padv.Task Class
Namespace: padv
Single step in process
This class requires CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check.
A padv.Task
object represents a single step in a
process. For example, a padv.Task
could represent a step like checking modeling standards, running tests, generating code, or
performing a custom action. padv.Task
objects can accept project artifacts as
inputs, perform actions, generate assessments, and return project artifacts as outputs. You
can add a task to your process model by using the function addTask
. You
can specify task inputs by using addInputQueries
. You can specify a
dependency between tasks or a desired execution order by using either
or runsAfter
. Use
when a task cannot start without another task finishing
first. Otherwise, if you only want to specify a preferred execution order, you can use
instead. You can execute tasks as part of a pipeline. Use the
function to generate and run a pipeline of tasks. For more
information, see Overview of Process Model.
represents a task, named taskObject
= padv.Task(Name
, in a padv.ProcessModel
process. Each task object in a process must have a unique
sets properties using one or more name-value arguments. For example,
= padv.Task(___,Name=Value
creates a task object named myTask
that runs once for each
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Input Arguments
— Unique identifier for task in process
Unique identifier for task in process, specified as a string. When you specify the
, you specify the Name
property of the
task object.
Each task in the process model must have a unique Name
. After
you specify a Name
for a padv.Task
object, you
cannot change the Name
Example: padv.Task("myTask")
creates a task with the
Data Types: string
— Unique identifier for task in process
Unique identifier for task in process, specified as a string. When you specify the
, you specify the Name
property of the
task object.
Each task in the process model must have a unique Name
. After
you specify a Name
for a padv.Task
object, you
cannot change the Name
Example: padv.Task("myTask")
creates a task with the
Data Types: string
— Artifact type that task can run on
| "m_file"
| "zc_file"
| ...
Type of artifact, specified as one or more of the values listed in this table. To specify multiple values, use an array.
Category | Artifact Type | Description |
MATLAB® | "m_class" | MATLAB class |
"m_file" | MATLAB file | |
"m_func" | MATLAB function | |
"m_method" | MATLAB class method | |
"m_property" | MATLAB class property | |
Model Advisor | "ma_config_file" | Model Advisor configuration file |
"ma_justification_file" | Model Advisor justification file | |
Process Advisor | "padv_dep_artifacts" | Related artifacts that current artifact depends on |
"padv_output_file" | Process Advisor output file | |
Project | "project" | Current project file |
Requirements | "mwreq_file" | Requirement file (since R2024b) |
"mwreq_item" | Requirement (since R2024b) | |
| Requirement (for R2024a and earlier) | |
"sl_req_file" | Requirement file (for R2024a and earlier) | |
"sl_req_table" | Requirements Table | |
Stateflow® | "sf_chart" | Stateflow chart |
"sf_graphical_fcn" | Stateflow graphical function | |
"sf_group" | Stateflow group | |
"sf_state" | Stateflow state | |
"sf_state_transition_chart" | Stateflow state transition chart | |
"sf_truth_table" | Stateflow truth table | |
Simulink® | "sl_block_diagram" | Block diagram |
"sl_data_dictionary_file" | Data dictionary file | |
"sl_embedded_matlab_fcn" | MATLAB function | |
"sl_block_diagram" | Block diagram | |
"sl_library_file" | Library file | |
"sl_model_file" | Simulink model file | |
"sl_protected_model_file" | Protected Simulink model file | |
"sl_subsystem" | Subsystem | |
"sl_subsystem_file" | Subsystem file | |
System Composer™ | "zc_block_diagram" | System Composer architecture |
"zc_component" | System Composer architecture component | |
"zc_file" | System Composer architecture file | |
Tests | "harness_info_file" | Harness info file |
"sl_harness_block_diagram" | Harness block diagram | |
"sl_harness_file" | Test harness file | |
"sl_test_case" | Simulink Test™ case | |
"sl_test_case_result" | Simulink Test case result | |
"sl_test_file" | Simulink Test file | |
"sl_test_iteration" | Simulink Test iteration | |
"sl_test_iteration_result" | Simulink Test iteration result | |
"sl_test_report_file" | Simulink Test result report | |
"sl_test_result_file" | Simulink Test result file | |
"sl_test_resultset" | Simulink Test result set | |
"sl_test_seq" | Test Sequence | |
"sl_test_suite" | Simulink Test suite | |
"sl_test_suite_result" | Simulink Test suite result |
Example: padv.Task("myTask",RequiredIterationArtifactType =
Data Types: string
— Artifacts that task iterates over
object | name of padv.Query
Artifacts that task iterates over, specified as a padv.Query
or the name of a padv.Query
object. By default, task objects run one
time and are associated with the project. When you specify
, the task runs one time for
each artifact returned by the padv.Query
. In the
Process Advisor app, the artifacts returned by
appear under task title.
