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Wavelet filters


[LoD,HiD,LoR,HiR] = wfilters(wname) returns the four lowpass and highpass, decomposition and reconstruction filters associated with the orthogonal or biorthogonal wavelet wname.


[F1,F2] = wfilters(wname,type) returns the pair of type filters associated with the orthogonal or biorthogonal wavelet wname. For example, wfilters("db6","h") returns the pair of highpass filters HiD and HiR associated with the db6 wavelet.


collapse all

Set the wavelet name.

wname = "db5";

Compute the four filters associated with wavelet name specified by wname and plot the results.

[LoD,HiD,LoR,HiR] = wfilters(wname); 
title("Decomposition Lowpass Filter")
title("Decomposition Highpass Filter")
title("Reconstruction Lowpass Filter")
title("Reconstruction Highpass Filter")
xlabel("The four filters for "+wname)

Figure contains 4 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Decomposition Lowpass Filter contains an object of type stem. Axes object 2 with title Decomposition Highpass Filter contains an object of type stem. Axes object 3 with title Reconstruction Lowpass Filter contains an object of type stem. Axes object 4 with title Reconstruction Highpass Filter, xlabel The four filters for db5 contains an object of type stem.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Name of orthogonal or biorthogonal wavelet, specified as one of the values listed here.

Wavelet Family



DaubechiesOrthogonal"db1" or "haar", "db2", ..., "db10", ..., "db45"
CoifletsOrthogonal"coif1", ..., "coif5"
SymletsOrthogonal"sym2", ..., "sym8", ...,"sym45"
Fejér-Korovkin filtersOrthogonal"fk4", "fk6", "fk8", "fk14", "fk22"
Best-localized DaubechiesOrthogonal"bl7", "bl9", "bl10"
Morris minimum-bandwidthOrthogonal"mb4.2", "mb8.2", "mb8.3", "mb8.4"
"mb10.3", "mb12.3", "mb14.3", "mb16.3"
"mb18.3", "mb24.3", "mb32.3"
Han linear-phase momentsOrthogonal"han2.3", "han3.3", "han4.5", "han5.5"
Discrete MeyerOrthogonal"dmey"
BiorSplinesBiorthogonal"bior1.1", "bior1.3", "bior1.5"
"bior2.2", "bior2.4", "bior2.6", "bior2.8"
"bior3.1", "bior3.3", "bior3.5", "bior3.7"
"bior3.9", "bior4.4", "bior5.5", "bior6.8"
ReverseBiorBiorthogonal"rbio1.1", "rbio1.3", "rbio1.5"
"rbio2.2", "rbio2.4", "rbio2.6", "rbio2.8"
"rbio3.1", "rbio3.3", "rbio3.5", "rbio3.7"
"rbio3.9", "rbio4.4", "rbio5.5", "rbio6.8"


For N equal to 1, 2, and 3, the dbN and symN wavelets are identical.

Type of filter pair to return, specified as one of the values listed here.


Decomposition filters (LoD and HiD)


Reconstruction filters (LoR and HiR)


Lowpass filters (LoD and LoR)


Highpass filters (HiD and HiR)

Output Arguments

collapse all

Decomposition lowpass filter, returned as a real-valued vector, associated with the wavelet wname.

Decomposition highpass filter, returned as a real-valued vector, associated with the wavelet wname.

Reconstruction lowpass filter, returned as a real-valued vector, associated with the wavelet wname.

Reconstruction highpass filter, returned as a real-valued vector, associated with the wavelet wname.

Filter pair of requested type, returned, specified as one of the pairs of filters listed here.

typeDescriptionFilter Pair

Decomposition filters

LoD and HiD


Reconstruction filters

LoR and HiR


Lowpass filters

LoD and LoR


Highpass filters

HiD and HiR


[1] Daubechies, Ingrid. Ten Lectures on Wavelets. CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics 61. Philadelphia, Pa: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1992.

[2] Mallat, S.G. “A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 11, no. 7 (July 1989): 674–93.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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