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UIAxes become invisible when changing Matlab version from 2021b to 2022b

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
I developed a mlapp program in Matlab 2021b which has worked perfectly for months. After having installed 2022b, the UIAxes became invisible in the design view (although they still exist) and no plot nor display is visible during execution (no warning, no error message, just no visible graphs!). Is there something to modify in Matlab 2022b to make it work again? Thanks a lot by advance for your help!
  4 comentarios
Christine Lempereur
Christine Lempereur el 10 de Oct. de 2022
Movida: Adam Danz el 10 de Oct. de 2022
It is the first thing I checked: the 'visible' property is ON...
Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 10 de Oct. de 2022
@Christian Perrier did you see @Adam Danz's comment above (expand the comments)?
If you have any more questions, then attach your data and .mlapp file with the paperclip icon after you read this:

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Respuestas (1)

Christine Lempereur
Christine Lempereur el 10 de Oct. de 2022
The problem was solved by our IT support by updating the NVIDIA video driver. Thank you all for your cooperation!
  1 comentario
dpb el 10 de Oct. de 2022
My next suggestion was going to be to try changing renderer property to 'software' to see if was possibly related to OpenGL/hardware/drivers... :)

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