returns an incremental one-class support vector machine (SVM) model
= incrementalLearner(Mdl
for anomaly detection, initialized using the
parameters provided in the one-class SVM model Mdl
. Because its
property values reflect the knowledge gained from Mdl
can detect anomalies given new observations, and it is
warm, meaning that the incremental fit
function can
return scores and detect anomalies.
uses additional options specified by one or more
name-value arguments. Some options require that IncrementalMdl
= incrementalLearner(Mdl
prepared for incremental learning before fit
updates the
score threshold for anomaly detection. For example,
specifies to use the stochastic
gradient descent solver, and to process 500 observations to estimate model hyperparameters
prior to training.
Convert Traditionally Trained Model to Incremental Learner
Train a one-class SVM model by using ocsvm
, convert it to an incremental learner model, fit the incremental model to streaming data, and detect anomalies. Transfer training options from traditional to incremental learning.
Load Data
Load the 1994 census data stored in census1994.mat
. The data set consists of demographic data from the US Census Bureau.
load census1994.mat
The fit
function of incrementalOneClassSVM
does not support categorical predictors and does not use observations with missing values. Remove missing values in the data to reduce memory consumption and speed up training.
adultdata = rmmissing(adultdata); adulttest = rmmissing(adulttest);
Remove the categorical predictors from the data.
Xtrain = removevars(adultdata,["workClass","education","marital_status", ... "occupation","relationship","race","sex","native_country","salary"]); Xstream = removevars(adulttest,["workClass","education","marital_status", ... "occupation","relationship","race","sex","native_country","salary"]);
Train One-Class SVM Model
Fit a one-class SVM model to the training data. Specify a random stream for reproducibility, and an anomaly contamination fraction of 0.001. Set KernelScale
to "auto"
so that the software selects an appropriate kernel scale parameter using a heuristic procedure.
rng(0,"twister"); % For reproducibility TTMdl = ocsvm(Xtrain, KernelScale="auto",ContaminationFraction=0.001, ... RandomStream=RandStream("mlfg6331_64"))
TTMdl = OneClassSVM CategoricalPredictors: [] ContaminationFraction: 1.0000e-03 ScoreThreshold: -0.0678 PredictorNames: {'age' 'fnlwgt' 'education_num' 'capital_gain' 'capital_loss' 'hours_per_week'} KernelScale: 9.3699e+04 Lambda: 0.1632
is a OneClassSVM
model object representing a traditionally trained one-class SVM model.
Convert Trained Model
Convert the traditionally trained one-class SVM model to a one-class SVM model for incremental learning.
IncrementalMdl = incrementalLearner(TTMdl);
is an incrementalOneClassSVM
model object that is ready for incremental learning and anomaly detection.
Fit Incremental Model and Detect Anomalies
Perform incremental learning on the Xstream
data by using the fit
function. To simulate a data stream, fit the model in chunks of 100 observations at a time. At each iteration:
Process 100 observations.
Overwrite the previous incremental model with a new one fitted to the incoming observations.
, the median score value of the data chunk, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.Store
, the score threshold value for anomalies, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.Store
, the number of detected anomalies in the chunk, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.
n = numel(Xstream(:,1)); numObsPerChunk = 100; nchunk = floor(n/numObsPerChunk); medianscore = zeros(nchunk,1); threshold = zeros(nchunk,1); numAnom = zeros(nchunk,1); % Incremental fitting rng("default"); % For reproducibility for j = 1:nchunk ibegin = min(n,numObsPerChunk*(j-1) + 1); iend = min(n,numObsPerChunk*j); idx = ibegin:iend; [IncrementalMdl,tf,scores] = fit(IncrementalMdl,Xstream(idx,:)); medianscore(j) = median(scores); numAnom(j) = sum(tf); threshold(j) = IncrementalMdl.ScoreThreshold; end
Analyze Incremental Model During Training
To see how the median score, score threshold, and number of detected anomalies per chunk evolve during training, plot them on separate tiles.
