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Display a selected number of lines of console log messages in a system log object

Since R2020b


systemlog_out = tail(systemlog_object,lineCount) displays a selected number of console log message lines from the end of content in a SystemLog object.



collapse all

Use the tail function to displays a selected number of console log message lines from the end of content in a SystemLog object.

Display the last 5 message lines in SystemLog object slog.

ans =

  5×4 table

              Timestamp                           Message                  Severity    Category
    _____________________________    __________________________________    ________    ________

    20-07-2023 01:59:19.080003000    "Logging stopped at 1s"                "info"        0    
    20-07-2023 01:59:19.080003000    "Stopping model slrt_ex_osc at 1s"     "info"        0    
    20-07-2023 01:59:21.557004000    "fileLogMaxRuns = 10"                  "info"        0    
    20-07-2023 01:59:21.557004000    "Loading model slrt_ex_osc"            "info"        0    
    20-07-2023 01:59:21.639004000    "Ready to start"                       "info"        0    

Input Arguments

collapse all

Provides access to methods that display and filter console log content from the target computer.

Example: slog

Selects the number of message lines to display

Example: 5

Output Arguments

collapse all

Provides access to filtered output drawn from a SystemLog object by using the messages function or tail function.

Example: slogout

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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