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Joint time-frequency scattering filter bank

Since R2024b


    [psi1f,psi2f,phift,timemeta] = filterbank(jtfn) returns the first- and second-order time wavelet filter banks, psi1f and psi2f respectively, the time lowpass filter phift, and the metadata timemeta for the time filters in the joint time-frequency scattering (JTFS) network.


    [psifup,psifdown,phiffr,frequencymeta] = filterbank(jtfn,FilterBank="frequency") returns the spin-up and spin-down frequency wavelets, psifup and psifdown respectively, the frequency lowpass filter phiffr, and the metadata frequencymeta for the frequency filters in the JTFS network.

    The syntax filterbank(jtfn,FilterBank="time") is equivalent to filterbank(jtfn).



    collapse all

    Create a JTFS network with the energy correct filters option set to false. Specify quality factors of 9 and 2 for the first-order and second-order time wavelet filter banks, respectively.

    jtfn = timeFrequencyScattering(EnergyCorrectFilters=false, ...
        TimeQualityFactors=[9 2]);

    Obtain the filters in the first- and second-order time wavelet filter banks and their metadata. Plot the filters. Because the wavelets are analytic, their Fourier transforms are supported only on the positive real axis.

    [psi1f,psi2f,phift,timemeta] = filterbank(jtfn);
    grid on
    axis tight
    title("First-Order Time Wavelet Filter Bank")
    grid on
    axis tight
    title("Second-Order Time Wavelet Filter Bank")

    Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title First-Order Time Wavelet Filter Bank contains 50 objects of type line. Axes object 2 with title Second-Order Time Wavelet Filter Bank contains 15 objects of type line.

    Inspect the size and metadata for the first-order time wavelet filter bank. The wavelet filters are arranged columnwise and in order of decreasing center frequency. The ith table row describes the ith filter.

    ans = 1×2
            1792          50
    ans=50×6 table
          xi         sigma      isCQT    log2dsfactor    peakidx      bwidx   
        _______    _________    _____    ____________    _______    __________
        0.48076     0.022225      1           0            863      757    897
        0.44512     0.020578      1           0            799      701    896
        0.41212     0.019053      1           0            740      646    833
        0.38158      0.01764      1           0            685      598    771
        0.35329     0.016333      1           0            634      553    714
         0.3271     0.015122      1           0            587      512    661
        0.30286     0.014001      1           0            544      475    613
        0.28041     0.012963      1           0            503      440    567
        0.25962     0.012002      1           0            466      407    525
        0.24038     0.011113      1           0            432      377    486
        0.22256     0.010289      1           0            400      349    450
        0.20606    0.0095263      1           1            370      324    417
        0.19079    0.0088202      1           1            343      300    386
        0.17665    0.0081664      1           1            318      278    358
        0.16355     0.007561      1           1            294      257    331
        0.15143    0.0070006      1           1            272      237    306

    Choose a time filter bank. From its metadata, obtain the filter center frequencies and the logical values indicating if a center frequency is logarithmically spaced.

    whichFB = 1;
    centerFrq = timemeta{whichFB}.xi;
    isCQT = timemeta{whichFB}.isCQT;

    Compute the ratios of consecutive center frequencies that are logarithmically spaced. Confirm the ratios are equal to 2-1/Q, where Q is the quality factor of the filter bank.

    qualityFactor = jtfn.TimeQualityFactors(whichFB);
    isLogSpaced = find(isCQT);
    cf = centerFrq(isLogSpaced);
    cfRatio = cf(2:end)./cf(1:end-1);
    [min(cfRatio) max(cfRatio) 2^(-1/qualityFactor)]
    ans = 1×3
        0.9259    0.9259    0.9259

    Plot on a linear scale with a cross marker the center frequencies that are logarithmically spaced. Then plot with a circle marker the center frequencies that are linearly spaced.

    hold on
    isNotLogSpaced = find(~isCQT);
    hold off
    grid on
    legend("Logarithmically Spaced","Linearly Spaced")
    title("Time Wavelet Filter Bank Center Frequencies")
    ylabel("Frequency (cycles/sample)")

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Time Wavelet Filter Bank Center Frequencies, ylabel Frequency (cycles/sample) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Logarithmically Spaced, Linearly Spaced.

    Make the same plot, but this time on a logarithmic scale.

    hold on
    hold off
    grid on
    legend("Logarithmically Spaced","Linearly Spaced")
    title("Time Wavelet Filter Bank Center Frequencies")
    ylabel("Frequency (cycles/sample)")

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Time Wavelet Filter Bank Center Frequencies, ylabel Frequency (cycles/sample) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Logarithmically Spaced, Linearly Spaced.

    Create a JTFS network with the energy correct filters option set to false. Specify a frequency quality factor of 3.

    jtfn = timeFrequencyScattering(EnergyCorrectFilters=false, ...
    jtfn = 
      timeFrequencyScattering with properties:
                     SignalLength: 1024
              NumFrequencyOctaves: 3
         FrequencyInvarianceScale: 8
           FrequencyQualityFactor: 3
              TimeInvarianceScale: 128
               TimeQualityFactors: [8 1]
             TimeMaxPaddingFactor: 2
                   NumTimeOctaves: [7 7]
                   FilterDataType: 'double'
        FrequencyMaxPaddingFactor: 2
             EnergyCorrectFilters: 0

    Obtain the spin-up and spin-down frequency wavelets and their metadata. Plot the wavelets.