tiledlayout(3,1); nexttile plot(medianscore) ylabel("Median Score") xlabel("Iteration") xlim([0 nchunk]) nexttile plot(threshold) ylabel("Score Threshold") xlabel("Iteration") xlim([0 nchunk]) nexttile plot(numAnom,"+") ylabel("Number of Anomalies") xlabel("Iteration") xlim([0 nchunk]) ylim([0 max(numAnom)+0.2])
totalAnomalies = 16
anomfrac= totalAnomalies/n
anomfrac = 0.0011
The median score remains relatively constant at 26 for the first 58 iterations, after which it begins to rise. After 9 iterations, the score threshold begins to steadily drop from its initial value of 0. The software detects 16 anomalies in the Xstream
data, yielding a total contamination fraction of 0.0011. You can suppress the output of scores and anomalies returned by fit
during the initial iterations of incremental learning, when the model is still approaching a steady state, by specifying ScoreWarmupPeriod
> 0 when you create IncrementalMdl
using incrementalLearner
Specify SGD Solver and Standardize Data
Train a one-class SVM model by using ocsvm
, and convert it to an incremental learner model that uses the stochastic gradient descent solver. Fit the incremental learner model to streaming data, and detect anomalies. Transfer training options from traditional to incremental learning.
Load Data
Load the 1994 census data stored in census1994.mat
. The data set consists of demographic data from the US Census Bureau.
load census1994.mat
The fit
function of incrementalOneClassSVM
does not support categorical predictors and does not use observations with missing values. Remove missing values in the data to reduce memory consumption and speed up training.
adultdata = rmmissing(adultdata); adulttest = rmmissing(adulttest);
Remove the categorical predictors.
Xtrain = removevars(adultdata,["workClass","education","marital_status", ... "occupation","relationship","race","sex","native_country","salary"]); Xstream = removevars(adulttest,["workClass","education","marital_status", ... "occupation","relationship","race","sex","native_country","salary"]);
Train One-Class SVM Model
Fit a one-class SVM model to the training data. Specify a random stream for reproducibility, and an anomaly contamination fraction of 0.001. Set KernelScale
to "auto"
so that the software selects an appropriate kernel scale parameter using a heuristic procedure.
rng(0,"twister"); % For reproducibility TTMdl = ocsvm(Xtrain,ContaminationFraction=0.001, ... KernelScale="auto",RandomStream=RandStream("mlfg6331_64"), ... StandardizeData=true)
TTMdl = OneClassSVM CategoricalPredictors: [] ContaminationFraction: 1.0000e-03 ScoreThreshold: 0.1013 PredictorNames: {'age' 'fnlwgt' 'education_num' 'capital_gain' 'capital_loss' 'hours_per_week'} KernelScale: 2.6954 Lambda: 0.1600
is a OneClassSVM
model object representing a traditionally trained one-class SVM model.
Convert Trained Model
Convert the traditionally trained one-class SVM model to a one-class SVM model for incremental learning. Specify the standard SGD solver and an estimation period of 5000
observations (the default is 1000
when a learning rate is required).
IncrementalMdl = incrementalLearner(TTMdl,Solver="sgd", ... EstimationPeriod=5000); details(IncrementalMdl)
incrementalOneClassSVM with properties: KernelScale: 2.6954 Lambda: 0.1600 NumExpansionDimensions: 256 SolverOptions: [1x1 struct] Solver: 'sgd' FittedLoss: 'hinge' Mu: [38.4379 1.8979e+05 10.1213 1.0920e+03 88.3725 40.9312] Sigma: [13.1347 1.0565e+05 2.5500 7.4063e+03 404.2984 11.9800] EstimationPeriod: 5000 IsWarm: 0 ContaminationFraction: 1.0000e-03 NumTrainingObservations: 0 NumPredictors: 6 ScoreThreshold: 0.1021 ScoreWarmupPeriod: 0 PredictorNames: {'age' 'fnlwgt' 'education_num' 'capital_gain' 'capital_loss' 'hours_per_week'} ScoreWindowSize: 1000
is an incrementalOneClassSVM
model object that is ready for incremental learning and anomaly detection.
Fit Incremental Model and Detect Anomalies
Perform incremental learning on the Xstream
data by using the fit
function. To simulate a data stream, fit the model in chunks of 100 observations at a time. At each iteration:
Process 100 observations.
Overwrite the previous incremental model with a new one fitted to the incoming observations.
