How to plot specified semi-circle, rectangle ?

5 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
galaxy el 12 de Dic. de 2022
Respondida: Voss el 12 de Dic. de 2022
Hi all
I have 2 points, and need to plot semi-circle, rectangle as folowing picture.
semi-circle need to perpendiculars with slope of 2 points line.
In Case A - simple case which Ay = By. I created code as:
A = [2,2];
B = [5,2];
plot([A(1) B(1)],[A(2) B(2)],'-og');
hold on;
x_centerCircle = A(1);
y_centerCircle = A(2);
r=1; % Radius 1m
theta = linspace(pi/2, 3*pi/2, 100);
xCirc = r * cos(theta) + x_centerCircle;
yCirc = r * sin(theta) + y_centerCircle;
plot(xCirc, yCirc, 'r');
plot([xCirc(1), xCirc(end)], [yCirc(1), yCirc(end)], 'r');
rectangle('Position',[x_centerCircle x_centerCircle-0.075 5 0.15], 'EdgeColor', 'r');
grid on;
xlim([0 8]);
ylim([0 4]);
But when line AB does not parallel with Ox (Case B), becomes more difficult.
Do anyone show me how to plot for all cases?
Thank you so much

Respuesta aceptada

Voss el 12 de Dic. de 2022
You can create shapes of that type as a single patch object.
Below is a function that does it, and here are some examples of its usage:
create_semi_rect_patch();%[2 2],[5 2],0.15,1)
axis equal
create_semi_rect_patch([2 2],[2+sqrt(7.56) 3.2],0.15,1);
axis equal
create_semi_rect_patch([0 2],[0 10],2,1.5);
axis equal
create_semi_rect_patch([-2 2],[0 0],1,1.5,4);
axis equal
function p = create_semi_rect_patch(A,B,h,r,Npts_semi)
if ~nargin || isempty(A) % if no A specified, use [2 2]
A = [2 2];
if nargin < 2 || isempty(B) % if no B specified, use [5 2]
B = [5 2];
if nargin < 3 || isempty(h) % if no h specified, use 0.15
h = 0.15; % (half-height of the rectangle)
if nargin < 4 || isempty(r) % if no r specified, use 1
r = 1; % (radius of the semi-circle)
if nargin < 5 || isempty(Npts_semi) % if no Npts_semi specified, use 100
Npts_semi = 100; % (number of points along semi-circle)
% angle from A to B:
theta = atan2(B(2)-A(2),B(1)-A(1));
% coordinates of the corners of the rectangle:
corner_offset = h*[1;-1]*[cos(theta+pi/2) sin(theta+pi/2)];
rect_points = [A+corner_offset; B+corner_offset];
% coordinates of the points along the semi-circle:
theta_semi = linspace(theta+pi/2,theta+3*pi/2,Npts_semi).';
semi_points = A+r*[cos(theta_semi) sin(theta_semi)];
% create the patch:
p = patch( ...
'XData',[semi_points(:,1); rect_points([2 4 3 1],1)], ...
'YData',[semi_points(:,2); rect_points([2 4 3 1],2)], ...
'FaceColor','flat', ...
'EdgeColor','none', ...
'FaceVertexCData',[1 0 0], ...
  1 comentario
galaxy el 12 de Dic. de 2022
Thank you for your answer.
I had idea about rotation position for each points.
clear all;
A = [8,1];
B = [5,2];
plot([A(1) B(1)],[A(2) B(2)],'-og');
hold on;
x_centerCircle = A(1);
y_centerCircle = A(2);
r=1; % Radius 1m
theta = linspace(pi/2, 3*pi/2, 100);
xCirc = r * cos(theta) + x_centerCircle;
yCirc = r * sin(theta) + y_centerCircle;
xyCirc = zeros(2, length(xCirc));
for cnt = 1:length(xCirc)
xyCirc(:,cnt) = RotationPoint(A, B, [xCirc(cnt), yCirc(cnt)]);
xCirc = xyCirc(1,:);
yCirc = xyCirc(2,:);
plot(xCirc, yCirc, 'r', 'Tag', 'pos_shape');
plot([xCirc(1), xCirc(end)], [yCirc(1), yCirc(end)], 'r', 'Tag', 'pos_shape');
bbox = [A(1) A(2)-0.075 5 0.15];
points = bbox2points(bbox);
rec_points = zeros(2, length(points));
for cnt = 1:length(points)
rec_points(:,cnt) = RotationPoint(A, B, [points(cnt,1), points(cnt,2)]);
points2 = horzcat(rec_points(1,:)', rec_points(2,:)');
points2(end+1,:) = points2(1,:);
plot(points2(:,1),points2(:,2), '*-');
grid on;
xlim([-10 10]);
ylim([-10 10]);
function [rotated_Point] = RotationPoint(point1, point2, rotationPointIn)
AB = point2-point1;
theta = atan2(AB(2), AB(1));
Rot_by_theta=[cos(theta) -sin(theta) ; sin(theta) cos(theta)];
AC_ = [rotationPointIn(1) - point1(1); rotationPointIn(2) - point1(2)];
A_ = [point1(1); point1(2)];
rotated_Point = Rot_by_theta * AC_ + A_;
It is Ok for me.
But your idea also fantastic. I will consider to use your function.
Thank you so much.

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