    [psifup,psifdown,phiffr,frequencymeta] = filterbank(jtfn, ...
    grid on
    title("Spin-Up Frequency Wavelets")
    axis tight
    title("Spin-Down Frequency Wavelets")
    grid on
    axis tight

    Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Spin-Up Frequency Wavelets contains 9 objects of type line. Axes object 2 with title Spin-Down Frequency Wavelets contains 9 objects of type line.

    Inspect the metadata. The metadata is listed in order of decreasing center frequency, first for the spin-up wavelets, and then the spin-down wavelets.

    frequencymeta=18×7 table
           xi        sigma      isCQT    log2dsfactor    spin    peakidx     bwidx  
        ________    ________    _____    ____________    ____    _______    ________
         0.44249    0.061128      1           0            1       43       28    49
         0.35121    0.048518      1           0            1       35       22    47
         0.27875    0.038508      1           0            1       28       18    38
         0.22125    0.030564      1           0            1       22       14    30
          0.1756    0.024259      1           1            1       18       12    24
         0.13938    0.019254      1           1            1       14       10    19
         0.10453     0.01625      0           1            1       11        7    15
        0.069688     0.01625      0           2            1        8        4    12
        0.034844     0.01625      0           2            1        4        2     8
        -0.44249    0.061128      1           0           -1       55       49    70
        -0.35121    0.048518      1           0           -1       63       51    76
        -0.27875    0.038508      1           0           -1       70       60    80
        -0.22125    0.030564      1           0           -1       76       68    84
         -0.1756    0.024259      1           1           -1       80       74    86
        -0.13938    0.019254      1           1           -1       84       79    88
        -0.10453     0.01625      0           1           -1       87       83    91

    Obtain the center quefrencies of the spin-up wavelets and the logical value indicating if a center quefrency is logarithmically spaced.

    numRows = size(frequencymeta,1);
    centerQf = frequencymeta.xi(1:numRows/2);
    isCQT = frequencymeta.isCQT(1:numRows/2);

    Compute the ratios of consecutive center quefrencies that are logarithmically spaced. Confirm the ratios are equal to 2-1/Q, where Q is the quality factor of the filter bank.

    qualityFactor = jtfn.FrequencyQualityFactor;
    isLogSpaced = find(isCQT);
    cf = centerQf(isLogSpaced);
    cfRatio = cf(2:end)./cf(1:end-1);
    [min(cfRatio) max(cfRatio) 2^(-1/qualityFactor)]
    ans = 1×3
        0.7937    0.7937    0.7937

    By default, the number of frequency octaves is 3. Create a second network identical to the first, but instead set the number of frequency octaves to 2. Obtain the frequency wavelets and their metadata. Plot the spin-up and spin-down wavelets. The length and number of frequency wavelets is less than those in the original JTFS network.

    jtfn2 = timeFrequencyScattering(EnergyCorrectFilters=false, ...
        FrequencyQualityFactor=3, ...
    [psifup2,psifdown2,~,frequencymeta2] = filterbank(jtfn2, ...
    grid on
    title("Spin-Up Frequency Wavelets")
    axis tight
    title("Spin-Down Frequency Wavelets")
    grid on
    axis tight

    Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Spin-Up Frequency Wavelets contains 6 objects of type line. Axes object 2 with title Spin-Down Frequency Wavelets contains 6 objects of type line.

    Input Arguments

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    Joint time-frequency scattering network, specified as a timeFrequencyScattering object.

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Time Wavelet Filter Banks

    First-order time wavelet filter bank in the JTFS network, returned as a matrix. The wavelet filters are arranged columnwise and in order of decreasing center frequency.

    Second-order time wavelet filter bank in the JTFS network, returned as a matrix. The wavelet filters are arranged columnwise and in order of decreasing center frequency.

    Time lowpass filter in the JTFS network, returned as a vector.

    Time filter bank metadata, returned as a two-element cell array. The ith element is a MATLAB® table that describes the ith-order time filter bank. Both tables have these variables:

    • xi — Wavelet center frequency (cycles/sample)

    • sigma — Frequency standard deviation

    • isCQT — Logical value indicating if center frequency is logarithmically spaced

    • log2dsfactor — Maximum downsampling factor on a base-2 logarithmic scale

    • peakidx — Center frequency location (one-based index)

    • bwidx — Total bandwidth used to determine maximum downsampling factor

    Frequency Filter Bank

    Spin-up frequency wavelets in the JTFS network, returned as a matrix. The wavelet filters are arranged columnwise and in order of decreasing center quefrency.

    Spin-down frequency wavelets in the JTFS network, returned as a matrix. The wavelet filters are arranged columnwise and in order of decreasing center quefrency.

    Frequency lowpass filter in the JTFS network, returned as a vector.

    Frequency wavelet metadata, returned as a MATLAB table with these variables:

    • xi — Wavelet center quefrency (cycles/octave)

    • sigma — Quefrency standard deviation

    • isCQT — Logical value indicating if center quefrency is logarithmically spaced

    • log2dsfactor — Maximum downsampling factor on a base-2 logarithmic scale

    • spin — Spin-up (1) or spin-down (-1) wavelet

    • peakidx — Center quefrency location (one-based index)

    • bwidx — Total bandwidth used to determine maximum downsampling factor

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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