, the median score value of the data chunk, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.Store
, the score threshold value for anomalies, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.Store
, the number of detected anomalies in the chunk, to see how it evolves during incremental learning.
n = numel(Xstream(:,1)); numObsPerChunk = 100; nchunk = floor(n/numObsPerChunk); medianscore = zeros(nchunk,1); threshold = zeros(nchunk,1); numAnom = zeros(nchunk,1); % Incremental fitting for j = 1:nchunk ibegin = min(n,numObsPerChunk*(j-1) + 1); iend = min(n,numObsPerChunk*j); idx = ibegin:iend; [IncrementalMdl,tf,scores] = fit(IncrementalMdl,Xstream(idx,:)); medianscore(j) = median(scores); numAnom(j) = sum(tf); threshold(j) = IncrementalMdl.ScoreThreshold; end
Analyze Incremental Model During Training
To see how the median score, score threshold, and number of detected anomalies per chunk evolve during training, plot them on separate tiles.
tiledlayout(3,1); nexttile plot(medianscore) ylabel("Median Score") xlabel("Iteration") xline(IncrementalMdl.EstimationPeriod/numObsPerChunk,"r-.") xlim([0 nchunk]) nexttile plot(threshold) ylabel("Score Threshold") xlabel("Iteration") xline(IncrementalMdl.EstimationPeriod/numObsPerChunk,"r-.") xlim([0 nchunk]) nexttile plot(numAnom,"+") ylabel("Anomalies") xlabel("Iteration") xline(IncrementalMdl.EstimationPeriod/numObsPerChunk,"r-.") xlim([0 nchunk]) ylim([0 max(numAnom)+0.2])
totalanomalies = 11
anomfrac= totalanomalies/(n-IncrementalMdl.EstimationPeriod)
anomfrac = 0.0011
During the estimation period, fit
estimates the learning rate using the observations, and does not fit the model or update the score threshold. After the estimation period, fit
updates the model and returns the observation scores and the indices of observations with scores above the score threshold value as anomalies. A negative score value with large magnitude indicates a normal observation, and a large positive value indicates an anomaly. The median score fluctuates between approximately 1 and 0.9. The score threshold fluctuates between 0.02 and 0.2. The software detects 11 anomalies in the Xstream
data after the estimation period, yielding a total contamination fraction of 0.0011.
Input Arguments
— Traditionally trained one-class SVM model for anomaly detection
model object
Traditionally trained one-class SVM model for anomaly detection, specified as a
model object returned by ocsvm
Incremental learning functions support only numeric input
predictor data. If Mdl
was trained on categorical data, you must prepare an
encoded version of the categorical data to use incremental learning functions. Use dummyvar
to convert each categorical variable to a numeric matrix of dummy
variables. Then, concatenate all dummy variable matrices and any other numeric predictors, in
the same way that the training function encodes categorical data. For more details, see Dummy Variables.
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: Solver="scale-invariant",ScoreWarmupPeriod=500
specifies the
adaptive scale-invariant solver for objective optimization, and specifies processing 500
observations before the incremental fit
returns scores and detects anomalies.
— Number of observations processed to estimate hyperparameters
nonnegative integer
Number of observations processed by the incremental learner to estimate hyperparameters prior to training, specified as a nonnegative integer.
When processing observations during the estimation period, the software ignores observations that contain at least one missing value.
is prepared for incremental learning (all hyperparameters required for training are specified),incrementalLearner
is not prepared for incremental learning,incrementalLearner
and estimates the unknown hyperparameters.
For more details, see Estimation Period.
Example: EstimationPeriod=500
Data Types: single
| double
— Objective function minimization technique
(default) | "sgd"
| "asgd"
This property is read-only.
Objective function minimization technique, specified as a value in this table.
Value | Description | Notes |
"scale-invariant" | Adaptive scale-invariant solver for incremental learning [1] |
"sgd" | Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) [3][2] |
"asgd" | Average stochastic gradient descent (ASGD) [4] |
Data Types: char
| string
— Mini-batch size
(default) | positive integer
Mini-batch size for the stochastic solvers, specified as a positive integer. This
argument is not valid when Solver
At each learning cycle during training, incrementalLearner
observations to compute the subgradient. The number of
observations for the last mini-batch (last learning cycle in each function call of
) can be smaller than
. For example, if you specify
= 10
and supply 25 observations to
, the function uses 10 observations for the first two
learning cycles and uses 5 observations for the last learning cycle.
