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System Configuration with MATLAB

Development and target computer configuration, target computer boot method, confidence test

With MATLAB® language, configure communication with the target computer. Determine the target computer configuration and configure the Simulink® Real-Time™ RTOS so that it uses as much as possible of the target computer capabilities. For more information, see Set Up Target Computer Ethernet Connection.


TargetRepresent real-time application and target computer status (Since R2020b)
InstrumentCreate real-time instrument object (Since R2020b)
slrealtime.instrument.LineStyleCreate real-time instrument LineStyle object (Since R2022b)


Target Object Propertiesslrealtime Target object properties for configuration and status (Since R2020b)


configureModelForTargetPlatformConfigure model to build for selected and connectable target computer (Since R2024a)
getSTFNameGet system target file name for selected and connectable target computer (Since R2024a)
slrealtimeInterface for managing target computer (Since R2020b)
getTargetSettingsGet target computer environment settings (Since R2020b)


1. Development Computer Setup

2. Target Computer Setup

3. Target Computer Boot Configuration

4. Installation Test


Troubleshooting in Simulink Real-Time

Troubleshoot problems that you encounter while using the Simulink Real-Time product

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