I have several multiple cell arrays with different sizes, and I want to find the intersection of all the arrays at the same time
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[~,ia,ib] = intersect(C{1}(:,2),C{2}(:,2));
B = [C{1}(ia,2:3),C{2}(ib,3)];
Using the above code, I can find the intersection of 2 cell arrays. However, I have about 200 cell arrays with different sizes, how can I find the intersection for all the arrays
3 comentarios
Bruno Luong
el 12 de Oct. de 2022
" why you shouldn't create multiple sequentially-numbered variables"
What numbered variables are you refered to? OP has cell C without number that stores various sets.
Respuestas (1)
Bruno Luong
el 12 de Oct. de 2022
This is what you want
3 comentarios
Bruno Luong
el 15 de Oct. de 2022
Editada: Bruno Luong
el 15 de Oct. de 2022
I cannot guess what exactly you have tried and why exactly you still cannot get the answer.
% Generate some dummy data (10 sets that intersect at least in 1:5)
C = cell(1,10);
for k=1:length(C)
rset = [1:5 ceil(100*rand(1,randi(5)))];
rset = rset(randperm(end));
C{k} = rset;
function [S,varargout] = mintersect(varargin)
% [S, iA, iB, iC, ...] = mintersect(A, B, C, ...)
% Returns the data S common to numerical vectors A, B, C..., with no
% repetitions. Output S is in sorted order.
% Return in iA, iB, ... index vectors such that S = A(iA) = B(iB) = ...
% Syntax: [...] = mintersect(A, B, C, ..., 'rows')
% A, B, are arrays and must have the same number of column n.
% MINTERSECT considers each row of input arguments as an entities
% for comparison. S is array of n-columns, each row appears at least once
% in each input array.
% See also: intersect, munion
% Author: Bruno Luong <brunoluong@yahoo.com>
s = varargin(:);
rowflag = ischar(s{end}) && strcmpi(s(end),'rows');
if rowflag
s(end) = [];
nsets = size(s,1);
m = cellfun('size',s,1);
n = cellfun('size',s,2);
isallrowv = all(m==1);
if isallrowv
m = n;
n = 1;
if any(diff(n))
error('mintersect: input arrays must have the same number of columns');
n = n(1);
cm = [0; cumsum(m)];
A = zeros(cm(end),n+1);
for k = 1:nsets
r = cm(k)+1:cm(k+1);
A(r,1:n) = s{k};
A(r,end) = k;
[v,K] = uniquerow(A);
[u,I,J] = uniquerow(v(:,1:end-1));
tf = accumarray(J,1)==nsets;
S = u(tf,:);
if isallrowv
S = S.';
if nargout > 1
nout = nargout-1;
if isempty(S)
out = cell(1,nout);
[out{:}] = deal([]);
i = cumsum(accumarray(1+cumsum(m),-m)+1);
iK = i(K);
a = bsxfun(@plus, I(tf), (0:nsets-1));
out = num2cell(reshape(iK(a),size(a)),1);
varargout = out;
end % mintersect
function [u,I,J] = uniquerow(a)
% perform [u,I,J] = unique(a,'rows') but without overhead
if size(a,2) == 1
[b,K] = sort(a,'ascend');
%[b,K] = sortrows(a,'ascend');
[b,K] = sortrows(a); % R2014b does not recorgnize 'ascend' option
tf = [true; any(diff(b,1,1),2)];
u = b(tf,:);
%if nargout >= 2
I = K(tf);
if nargout >= 3
J = cumsum(tf);
J(K) = J;
end % uniquerow
Image Analyst
el 15 de Oct. de 2022
@Rukundo Wellen, Show the hidden comments to see @Bruno Luong's answer where he had to make up some data because you keep forgetting to attach your own data. Is it surprising that the code didn't work for you when you didn't give us your data? Attach your actual cell arrays in a .mat file. Make it easy for people to help you not hard!
If you have any more questions, then attach your data and code to read it in with the paperclip icon after you read this:
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