For example, if the IterationQuery
for a task finds three
models, Model_A
, Model_B
, and
, the build system creates three task iterations under the
title of the task in the Tasks column.
For more information, see Overview of Process Model and Find Artifacts with Queries.
Example: padv.Task("myTask",IterationQuery =
Data Types: string
— Artifact dependencies for task inputs
object | name of padv.Query
Artifact dependencies for task inputs, specified as a padv.Query
object or the name of a padv.Query
The build system runs the query specified by
to find the dependencies for the task
inputs, since those dependencies can impact if task results are up-to-date. Typically,
you specify InputDependencyQuery
to get the dependent
artifacts for each task input. For example, if you specify a model as an input to a task
and you specify InputDependencyQuery
, the build system can find
artifacts, such as data dictionaries, that the model uses.
For more information, see Overview of Process Model and Find Artifacts with Queries.
Example: InputDependencyQuery =
— Inputs to task
object | name of padv.Query
object | array of padv.Query
Inputs to the task, specified as:
objectthe name of
objectan array of
objectsan array of names of
By default, padv.Task
does not have inputs. When you
specify InputQueries
, the task uses the artifacts returned by the
specified query or queries as inputs. Suppose a task runs once for each model in the
project and you want to provide the models as inputs to the task. If you specify
as the built-in query
, the query returns each
artifact that the tasks iterates over, which in this example is each of the models in
the project.
To add an input query to an existing task object, you can use
For more information, see Overview of Process Model and Find Artifacts with Queries.
Example: padv.Task("myTask",InputQueries =
— Location for standard outputs that the task produces
(default) | string array
Location for standard outputs that the task produces, specified as a string.
Built-in tasks automatically specify OutputDirectory
. If you do
not specify OutputDirectory
for a custom task, the build system
stores task outputs in the DefaultOutputDirectory
specified by
Data Types: string
— Location for additional cache files that the task generates
string array
Location for additional cache files that the task generates, specified as a string. The cache directory can contain temporary files that do not need to be either saved in the task results or archived by a CI system.
Data Types: string
— Type of task
(default) | padv.TaskType.Manual
| padv.TaskType.User
Type of task, specified as either:
— Automatically performs the task action and returns a task status. For example, this image shows automated tasks that passed, failed, and generated errors.padv.TaskType.Manual
— Represents an action that a user manually performs as part of the process. The task is a reminder for the user. For example, this image shows a manual task that reminds users to link their requirements to tests. You can associate tools with the task to help users complete the task activity. The task does not have a status and you cannot run the task by using the build system. In Process Advisor, in the Tasks column, the manual task appears with a hand icon. For more information on task tools, see
— Represents an action that a user performs and marks as complete by checking a checkbox. For example, this image shows user tasks that are not complete, drafted, blocked, and marked complete. For more information, see Create User Tasks.
These values belong to the enumeration class padv.TaskType
Example: padv.TaskType.User
— Function that task can run
function handle
Function that task can run, specified as the function handle.
If the task is defined in a function, the build system runs the function specified
by Action
. If the task is defined in a class, the build system
ignores the Action
and runs the run
method for the
class instead. The built-in tasks are defined in classes, so the build system calls the
method for those tasks.
Example: padv.Task("myTask",Action = @myFunction)
Data Types: function_handle
— Function that task can use during dry-run
function handle
Function that task can use during dry-run, specified as the function handle.
If the task is defined in a function, the build system dry-runs by calling the
function specified by DryRunAction
. If the task is defined in a
class, the build system ignores the DryRunAction
and dry-runs by
calling the dryRun
method for the class instead. The built-in tasks are
defined in classes, so the build system calls the dryRun
method for
those tasks.
Example: padv.Task("myTask",DryRunAction =
Data Types: function_handle
— Dry-runs check out product licenses associated with tasks in process
(default) | true
or 1
| false
or 0
Dry-runs check out product licenses associated with tasks in process, returned as a
numeric or logical 1
) or
To perform a dry-run, you can specify the runprocess
as true
Example: true
Data Types: logical
— Controls if the padv.Task
is enabled in the process model
or 1
(default) | false
or 0
Controls if the padv.Task
is enabled in the process model,
specified as a numeric or logical 1
) or
For an example, see Disable Task in Process Model.
