Create and access results from task
This object requires CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check.
A padv.TaskResult
object represents the results from a task.
The run
function of a padv.Task
creates a
object that you can use to access the results from the
task. When you create a custom task, you can specify the results from your custom task. You
can also use the function getProcessTaskResults
to view a list of the
last task results for a project. The Process Advisor app uses task results to
determine the task statuses, output artifacts, and detailed task results that appear in the
Tasks, I/O, and Details
columns of the app.
creates a
result object resultObj
= padv.TaskResult()resultObj
that represents the results from a
— Task result status
(default) | padv.TaskStatus.Fail
| padv.TaskStatus.Error
Task result status, returned as:
— A passing task status. The task completed successfully without failures or errors.padv.TaskStatus.Fail
— A failing task status. The task completed, but the results were not successful.padv.TaskStatus.Error
— An error task status. The task generated an error and did not complete.
The Status
property determines the task status shown in the
Tasks column in the Process Advisor app.
— Artifacts created by task
object | array of padv.Artifact
Artifacts created by the task, returned as a padv.Artifact
or array of padv.Artifact
The OutputArtifacts
property determines the output artifacts
shown in the I/O column in the Process Advisor
The build system only manages output artifacts specified by the task result. For
custom tasks, use the OutputPaths
argument to define the output
artifacts for the task result.
— Temporary storage for task-specific data
Temporary storage for task-specific data, returned as a struct
The build system uses Details
to store task-specific data that
other build steps can use.
Note that Details
are temporary. The build system does not save
with the task results after the build finishes.
Data Types: struct
— Number of passing, warning, and failing conditions
with Pass: 0
, Warn: 0
, Fail: 0
(default) | struct
with fields Pass
, Fail
Number of passing, warning, and failing conditions, returned as a
with fields:
— Number of passing conditions returned by taskWarn
— Number of warning conditions returned by taskFail
— Number of failing conditions returned by task
The Values
property determines the detailed results shown in
the Details column in the Process Advisor app.
For example, the task padv.builtin.task.RunModelStandards
several Model Advisor checks and returns the number of passing, warning, and failing
checks. If you run the task and one check passes, two checks generate a warning, and
three checks fail, Values
ans = struct with fields: Pass: 1 Warn: 2 Fail: 3
For a padv.TaskResult
object, you can either specify the
property, specify the
property, or allow your assessments to
specify the AssessmentResults
property. You can only use one of
these approaches for a given task. For more information, see Create Custom Tasks.
Data Types: struct
— Define OutputArtifacts
for task result
This property is write-only.
for task result, specified as a string or
string array.
The build system adds each path specified by OutputArtifacts
the OutputArtifacts
argument as a padv.Artifact
object with type padv_output_file
taskResultObj.OutputPaths =
taskResultObj.OutputPaths = [string(fullfile(pwd,filename1)),
Data Types: char
| string
— Summary of compliant, warning, and non-compliant statuses in task assessment
Summary of compliant, warning, and non-compliant statuses in task assessment, specified as a dictionary that maps the possible compliance statuses to the number of assessment results with that status.
The possible compliance statuses are:
— The task meets the assessment objective.Warning
— The task might not meet the assessment objective and needs review.NonCompliant
— The task does not meet the assessment objective.
By default, the dictionary starts with each count set to zero. You can set these
counts by using the setComplianceCount
function to overwrite the
values. Alternatively, you can add to these counts by using the
function to increment the existing
dictionary (padv.ComplianceStatus ⟼ uint64) with 3 entries: Compliant ⟼ 0 Warning ⟼ 0 NonCompliant ⟼ 0
property of the task result. The
property is read-only unless you specify
the property value by using the setComplianceCount
For a padv.TaskResult
object, you can either specify the
property, specify the
property, or allow your assessments to
specify the AssessmentResults
property. You can only use one of
these approaches for a given task. For more information, see Create Custom Tasks.
Example: dictionary(padv.ComplianceStatus.Compliant,uint64(0),padv.ComplianceStatus.Warning,uint64(0),padv.ComplianceStatus.NonCompliant,
— Results from assessment
object | array of padv.AssessmentResult
Results from assessment, specified as a padv.AssessmentResult
object or an array of padv.AssessmentResult
The AssessmentResults
property is read-only.
you add assessments to a task and run the task, the task automatically runs the
assessment and adds the assessment results to the task results. The task result object
uses the assessment results to set the ComplianceStatusSummary
property, which sets the Values
property of the task result
For a padv.TaskResult
object, you can either specify the
property, specify the
property, or allow your assessments to
specify the AssessmentResults
property. You can only use one of
these approaches for a given task. For more information, see Create Custom Tasks.
Starting in R2024a, when you point to the task status, you can see a breakdown of the individual assessments for a task, the assessment results, and the impact of those assessment results on the overall task status. The assessment information provides the specific objectives associated with the failures, warnings, and passing results that you see in the Details column.
Example: padv.AssessmentResult("A1",Status="Warning")
Example: [padv.AssessmentResult("A1",Status="Warning"),padv.AssessmentResult("A2",Status="NonCompliant")]
Object Functions
applyStatus | Apply new task status if priority is higher |
addComplianceStatus | Add to number of results with specified compliance status |
setComplianceCount | Set number of results with specified compliance status |
Create Task Result for Custom Task
Create a padv.TaskResult
object for a custom task
that has a failing task status, outputs a single .json
file, and 1
passing condition, 2 warning conditions, and 3 failing conditions.
Open the Process Advisor example project.
The model AHRS_Voter
opens with the Process Advisor
pane to the left of the Simulink® canvas.
In the Process Advisor pane, click the Edit process
button to open the
file for the project.
Replace the contents of the processmodel.m
file with this example
process model
function processmodel(pm) % Defines the project's processmodel arguments pm padv.ProcessModel end addTask(pm,"ExampleTask",Action=@ExampleAction); end function taskResult = ExampleAction(~) % Create a task result object that stores the results taskResult = padv.TaskResult(); % Specify the task status shown in the Tasks column taskResult.Status = padv.TaskStatus.Fail; % Specify the output files shown in the I/O column cp = currentProject; rf = cp.RootFolder; outputFile = fullfile(rf,"tools","sampleChecks.json"); taskResult.OutputPaths = string(outputFile); % Specify the values shown in the Details column taskResult.Values.Pass = 1; taskResult.Values.Warn = 2; taskResult.Values.Fail = 3; end
Save the processmodel.m
Go back to the Process Advisor app and click Refresh Tasks to update the list of tasks shown in the app.
In the top-left corner of the Process Advisor pane, switch the filter from Model to Project.
In the top-right corner of the Process Advisor pane, click Run All.
The Tasks column shows a failing task status to the left of ExampleTask. This code from the example process model specifies the task status shown in the Tasks column:
taskResult.Status = padv.TaskStatus.Fail;
The I/O column shows an output artifact associated with the task. This code from the example process model specifies the output artifact shown in the I/O column:
taskResult.OutputPaths = string(fullfile(pwd,outputFile));
The Details column shows 1 passing condition, 2 warning conditions, and 3 failing conditions. This code from the example process model specifies the detailed task results shown in the Details column:
taskResult.Values.Pass = 1; taskResult.Values.Warn = 2; taskResult.Values.Fail = 3;
Version History
R2023a: ResultValues
will be removed
The ResultValues
property will be removed in a future release. Use
the Values
property instead.
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