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Deep learning inverse continuous 1-D wavelet transform

Since R2024b


    x = dlicwt(cfs,psifvec,filteridx) inverts the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) coefficient matrix cfs using the reduced-weight CWT filter bank psifvec and bookkeeping matrix filteridx. The dlicwt function requires Deep Learning Toolbox™.


    x = dlicwt(cfs,psifvec,filteridx,DataFormat=fmt) specifies the data format of cfs.


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    Load the Espiga3 EEG dataset. The data consists of 23 channels of EEG sampled at 200 Hz. There are 995 samples in each channel. Save the multisignal as a dlarray, specifying the dimensions in order. dlarray permutes the array dimensions to the "CBT" shape expected by a deep learning network.

    load Espiga3
    Fs = 200;
    [N,ch] = size(Espiga3);
    dlx = dlarray(Espiga3,"TCB");
    whos Espiga3 dlx
      Name           Size                Bytes  Class      Attributes
      Espiga3      995x23               183080  double               
      dlx           23x1x995            183110  dlarray              
    ans = 

    Create a CWT filter bank that is compatible with the channels. Specify periodic boundary conditions. Then use the cwtfilters2array function to convert the filter bank to a reduced-weight tensor suitable for deep learning. Include the lowpass filter in the tensor.

    fb = cwtfilterbank(SignalLength=N,SamplingFrequency=Fs, ...
    [psifvec,filteridx] = cwtfilters2array(fb,IncludeLowpass=true);

    Obtain the deep learning CWT of the multisignal.

    dlcfs = dlcwt(dlx,psifvec,filteridx);
    whos dlcfs
      Name        Size                     Bytes  Class      Attributes
      dlcfs      72x23x1x995            26363528  dlarray    complex   
    ans = 

    To reconstruct the signal, compute the deep learning inverse CWT.

    dlxrec = dlicwt(dlcfs,psifvec,filteridx);
    whos dlxrec
      Name         Size                Bytes  Class      Attributes
      dlxrec      23x1x995            183086  dlarray              
    ans = 

    Convert the output to a numeric array. To match the dimensions of the original multisignal, permute the output dimensions to correspond with the "TCB" format. The result is a matrix because there is only one batch.

    xrec = extractdata(dlxrec);
    xrec = permute(xrec,[3 1 2]);
    whos xrec Espiga3
      Name           Size             Bytes  Class     Attributes
      Espiga3      995x23            183080  double              
      xrec         995x23            183080  double              

    Choose two of the channels. Compare the original channel with its reconstruction.

    channelIdx = [2 6];
    for k=1:2
        idx = channelIdx(k);
        xorig = Espiga3(:,idx);
        xreco = xrec(:,idx);
        ylabel("Channel "+num2str(idx))
        hold on
        hold off
        title("MSE: "+mean((xorig-xreco).^2))
        grid on

    Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title MSE: 1.8458e-28, ylabel Channel 2 contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Original, Reconstruction. Axes object 2 with title MSE: 9.543e-29, ylabel Channel 6 contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Original, Reconstruction.

    Input Arguments

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    Continuous wavelet transform, specified as a formatted or unformatted dlarray (Deep Learning Toolbox) or numeric array. cfs is the CWT of a real-valued signal.

    • If cfs if a formatted dlarray, it must be in the "SCBT" or "CBT" format.

    • If cfs is in the "CBT" format, the dlicwt function unflattens cfs to the "SCBT" shape.

    • If cfs is real-valued, the number of channels C must be even because the dlicwt function assumes that the true number of channels is C/2.

    • If cfs is an unformatted dlarray, it must be compatible with the "SCBT" or "CBT" formats and you must set DataFormat.

    The dlicwt function computes the inverse CWT along the "S" dimension of cfs. The "S" dimension corresponds to scale, or equivalently, the center frequency of the wavelet bandpass filters.

    Data Types: single | double
    Complex Number Support: Yes

    Reduced-weight CWT filter bank, specified as a real-valued 1-by-1-by-Nr tensor, where Nr is the number of weights in the filter bank. Use cwtfilters2array to obtain psifvec.

    Data Types: single | double

    Bookkeeping matrix, specified as a matrix. In order to invert the CWT, the dlicwt function uses filteridx and psifvec to reconstruct an approximation to the CWT filter bank. Use cwtfilters2array to obtain filteridx.

    You can use array2cwtfilters to reconstruct the CWT filter bank from psifvec and filteridx.

    CWT format, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This argument is valid only if cfs is unformatted.

    Each character in this argument must be one of these labels:

    • "S" —Spatial (scale) dimension

    • "C" — Channel

    • "B" — Batch observations

    • "T" — Time

    The dlicwt function accepts any permutation of "CBT" or "SCBT". Each element of the argument labels the matching dimension of cfs. You can specify at most one of each of the "S", "C", "B", and "T" labels.

    Example: x = dlicwt(cfs,psifvec,filteridx,DataFormat="SBCT") specifies the format of the unformatted dlarray object cfs as "SBCT".

    Output Arguments

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    Reconstructed signal, returned as a formatted or unformatted dlarray object.

    • If cfs is a formatted dlarray, then x is a "CBT" formatted dlarray.

    • If cfs is an unformatted dlarray, then x is an unformatted dlarray. The dimension order in x is "CBT".

    Data Types: single | double

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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