Example: padv.Task("myTask",Enabled = false)
Data Types: logical
— Always force task to run, even if the task results are already up to date
or 0
(default) | true
or 1
Always force task to run, even if the task results
are already up to date, specified as a numeric or logical 0
) or 1
Example: padv.Task("myTask",AlwaysRun = true)
Data Types: logical
— Track changes to output files
or 1
(default) | false
or 0
Track changes to output files, specified as a numeric or logical
) or 0
By default, the build system tracks changes to outputs files from tasks unless the
files are outside the project. If you make a change to an output file, the task status
are results are marked as outdated. If you specify TrackOutputs
, changes that you make to the task output files do not make
the task status and results outdated.
For more information, see Turn Off Change Tracking for Task Outputs and Exclude Files from Change Tracking in Process Advisor.
Example: false
Data Types: logical
— Type of CI-compatible result files that task generates when skipped
(default) | ""
Type of CI-compatible result files that the task itself generates when skipped, specified as either:
— JUnit-style XML report for task results.""
— None. The build system generates a JUnit-style XML report for the task instead.
— Type of CI-compatible result files that task generates when run
(default) | "JUnit"
Type of CI-compatible result files that the task itself generates when run, specified as either:
— JUnit-style XML report for task results.""
— None. The build system generates a JUnit-style XML report for the task instead.
— Human readable name that appears in Process Advisor app
Human readable name that appears in the Tasks column of the
Process Advisor app, specified as a string. By default, the Process
Advisor app uses the Name
property of the task as the
Example: padv.Task("myTask",Title = "My Task")
Data Types: string
— Task description
Task description, specified as a string.
Example: padv.Task("myTask",DescriptionText = "This is my
Data Types: string
— Path to task documentation
Path to task documentation, specified as a string.
Example: padv.Task("myTask",DescriptionCSH =
Data Types: string
— List of licenses that task requires
string array
List of licenses that the task requires, specified as a string array.
Example: padv.Task("myTask",Licenses = ["matlab_report_gen"
Data Types: string
— Instructions to help you fix issues in assessment results
Instructions to help you fix issues in assessment results, specified as a string.
The string must represent a file path with one of these valid file extensions:
— Markdown file.bin
— Binary file
You can create and manage formal assessments of your task inputs and outputs by
using padv.Assessment
and padv.AssessmentResult
To view the instructions for a task in Process Advisor, point to the
task, point to the information icon , and click Click for Instructions.
The formatted markdown content appears in a dialog box inside Process
Example: ""
Data Types: string
— Function that launches a tool
function handle | cell array of function_handle
Function that launches a tool, specified as the function handle or a cell array of
objects. For each action that you specify in
, you must have corresponding text specified in
When the property LaunchToolAction
is specified, you can point
to the task in the Process Advisor app and click the ellipsis
(...) and then Open Tool
to open the tool associated with the task.
For tasks that are not built-in tasks, the task options show the ellipsis (...) and then Launch Tool.
Example: @openTool
Example: {@openToolA,@openToolB}
Data Types: cell
| function_handle
— Description of action that LaunchToolAction
property performs
"Launch Tool"
(default) | string
Description of the action that the LaunchToolAction
performs, specified as a string. For each action that you specify in
, you must have corresponding text specified in
Example: "Open Tool"
Example: ["Open Tool A","Open Tool B"]
Data Types: string
— Tools to help complete activities for task
object | array of padv.TaskTool
Tools to help complete activities for the task, returned as a
object or an array of padv.TaskTool
objects. For information on how to create task tools, see padv.TaskTool
When you specify this property, you must also add the task tools to your process
model by using addTaskTool
Example: padv.TaskTool(ToolFunction="app1_exported",Title="My
Example: [padv.TaskTool(ToolFunction="app1_exported",Title="My App
App 2",Type=padv.TaskToolType.TaskApp)]
— Associate task with formal assessments
| array of padv.Assessment
Associate task with formal assessments, specified as a
You can define and manage formal assessments of your task inputs and outputs by
using a padv.Assessment
object. The padv.Assessment
object specifies the assessment objectives,
the assessment action that the assessment performs to evaluate the task and determine
the task status, and recommended
You can add assessments to a task by using this property or by using the addAssessments
Starting in R2024a, when you point to the task status, you can see a breakdown of the individual assessments for a task, the assessment results, and the impact of those assessment results on the overall task status. The assessment information provides the specific objectives associated with the failures, warnings, and passing results that you see in the Details column.
