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Fusion of two images


The principle of image fusion using wavelets is to merge the wavelet decompositions of the two original images using fusion methods applied to approximations coefficients and details coefficients.

xfus = wfusimg(x1,x2,wname,level,afusmeth,dfusmeth) returns the fused image xfus obtained by fusion of the two original images x1 and x2.


[xfus,txfus,tx1,tx2] = wfusimg(x1,x2,wname,level,afusmeth,dfusmeth) also returns three wavelet decomposition tree objects associated with xfus, x1, and x2, respectively.

[___] = wfusimg(___,'plot') plots the objects txfus, tx1, and tx2. This syntax can be used with any of the previous syntaxes.


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This example shows how to fuse two images to create a new image.

Load the mask and bust images.

load mask
x1 = X;
load bust
x2 = X;

Merge the two images from level 5 wavelet decompositions using the db2 wavelet. Perform the fusion by taking the mean for both approximations and details.

wv = 'db2';
lv = 5;
xfusmean = wfusimg(x1,x2,wv,lv,'mean','mean');

Merge the two images again, but this time perform the fusion by taking the maximum of the approximations and the minimum for the details.

xfusmaxmin = wfusimg(x1,x2,wv,lv,'max','min');

Plot the original and fused images.

axis square
axis square
axis square 
title('Synthesized Image: mean-mean')
axis square
title('Synthesized Image: max-min')

Figure contains 4 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Mask contains an object of type image. Axes object 2 with title Bust contains an object of type image. Axes object 3 with title Synthesized Image: mean-mean contains an object of type image. Axes object 4 with title Synthesized Image: max-min contains an object of type image.

This example shows how to restore an image from two fuzzy versions of an original image.

Load two fuzzy versions of an original image.

load cathe_1
x1 = X;
load cathe_2
x2 = X;

Merge the two images from level 5 wavelet decompositions using the smy4 wavelet. Perform the fusion by taking the maximum of the absolute value of the coefficients for both approximations and details.

wv = 'sym4';
lv = 5;
xfus = wfusimg(x1,x2,wv,lv,'max','max');

Plot the original and fused images.

axis square
title('Catherine 1')
axis square
title('Catherine 2')
axis square 
title('Synthesized Image')

Figure contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Catherine 1 contains an object of type image. Axes object 2 with title Catherine 2 contains an object of type image. Axes object 3 with title Synthesized Image contains an object of type image.

This example shows how to fuse two images using a user-defined fusion method.

Load two images of the same size.

load mask
a = X;
load bust
b = X;

Define the fusion method and call the fusion function helperUserFusion. The source code for helperUserFusion is listed in the appendix.

fus_method = struct('name','userDEF','param','helperUserFusion');

Merge the images twice with the user-defined method. First use wfusmat, which fuses the images themselves and not their wavelet decompositions. Then use wfusimg, which fuses the wavelet decompositions.

c = wfusmat(a,b,fus_method);
d = wfusimg(a,b,'db4',5,fus_method,fus_method);

Plot the original and fused images.

title('Original Image 1')
axis square
title('Original Image 2')
axis square
title('Fused Images')
axis square
title('Fused Decompositions')
axis square

Figure contains 4 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Original Image 1 contains an object of type image. Axes object 2 with title Original Image 2 contains an object of type image. Axes object 3 with title Fused Images contains an object of type image. Axes object 4 with title Fused Decompositions contains an object of type image.

Visualize the differences between the merged images.

axis square

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type image.



If you want to try a different user-defined fusion method, edit the file helpUserFusion.m, which is located in the same folder as this example.

function c = helperUserFusion(A,B)
% This function is in support of the wavelet fusion examples only.
% It may change or be removed in a future release.

% create an upper triangular logical array the same size as A.
d = logical(triu(ones(size(A))));
% set a threshold
t = 0.3;

c = A;
% set the upper triangular portion of the output to a blend
% of A and B
c(d) = t*A(d)+(1-t)*B(d);
% set the lower triangular portion of the output to a different
% blend of A and B
c(~d) = t*B(~d)+(1-t)*A(~d);

Input Arguments

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Images to merge, specified as real-valued 2-D matrices or real-valued 3-D arrays. If specified as 3-D arrays, x1 and x2 are assumed to be color images in the RGB color space and the third dimension of the arrays must be 3.

The images x1 and x2 must be the same size. To resize the images, use wextend or imresize.

Wavelet used to create the wavelet decomposition, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The wavelet must be orthogonal or biorthogonal and recognized by wfilters.

Wavelet decomposition level, specified as a positive integer.

Fusion methods for approximations and details, respectively, each specified either as a structure array or as one of the values listed here. The approximation and details are merged element-wise.








First element

'img2'Second element
'rand'Random element

When specified as a structure array, the structure has the form struct('name',nameMETH,'param',paramMETH) where nameMETH can be one of the values listed here.

'UD_fusion'Up-down fusion
'DU_fusion'Down-up fusion
'RL_fusion'Right-left fusion (column-wise fusion)
'LR_fusion'Left-right fusion (column-wise fusion)
'UserDEF'User-defined fusion

For the description of these options and the paramMETH parameter, see wfusmat.

Example: afusmeth = struct('name','linear','param',0.3)

Data Types: double | struct

Output Arguments

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Fused image, returned as a real-valued 2-D matrix or a real-valued 3-D array. The fused image xfus has the same size as x1 and x2.

Wavelet decomposition trees associated with xfus, x1, and x2, respectively, returned as wdectree objects.

Example: plot(txfus) plots the object in a GUI tool that you can use to inspect the tree.


[1] de Zeeuw, P. M. "Wavelet and image fusion." CWI, Amsterdam, March 1998.

[2] Li, H., B. S. Manjunath, and S. K. Mitra. "Multisensor Image Fusion Using the Wavelet Transform." Graphical Models and Image Processing. Volume 57, Issue 3, May 1995, pp. 235–245.

[3] Misiti, M., Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, and J.-M. Poggi. Les ondelettes et leurs applications. France: Hermes Science/Lavoisier, 2003.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also


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