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Tool to help organize and complete task activities in Process Advisor

Since R2024a


    A padv.TaskTool object represents a tool that you can add to your task or process to help you organize and complete task activities in Process Advisor. Starting in R2024a, your task tools are available from the options menu for a task in Process Advisor. You add the task tool to your process model by using the addTaskTool function and link the tool to a specific task or process by setting the TaskTools property of the task or process. In Process Advisor, you access task tools by pointing to the task in the Tasks column and opening the options menu (...).

    Task options menu showing a custom task app

    This functionality requires CI/CD Automation for Simulink Check.



    padv.TaskTool(ToolFunction=AppName,Title=Title,Type="TaskApp") creates a task tool that represents a custom app that you can open from the task options menu in Process Advisor. You design the app by using App Designer or uifigure.


    padv.TaskTool(ToolFunction=FunctionName,Title=toolTitle,Type="Command") creates a task tool that represents a command that you can run from the task options menu in Process Advisor.


    padv.TaskTool(___,Arguments=Arguments) passes arguments to the task tool. For example, padv.TaskTool(ToolFunction="blankApp1",Title="My Custom App",Type="TaskApp",Arguments="arg1") passes the argument arg1 to the task app.

    Input Arguments

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    Name of app to open, specified as a string. Do not include the file extension.

    The app must:

    • Be an app that you design using App Designer or uifigure. You can save the app as an App Designer app (.mlapp), export the App Designer app as an M file, or define the app by using a MATLAB® class (.m).

    • Be on the MATLAB path.

    • Include a TaskContext property that you pass as a name-value argument in the constructor. Process Advisor uses the argument to identify the context of the task in your process.

    • Do one of the following during initialization:

      • Return a figure object from the uifigure function

      • Return an object with a getFigure method that returns a figure object from the uifigure function

      • Return an object with a UIFigure property containing a figure object from the uifigure function

    For example, the following MATLAB class defines a blank task app.

    classdef blankApp1 < matlab.apps.AppBase
        properties (Access = public)
            UIFigure  matlab.ui.Figure
        methods (Access = private)
            function createComponents(app)
                app.UIFigure = uifigure('Visible', 'on');
        methods (Access = public)
            function app = blankApp1(NameValueArgs)
                app.TaskContext = NameValueArgs.TaskContext;
                if nargout == 0
                    clear app
            function delete(app)

    Example: "blankApp1"

    Data Types: string

    Name of function to evaluate, specified as a string. Do not include the file extension.

    The function must accept a TaskContext as a name-value argument in its NameValueArgs input. Process Advisor uses this argument to identify the context of the task in your process. Inside the function, specify the command that you want the task tool to execute.

    function out = myTaskCommand(NameValueArgs)
        % define task command here

    padv.TaskTool uses the feval function to evaluate the function and any input arguments that you specify in padv.TaskTool.

    Example: "myTaskCommand"

    Data Types: string

    Tool name that appears in Process Advisor app, specified as a string.

    Example: "My Custom App"

    Data Types: string

    Input arguments for tool, specified as a cell array.

    Example: {'arg1'}

    Example: {"arg1", "arg2"}

    Data Types: cell


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    Name of app to open or function to evaluate, specified as a string. Do not include the file extension.

    The value that you specify depends on the type of task app that you create:

    • If the Type property is "TaskApp", specify the name of an app. The app must:

      • Be an app that you design by using App Designer or uifigure.

      • Be on the MATLAB path.

      • Include a TaskContext property that you pass as a name-value argument in the constructor. Process Advisor uses the argument to identify the context of the task in your process.

      • Do one of the following during initialization:

        • Return a figure object from the uifigure function

        • Return an object with a getFigure method that returns a figure object from the uifigure function

        • Return an object with a UIFigure property containing a figure object from the uifigure function

      For example, the following MATLAB class defines a blank task app.

      classdef blankApp1 < matlab.apps.AppBase
          properties (Access = public)
              UIFigure  matlab.ui.Figure
          methods (Access = private)
              function createComponents(app)
                  app.UIFigure = uifigure('Visible', 'on');
          methods (Access = public)
              function app = blankApp1(NameValueArgs)
                  app.TaskContext = NameValueArgs.TaskContext;
                  if nargout == 0
                      clear app
              function delete(app)

    • If the Type property is "Command", specify the name of a function to evaluate. The function must accept a TaskContext as a name-value argument in its NameValueArgs input. Process Advisor uses this argument to identify the context of the task in your process.

      Inside the function, specify the command that you want the task tool to execute.

      function out = myTaskCommand(NameValueArgs)
          % define task command here

      padv.TaskTool uses the feval function to evaluate the function and any input arguments that you specify in padv.TaskTool.

    Example: "blankApp1"

    Example: "fun"

    Data Types: string

    Tool name that appears in Process Advisor app, specified as a string.

    Example: "My Custom App"

    Data Types: string

    Type of tool, specified as either:

    • padv.TaskToolType.TaskApp — Represents a custom app that you can open from the task options menu in Process Advisor. You can design the app by using App Designer or uifigure. Use this type to represent interactive apps that you create for your tasks.