Example: BatchSize=5
Data Types: single
| double
— Initial learning rate
(default) | positive scalar
Initial learning rate, specified as "auto"
or a positive
scalar. This argument is not valid when Solver
The learning rate controls the optimization step size by scaling the objective
subgradient. LearnRate
specifies an initial value for the
learning rate, and LearnRateSchedule
determines the learning rate for subsequent learning cycles.
When you specify "auto"
The initial learning rate is
changes the rate to1/sqrt(1+max(sum(X.^2,2)))
at the end ofEstimationPeriod
, whereX
is the predictor data collected during the estimation period.
Example: LearnRate=0.1
Data Types: single
| double
| char
| string
— Learning rate schedule
(default) | "constant"
Learning rate schedule, specified as
or "constant"
, where LearnRate
the initial learning rate ɣ0.
Value | Description |
"constant" | The learning rate is ɣ0 for all learning cycles. |
"decaying" | The learning rate at learning cycle t is
Example: LearnRateSchedule="constant"
Data Types: char
| string
— Flag for shuffling observations
or 1
(default) | false
or 0
This property is read-only.
Flag for shuffling the observations at each iteration, specified as a value in this table.
Value | Description |
1 (true) | The software shuffles the observations in an incoming chunk of
data before the fit function fits the model. This
action reduces bias induced by the sampling scheme. |
0 (false) | The software processes the data in the order received. |
This option is valid only when Solver
. When Solver
or "asgd"
, the software always shuffles
the observations in an incoming chunk of data before processing the data.
Example: Shuffle=false
Data Types: logical
— Warm-up period before score output and anomaly detection
(default) | nonnegative integer
Warm-up period before score output and anomaly detection (outside the estimation
period, if EstimationPeriod
> 0
), specified as
a nonnegative integer. The ScoreWarmupPeriod
value is the number
of observations to which the incremental model must be fit before the incremental
function returns scores and detects anomalies.
When processing observations during the score warm-up period, the software ignores observations that contain at least one missing value.
Data Types: single
| double
— Running window size used to estimate threshold
(default) | positive integer
Running window size used to estimate the score threshold
), specified as a positive integer. The default
value is 1000
If ScoreWindowSize
is greater than the number of observations
in the training data, the software determines ScoreThreshold
subsampling from the training data. Otherwise, ScoreThreshold
set to Mdl.ScoreThreshold
Example: ScoreWindowSize=100
Data Types: single
| double
Output Arguments
— One-class SVM model for incremental anomaly detection
model object
One-class SVM model for incremental anomaly detection, returned as an incrementalOneClassSVM
model object.
To initialize IncrementalMdl
for incremental anomaly detection,
passes the values of the following properties of
to the corresponding properties of
Property | Description |
ContaminationFraction | Fraction of anomalies in the training data, a numeric scalar in the range
[0,1] |
KernelScale | Kernel scale parameter, a positive scalar |
Lambda | Ridge (L2) regularization term strength, a nonnegative
scalar. incrementalLearner sets
IncrementalMdl.Lambda to NaN if
Solver is "scale-invariant" . |
Mu | Predictor means of the training data, a numeric vector |
NumExpansionDimensions | Number of dimensions of the expanded space, a positive integer |
PredictorNames | Predictor variable names, a cell array of character vectors |
ScoreThreshold | Threshold score for anomalies in the training data, a numeric scalar in
the range (–Inf,Inf) . If
ScoreWindowSize is greater than the number of
observations used to train Mdl , then
incrementalLearner approximates
ScoreThreshold by subsampling from the training data.
Otherwise, incrementalLearner passes
Mdl.ScoreThreshold to
IncrementalMdl.ScoreThreshold . |
Sigma | Predictor standard deviations of the training data, a numeric vector |
More About
Incremental Learning for Anomaly Detection
Incremental learning, or online learning, is a branch of machine learning concerned with processing incoming data from a data stream, possibly given little to no knowledge of the distribution of the predictor variables, aspects of the prediction or objective function (including tuning parameter values), or whether the observations contain anomalies. Incremental learning differs from traditional machine learning, where enough data is available to fit to a model, perform cross-validation to tune hyperparameters, and infer the predictor distribution.
