "sl_harness_block_diagram"Harness block diagram
    "sl_harness_file"Test harness file
    "sl_test_case"Simulink Test™ case
    "sl_test_case_result"Simulink Test case result
    "sl_test_file"Simulink Test file
    "sl_test_iteration"Simulink Test iteration
    "sl_test_iteration_result"Simulink Test iteration result
    "sl_test_report_file"Simulink Test result report
    "sl_test_result_file"Simulink Test result file
    "sl_test_resultset"Simulink Test result set
    "sl_test_seq"Test Sequence
    "sl_test_suite"Simulink Test suite
    "sl_test_suite_result"Simulink Test suite result

    Example: "m_file"

    Example: ["sl_model_file" "zc_file"]

    Location for standard outputs that tasks in the subprocess produce, specified as a string.

    Example: fullfile("folder", "subfolder")

    Data Types: string

    Location for additional cache files that tasks in the subprocess produce, specified as a string. The cache directory can contain temporary files that do not need to be either saved in the task results or archived by a CI system.

    Example: fullfile("folder", "subfolder")

    Data Types: string


    Controls if the padv.Subprocess is enabled in the process model, returned as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

    Example: padv.Subprocess("mySubprocess",Enabled = false)

    Data Types: logical

    Dry run checks out product license, returned as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

    For more information, see Dry Run Tasks to Test Process Model.

    Example: true

    Data Types: logical


    Human readable name that appears in the Tasks column of the Process Advisor app, returned as a string. By default, the Process Advisor app uses the Name property of the subprocess as the Title.

    Example: padv.Subprocess("mySubprocess",Title = "My Subprocess")

    Data Types: string

    Subprocess description, returned as a string.

    Example: padv.Subprocess("mySubprocess",DescriptionText = "This is my subprocess.")

    Data Types: string

    Path to subprocess documentation, returned as a string.

    Example: padv.Subprocess("mySubprocess",DescriptionCSH = fullfile(pwd,"subprocessHelpFiles","mySubprocessDocumentation.pdf"))

    Data Types: string

    Instructions to help you fix issues in assessment results, specified as a string.

    The string must represent a file path with one of these valid file extensions:

    • .md — Markdown file

    • .bin — Binary file

    You can create and manage formal assessments of your inputs and outputs by using padv.Assessment and padv.AssessmentResult objects.

    To view the instructions for a subprocess in Process Advisor, point to the subprocess, point to the information icon , and click Click for Instructions. The formatted markdown content appears in a dialog box inside Process Advisor.

    Mouse pointing to subprocess information icon

    Example instructions in a dialog box in Process Advisor

    Example: ""

    Data Types: string


    Function that launches a tool, returned as the function handle.

    When the property LaunchToolAction is specified, you can point to the subprocess in the Process Advisor app and click the ellipsis (...) and then Open Tool Name to open the tool associated with the subprocess.

    Example: padv.Subprocess("mySubprocess",LaunchToolAction = @openTool)

    Data Types: function_handle

    Description of the action that the LaunchToolAction property performs, returned as a string scalar.

    Example: padv.Subprocess("mySubprocess",LaunchToolAction = @openTool, LaunchToolText = "Open tool.")

    Data Types: string

    Tools to help complete activities for tasks, returned as a padv.TaskTool object or an array of padv.TaskTool objects. For information on how to create task tools, see padv.TaskTool.

    When you specify this property, you must also add the task tools to your process model by using addTaskTool.

    Example: padv.TaskTool(ToolFunction="app1_exported",Title="My App",Type=padv.TaskToolType.TaskApp)

    Example: [padv.TaskTool(ToolFunction="app1_exported",Title="My App 1",Type=padv.TaskToolType.TaskApp),padv.TaskTool(ToolFunction="app2_exported",Title="My App 2",Type=padv.TaskToolType.TaskApp)]

    Object Functions


    Add task to subprocess object. See Group Tasks with Subprocesses.

    addTask(subprocessObject, taskNameOrInstance)


    Add subprocess to subprocess object.

    addSubprocess(subprocessObject, subprocessNameOrInstance)


    Specify tasks or subprocesses that the subprocess object depends on. See Group Tasks with Subprocesses.

    dependsOn(subprocessObject, DEPENDENCIES)


    Specify tasks or subprocesses that the subprocess object runs after.

    runsAfter(subprocessObject, PREDECESSORS)


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    You can use a subprocess to group related tasks, create a hierarchy of tasks, and share parts of a process. A subprocess is a self-contained sequence of tasks, inside a process or other subprocess, that can run standalone.

    Process Advisor UI with mouse pointing to run button for example subprocess

    To group the tasks in your process model, in the process model, add a subprocess by using addSubprocess on your process model object.

    spA = pm.addSubprocess("Subprocess A");

    Add your tasks directly to the subprocess by using addTask.

    tA1 = spA.addTask("Task A1");
    tA2 = spA.addTask("Task A2");


    You do not need to add the task to both the subprocess and process model.

    Specify the relationship between the tasks and subprocesses in your process.

    You can use either dependsOn or runsAfter to define a relationship.

    For example, the following process model defines a process in which Task 1 runs, then Subprocess A, and then Subprocess B.

    function processmodel(pm)
        % Defines the project's processmodel
            pm padv.ProcessModel
        t1 = pm.addTask("Task 1");
        spA = pm.addSubprocess("Subprocess A");
            tA1 = spA.addTask("Task A1");
            tA2 = spA.addTask("Task A2");
        spB = pm.addSubprocess("Subprocess B");
            tB1 = spB.addTask("Task B1");
            tB2 = spB.addTask("Task B2");
        % Relationships
    The build system executes each of the tasks inside a subprocess before existing the subprocess.

    The following diagram shows a graphical representation of the relationships defined by that process model.

    Diagram showing relationships between Task 1, Subprocess A, and Subprocess B as arrows


    Relationships cannot cross any subprocess boundaries. For example, in this process model, you cannot directly specify that Task A1 depends on Task 1 because that relationship would enter into Subprocess A, crossing the subprocess boundary.

    Diagram showing invalid relationship between Task 1 and Task A1, marked with a red X

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