Example: padv.Assessment("A1",Objective="Each requirement has at least one
— Conditions that cause task to fail
(default) | padv.TaskAssessmentFailure.AnyWarning
| padv.TaskAssessmentFailure.Never
Conditions that cause task to fail based on assessment results, specified as either:
— Assessments do not cause the task to failpadv.TaskAssessmentFailure.AnyWarning
— Warnings and non-compliant assessments cause the task to failpadv.TaskAssessmentFailure.AnyNonCompliant
— Non-compliant assessments cause the task to fail
These values belong to the enumeration class
When you run a task, the assess
method runs each task assessment on
the relevant artifacts and can use the assessment results to update the task status in
the task results.
Starting in R2024a, when you point to the task status, you can see a breakdown of the individual assessments for a task, the assessment results, and the impact of those assessment results on the overall task status.
Example: padv.TaskAssessmentFailure.AnyWarning
Object Functions
Object Function | Description |
addAssessments | Add assessments to task. addAssessments(taskObj, assessmentObj) |
addInputQueries | Add the input artifacts returned by addInputQueries(taskObj,inputQueries) |
assess | Perform assessments on task. Note You do not need to manually run this function. When you run a task using
the Process
Advisor app or the
If you inherit from this class, make sure to use the same method
signature. The assess(taskObj,inputArtifacts,taskResult) |
dependsOn | Create a dependency between a task, dependsOn(taskObj,dependencies) |
dryRun | Dry run the task to validate task
inputs and generate representative task outputs without actually running the
task. The function result = dryRun(taskObj, inputArtifacts) ... end dryRun method for a task, you can resolve tokens, like
$ITERATIONARTIFACT$ , to their absolute path by using the
resolvePath method. For example, reportPath =
convertStringsToChars(taskObj.resolvePath(taskObj.ReportPath)); . For
more information on tokens, see Dynamically Resolve Paths with Tokens. |
openArtifact | Open the artifact that you select in the I/O
column in Process Advisor. The
If you inherit from this class, make sure to use the
same method signature inside your custom task. The function must return a
function status = openArtifact(taskObj,artifact,taskContext) ... end padv.builtin.task.DetectDesignErrors and view the
implementation of its openArtifact method. For more
information, see Optional Customizations for Opening Task Artifacts. |
resolvePath | Resolve path that contains tokens. You can only call this function
during the execution of the resolvedPath = resolvePath(taskObj, pathWithTokens) |
run | Run task represented by
taskResult = run(taskObj) If
the task requires inputs, specify the inputs using
taskResult = run(taskObj,inputArtifacts) Inside
the |
runsAfter | Specify the preferred execution order for tasks by specifying the
tasks, runsAfter(taskObj,predecessors) |
Create Task Objects and Add Tasks to Process Model
You can use padv.Task
to create task objects and then
use the addTask
function to add the task objects to the
Open the Process Advisor example project.
The model AHRS_Voter
opens with the Process Advisor
pane to the left of the Simulink canvas.
In the Process Advisor pane, click the Edit process
button to open the
file for the project.
Replace the contents of the processmodel.m
file with this
function processmodel(pm) arguments pm padv.ProcessModel end taskA = padv.Task("taskA"); taskB = padv.Task("taskB"); runsAfter(taskB,taskA); addTask(pm,taskA); addTask(pm,taskB); end
This code uses padv.Task
to create two task objects:
and taskB
The object function runsAfter
specifies that
should run after taskA
The function addTask
adds the task objects to the
Create User Tasks
Add a checklist of user actions to your process by adding user tasks to your process model. Users can select the checkbox next to a user task to quickly mark the task as complete. You can specify other task statuses and task outputs by using the Edit Task State dialog box for the task.
Open a project. For this example, you can open the Process Advisor example project.
