I have a Folder with subfolders of images. The subfolders consist of .JPG, .jpg and .jfif, I need them all to be converted to a single format and returned to their folders?

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
imds = imageDatastore('batch_9','IncludeSubfolders',true,'LabelSource','foldernames');
segIm = pixelLabelDatastore('PixelLabelData');
Error using imageDatastore (line 139)
Input folders or files contain non-standard file extensions.
Use FileExtensions Name-Value pair to include the non-standard file extensions.
Error in Segmenattion (line 9)
imds = imageDatastore('batch_9','IncludeSubfolders',true,'LabelSource','foldernames');
I have a labelled pixel data for sematic segmenattion but the images that I have manually segmented are different formats so I cannot create an imageDataStore from the image files so that I can train a sematic segmentation network. Does anyone know how to change the file format of each image in the subfolders of batch_9 and replace them with the new common image files to their original folders?

Respuestas (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 22 de Mzo. de 2022
Editada: Image Analyst el 22 de Mzo. de 2022
EXT ISA INFO READ WRITE ALPHA DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bmp isbmp imbmpinfo readbmp writebmp 0 Windows Bitmap cur iscur imcurinfo readcur 1 Windows Cursor resources fts fits isfits imfitsinfo readfits 0 Flexible Image Transport System gif isgif imgifinfo readgif writegif 0 Graphics Interchange Format hdf ishdf imhdfinfo readhdf writehdf 0 Hierarchical Data Format ico isico imicoinfo readico 1 Windows Icon resources j2c j2k isjp2 imjp2info readjp2 writej2c 0 JPEG 2000 (raw codestream) jp2 isjp2 imjp2info readjp2 writejp2 0 JPEG 2000 (Part 1) jpf jpx isjp2 imjp2info readjp2 0 JPEG 2000 (Part 2) jpg jpeg isjpg imjpginfo readjpg writejpg 0 Joint Photographic Experts Group pbm ispbm impnminfo readpnm writepnm 0 Portable Bitmap pcx ispcx impcxinfo readpcx writepcx 0 Windows Paintbrush pgm ispgm impnminfo readpnm writepnm 0 Portable Graymap png ispng impnginfo readpng writepng 1 Portable Network Graphics pnm ispnm impnminfo readpnm writepnm 0 Portable Any Map ppm isppm impnminfo readpnm writepnm 0 Portable Pixmap ras isras imrasinfo readras writeras 1 Sun Raster svs istif imtifinfo readtif 0 Aperio ScanScope Virtual Slide tif tiff istif imtifinfo readtif writetif 0 Tagged Image File Format xwd isxwd imxwdinfo readxwd writexwd 0 X Window Dump
You may have to find a third party program like ImageMagick or something to convert jfif.

DGM el 22 de Mzo. de 2022
At least with the JFIF files I have, imread() has no problem reading them. imageDatastore() ignores them, but throws no error (maybe version differences). If I use the 'fileextensions' option as the message suggests, it picks them up and reads them just fine. Using readimage() works fine on them.
fext = {'.jpg','.jfif'}; % case-insensitive
imds = imageDatastore('./','IncludeSubfolders',false,'fileextensions',fext);
I haven't run across any files that have any issues with this, but maybe it's possible.


Más información sobre Image Data Workflows en Help Center y File Exchange.

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