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TeX representation of symbolic expression


texlabel(expr) converts the symbolic expression expr into the TeX equivalent for use in character vectors. texlabel converts Greek variable names, such as delta, into Greek letters. Annotation functions, such as title, xlabel, and text can use the TeX character vector as input. To obtain the LaTeX representation, use latex.


texlabel(expr,'literal') interprets Greek variable names literally.



Generate TeX Character Vector

Use texlabel to generate TeX character vectors for these symbolic expressions.

syms x y lambda12 delta
texlabel(sin(x) + x^3)
texlabel(3*(1-x)^2*exp(-(x^2) - (y+1)^2))
texlabel(lambda12^(3/2)/pi - pi*delta^(2/3))
ans =
    '{sin}({x}) + {x}^{3}'

ans =
    '{3} {exp}(- ({y} + {1})^{2} - {x}^{2}) ({x} - {1})^{2}'

ans =
    '{\lambda_{12}}^{{3}/{2}}/{\pi} - {\delta}^{{2}/{3}} {\pi}'

To make texlabel interpret Greek variable names literally, include the argument 'literal'.

ans =

Insert TeX in Figure

Plot y = x^2 using fplot. Show the plotted expression y by using texlabel to generate a TeX character vector that text inserts into the figure.

syms x
y = x^2;
ylabel = texlabel(y);
text(1, 15, ['y = ' ylabel]);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type functionline, text.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Expression to be converted, specified as a symbolic expression.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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