    • padv.TaskToolType.Command — Represents a command that you can run from the task options menu in Process Advisor. Use this type to represent programmatic commands that you execute.

    These values belong to the enumeration class padv.TaskToolType.

    Example: padv.TaskToolType.TaskApp

    Input arguments for tool, specified as a cell array.

    Example: {'arg1'}

    Example: {"arg1", "arg2"}

    Data Types: cell


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    Starting in R2024a, you can integrate custom apps into your process model by using the addTaskTool function. You create the custom app by using App Designer or uifigure and represent the app by using a padv.TaskTool object. For this example, you add a custom app as a tool for a task and view the tool in the options menu for the task in Process Advisor.

    Open the Process Advisor example project. The model AHRS_Voter opens with the Process Advisor pane to the left of the Simulink® canvas.


    Create a custom app for a task in the process.

    You can use App Designer to create a custom app that helps you complete activities for a task in your process. In the MATLAB Command Window, open App Designer by entering:

    Use the App Designer app to interactively develop an app. For this example, you can create and save a blank app. For more information, see App Designer.

    To use your App Designer app as a task tool, you must include a TaskContext property that you pass as a name-value argument in the constructor and your app must return a matlab.ui.Figure object during initialization. You can save your app as an App Designer app (.mlapp), export your App Designer app as an M file, or define your app by using a MATLAB class (.m). For example, the following MATLAB class defines a blank App Designer app that can be a task tool.

    classdef blankApp1 < matlab.apps.AppBase
        properties (Access = public)
            UIFigure  matlab.ui.Figure
        methods (Access = private)
            function createComponents(app)
                app.UIFigure = uifigure('Visible', 'on');
        methods (Access = public)
            function app = blankApp1(NameValueArgs)
                app.TaskContext = NameValueArgs.TaskContext;
                if nargout == 0
                    clear app
            function delete(app)

    In the Process Advisor pane, click the Edit process model button to open the processmodel.m file for the project.

    Replace the contents of the processmodel.m file with the following example code. the code defines:

    • myTask — A custom task.

    • myTaskTool — A custom tool for a task. The tool calls the function specified by the ToolFunction argument. In the Process Advisor context menu for a task, the tool has the title My Custom App. Since the tool function, blankApp1, is a .mlapp file for an App Designer app, the Type is set to TaskApp.

    Inside the process model, the code adds the task and tool to the process model and specifies the tool as one of the task tools for the task.

    function processmodel(pm)
        % Define process model for project
            pm padv.ProcessModel
        % --- Task ---
        myTask = padv.Task("MyCustomTask");
        % --- TaskTool ---
        myTaskTool = padv.TaskTool(ToolFunction="blankApp1",Title="My Custom App",...
        % --- Integrate ---
        myTask.TaskTools = myTaskTool;

    In Process Advisor, update the task information by clicking Refresh Tasks.

    In the Tasks column, point to MyCustomTask, open the options menu (...), and click My Custom App.

    The App Designer app opens inside Process Advisor. You can use your app to help organize and complete activities related to your tasks.

    Task options menu showing a custom task app

    Starting in R2024a, you can integrate custom commands into your process model by using the addTaskTool function. You represent the custom commands by using padv.TaskTool objects. For this example, you add two custom commands as tools for a task and view the tools in the options menu for the task in Process Advisor.

    Open the Process Advisor example project. The model AHRS_Voter opens with the Process Advisor pane to the left of the Simulink canvas.


    Define your custom command by creating a new MATLAB function file. The function must accept a TaskContext as a name-value argument and must be on the MATLAB path.

    For this example, you can create a file named myCustomCommand.m and define a custom function that accepts and displays an input argument.

    function out = taskCmd1(inputArg, NamedValueArgs)

    In the Process Advisor pane, click the Edit process model button to open the processmodel.m file for the project.

    Replace the contents of the processmodel.m file with the following example code. the code defines:

    • myTask — A custom task.

    • myTaskTool — A custom tool for a task. The tool calls the function specified by the ToolFunction argument. In the Process Advisor context menu for a task, the tool has the title My Command 1. Since the tool function, taskCmd1, is a .m file for a function that defines a command for the task tool to execute, the Type is set to Command. The function accepts an input argument cmd1Arg.

    Inside the process model, the code adds the task and tool to the process model and specifies the tool as one of the task tools for the task.

    function processmodel(pm)
        % Define process model for project
            pm padv.ProcessModel
        % --- Task ---
        myTask = padv.Task("MyTask");
        % --- TaskTool ---
        cmd1Arg = "myInputArg";
        myTaskTool = padv.TaskTool(ToolFunction="taskCmd1",...
            Title="My Command 1",...
        % --- Integrate ---
        myTask.TaskTools = myTaskTool;

    In Process Advisor, update the task information by clicking Refresh Tasks.

    In the Tasks column, point to MyTask, open the options menu (...), and click My Command 1.

    Process Advisor executes the command specified in the taskCmd1 function. The function displays the input argument, "myInputArg", in the MATLAB Command Window.

    Task options menu showing a custom command

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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