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Set up model parameters for HDL code generation for streaming video


visionhdlsetup(modelname) sets the parameters of a Simulink® model specified by modelname, to the recommended values for HDL code generation for streaming video designs. Use this function instead of hdlsetup (HDL Coder).

Open the model before you call this function. If you do not have an HDL Coder™ license, this function returns a warning. After you call this function, you can modify any of HDL Coder parameters using set_param or Model Parameters > HDL Code Generation.

When you generate HDL code for a model that you have configured using the visionhdlsetup function, in the HDL Code Generation Check Report there is a warning about BalanceDelays.

'BalanceDelays' is set to 'Off' for the model. 
This warning is acceptable since Vision HDL Toolbox™ blocks do not participate in automatic pipelining or delay balancing during HDL code generation.



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Set model parameters to recommended values for HDL code generation for streaming video designs.

Open a model.


Call visionhdlsetup to configure the model.


Input Arguments

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Simulink model to configure, specified as a character vector or string. The model must be loaded before you call this function.

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

See Also

(HDL Coder)

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