Thanks for everyone who tried to help me. Finally I found the simple way to do it. this is a really awesome method. bwconvhull(Iout)
This is the code segment;
if true
LB = 100;
UB = 100000;
IL = bwlabel(Ifill);
R = regionprops(Ifill,'Area');
ind = find([R.Area] >= LB & [R.Area] <= UB);
Iout = ismember(IL,ind);
CH = bwconvhull(Iout);
[Ilabel num] = bwlabel(CH);
Iprops = regionprops(Ilabel);
Ibox = [Iprops.BoundingBox];
Icrop = imcrop(I,Ibox);
resized=imresize(Icrop,[100 100]);