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ISO 15037-1:2006 Standard Measurement Signals

You can configure the maneuver reference applications to display ISO 15037-1:2006[1] standard measurement signals in the Simulation Data Inspector, including steering wheel angle and torque, longitudinal and lateral velocity, and sideslip angle.

To configure the ISO signal display, in the reference application Visualization subsystem, open the ISO 15037-1:2006 block. Select Enabled. After you run the maneuver, the Simulation Data Inspector opens with standard measurements.

For example, to display the ISO signals when you run the double lane change maneuver:

  1. Create and open a working copy of the double-lane change reference application project.

  2. In the Visualization subsystem, open the ISO 15037-1:2006 block. Select Enabled. Save the reference application.

  3. Run the maneuver. As the simulation runs, view the ISO standard measurement signals in the Simulation Data Inspector, including steering wheel angle and torque, longitudinal and lateral velocity, and sideslip angle.

    Plots of steering wheel angle, torque, velocity, and slide slip angle versus time


[1] ISO 15037-1:2006. Road vehicles -- Vehicle dynamics test methods -- Part 1: General conditions for passenger cars. ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 2014.

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