Anomaly detection is used to identify unexpected events and departures from normal behavior. In situations where the full data set is not immediately available, or new data is arriving, you can use incremental learning for anomaly detection to incrementally train a model so it adjusts to the characteristics of the incoming data.
Given incoming observations, an incremental learning model for anomaly detection does the following:
Computes anomaly scores
Updates the anomaly score threshold
Detects data points above the score threshold as anomalies
Fits the model to the incoming observations
For more information, see Incremental Anomaly Detection with MATLAB.
Adaptive Scale-Invariant Solver for Incremental Learning
The adaptive scale-invariant solver for incremental learning, introduced in [1], is a gradient-descent-based objective solver for training linear predictive models. The solver is hyperparameter free, insensitive to differences in predictor variable scales, and does not require prior knowledge of the distribution of the predictor variables. These characteristics make it well suited to incremental learning.
The standard SGD and ASGD solvers are sensitive to differing scales among the predictor variables, resulting in models that can perform poorly. To achieve better accuracy using SGD and ASGD, you can standardize the predictor data, and tune the regularization and learning rate parameters. For traditional machine learning, enough data is available to enable hyperparameter tuning by cross-validation and predictor standardization. However, for incremental learning, enough data might not be available (for example, observations might be available only one at a time) and the distribution of the predictors might be unknown. These characteristics make parameter tuning and predictor standardization difficult or impossible to do during incremental learning.
The incremental fitting function for anomaly detection fit
uses the more conservative
ScInOL1 version of the algorithm.
Estimation Period
During the estimation period, the incremental fitting function fit
uses the first incoming
to estimate (tune) hyperparameters required for incremental training. Estimation occurs only
when EstimationPeriod
is positive. This table describes the
hyperparameters and when they are estimated, or tuned.
Hyperparameter | Model Property | Usage | Conditions |
Predictor means and standard deviations |
| Standardize predictor data | The hyperparameters are estimated when both of these conditions apply:
Learning rate | LearnRate
| Adjust the solver step size | The hyperparameter is estimated when both of these conditions apply:
Kernel scale parameter | KernelScale | Set a kernel scale parameter value for random feature expansion | The hyperparameter is estimated when you set KernelScale
to "auto" . |
During the estimation period,
does not fit the model. At the end of the estimation period,
the function updates the properties that store the hyperparameters.
Standardize Data
If incremental learning functions are configured to standardize predictor variables,
they do so using the means and standard deviations stored in the Mu
properties of the incremental learning model
If you standardize the predictor data when you train the input model
by usingocsvm
, the following conditions apply:incrementalLearner
passes the means inMdl.Mu
and standard deviations inMdl.Sigma
to the corresponding incremental learning model properties.Incremental learning functions always standardize the predictor data.
When the incremental fitting function estimates predictor means and standard deviations, the function computes weighted means and weighted standard deviations using the estimation period observations. Specifically, the function standardizes predictor j (xj) using
xj is predictor j, and xjk is observation k of predictor j in the estimation period.
pk is the prior probability of class k (
property of the incremental model).wj is observation weight j.
[1] Kempka, Michał, Wojciech Kotłowski, and Manfred K. Warmuth. "Adaptive Scale-Invariant Online Algorithms for Learning Linear Models." Preprint, submitted February 10, 2019.
[2] Langford, J., L. Li, and T. Zhang. “Sparse Online Learning Via Truncated Gradient.” J. Mach. Learn. Res., Vol. 10, 2009, pp. 777–801.
[3] Shalev-Shwartz, S., Y. Singer, and N. Srebro. “Pegasos: Primal Estimated Sub-Gradient Solver for SVM.” Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML ’07, 2007, pp. 807–814.
[4] Xu, Wei. “Towards Optimal One Pass Large Scale Learning with Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent.” CoRR, abs/1107.2490, 2011.
Version History
Introduced in R2023b
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