Create a task for users to review a spreadsheet by editing the process model to use the following process model instead. The process model specifies that the task is a user task by setting the TaskType
to padv.TaskType.User
function processmodel(pm) % Defines the project's processmodel arguments pm padv.ProcessModel end tReview = pm.addTask("ReviewSpreadsheetTask", ... TaskType=padv.TaskType.User, ... Title="Review Spreadsheet"); end
In Process Advisor, click Refresh Tasks. In the Tasks list, the task appears next to a checkbox. You can mark the task as complete by selecting the checkbox. To clean the task and clear the task status, you can clear the checkbox.
You can add files as task outputs and specify other task statuses by using the Edit Task State dialog box. To open the dialog box, point to the task and click the edit user task button .
In the Edit Task State dialog box, you can modify:
Task Outputs
Add file as task output
— You can add a file as a task output by clicking the plus button
on the right side of the Output files section. The build system tracks changes to these files and if you modify a file, the build system marks the task results as outdated.
As a best practice, update the process model to specify the directory in which you expect the user to save the task output. For example, specify a folder named
within the project root.function processmodel(pm) % Defines the project's processmodel arguments pm padv.ProcessModel end tReview = pm.addTask("ReviewSpreadsheetTask", ... TaskType=padv.TaskType.User, ... Title="Review Spreadsheet", ... OutputDirectory = fullfile("$PROJECTROOT$","spreadsheets")); end
Remove file from task outputs
— You can remove a task output by selecting the file in the Output files section and clicking the minus button
. Removing the files as task outputs does not delete the files.
Task Status
Mark Complete
— When you finish the work for a task, you can mark the task as complete by clicking the Mark Complete button. This is equivalent to a
task status.Save as Draft
— To indicate that work is in progress, click the Save as Draft button. If you added task outputs, those outputs appear in the I/O results for the task. If the task has existing task results, Save as Draft overwrites the task results. Since you did not mark the task as complete, this is equivalent to a
task status.Set as Error
— To indicate that your work on a task is blocked, expand the Advanced options and select Set as Error. You can optionally provide an error message that indicates why you cannot complete the task. Then click Mark Complete.
Clean Task
— To clear the task status and remove the task outputs, click the Clean Task button. Removing the files as task outputs does not delete the files.
You can use task relationships to specify the order in which your tasks appear in the Tasks column and whether tasks are disabled until their predecessor task is complete.
For example, the following process model:
appear afterTaskA
in the Tasks column by using therunsAfter
function.Makes the build system disable
is complete by using thedependsOn
function processmodel(pm) % Defines the project's processmodel arguments pm padv.ProcessModel end taskA = pm.addTask("TaskA",TaskType=padv.TaskType.User); taskB = pm.addTask("TaskB",TaskType=padv.TaskType.User); taskC = pm.addTask("TaskC",TaskType=padv.TaskType.User); taskC.dependsOn(taskB); % disable task C until task B complete taskB.runsAfter(taskA); % put task A before task B in the Tasks column end
If you make a change to a task output, the user task results become outdated, but the dependencies of the user task do not become outdated.
Disable Task in Process Model
If you want to disable a task, you can set the task property
to false
. To disable the task for a
specific process, you can set the task property inside the process model. Note that by
default the build system automatically disables a task if the required licenses are not
available in the current MATLAB session.
Open a project. For this example, you can open the Process Advisor example project.
Edit the process model to use the following process model instead.
function processmodel(pm) % Defines the project's processmodel arguments pm padv.ProcessModel end % Add built-in task for Checking Modeling Standards maTask = pm.addTask(padv.builtin.task.RunModelStandards); % Disable task maTask.Enabled = false; end
as false
.In Process Advisor, click Refresh Tasks.
The Check Modeling Standards task appears dimmed in the process and the run button is unavailable.
Turn Off Change Tracking for Task Outputs
If you do not want the build system to mark a task as outdated when
you make changes to task outputs, you can turn off change tracking for those task outputs.
For that task, you specify the task property TrackOutputs
Open a project. For this example, you can open the Process Advisor example project.
Edit the process model to use the following process model instead.
function processmodel(pm) % Defines the project's processmodel arguments pm padv.ProcessModel end % Add built-in task for Checking Modeling Standards maTask = pm.addTask(padv.builtin.task.RunModelStandards); % Turn off change tracking for task maTask.TrackOutputs = false; end
as false
.When you run the task, the Process Advisor I/O column shows the outputs as Untracked. If you make a change to an untracked file, the build system does not mark the task as outdated.
For your project, make sure to review untracked outputs to check that those untracked files to do not need to be tracked to maintain the task status and result information that you need for your project.
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