How to plot specified semi-circle, rectangle ?
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el 12 de Dic. de 2022
Respondida: Voss
el 12 de Dic. de 2022
Hi all
I have 2 points, and need to plot semi-circle, rectangle as folowing picture.

semi-circle need to perpendiculars with slope of 2 points line.
In Case A - simple case which Ay = By. I created code as:
A = [2,2];
B = [5,2];
plot([A(1) B(1)],[A(2) B(2)],'-og');
hold on;
x_centerCircle = A(1);
y_centerCircle = A(2);
r=1; % Radius 1m
theta = linspace(pi/2, 3*pi/2, 100);
xCirc = r * cos(theta) + x_centerCircle;
yCirc = r * sin(theta) + y_centerCircle;
plot(xCirc, yCirc, 'r');
plot([xCirc(1), xCirc(end)], [yCirc(1), yCirc(end)], 'r');
rectangle('Position',[x_centerCircle x_centerCircle-0.075 5 0.15], 'EdgeColor', 'r');
grid on;
xlim([0 8]);
ylim([0 4]);
But when line AB does not parallel with Ox (Case B), becomes more difficult.
Do anyone show me how to plot for all cases?
Thank you so much
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el 12 de Dic. de 2022
Below is a function that does it, and here are some examples of its usage:
create_semi_rect_patch();%[2 2],[5 2],0.15,1)
axis equal
create_semi_rect_patch([2 2],[2+sqrt(7.56) 3.2],0.15,1);
axis equal
create_semi_rect_patch([0 2],[0 10],2,1.5);
axis equal
create_semi_rect_patch([-2 2],[0 0],1,1.5,4);
axis equal
function p = create_semi_rect_patch(A,B,h,r,Npts_semi)
if ~nargin || isempty(A) % if no A specified, use [2 2]
A = [2 2];
if nargin < 2 || isempty(B) % if no B specified, use [5 2]
B = [5 2];
if nargin < 3 || isempty(h) % if no h specified, use 0.15
h = 0.15; % (half-height of the rectangle)
if nargin < 4 || isempty(r) % if no r specified, use 1
r = 1; % (radius of the semi-circle)
if nargin < 5 || isempty(Npts_semi) % if no Npts_semi specified, use 100
Npts_semi = 100; % (number of points along semi-circle)
% angle from A to B:
theta = atan2(B(2)-A(2),B(1)-A(1));
% coordinates of the corners of the rectangle:
corner_offset = h*[1;-1]*[cos(theta+pi/2) sin(theta+pi/2)];
rect_points = [A+corner_offset; B+corner_offset];
% coordinates of the points along the semi-circle:
theta_semi = linspace(theta+pi/2,theta+3*pi/2,Npts_semi).';
semi_points = A+r*[cos(theta_semi) sin(theta_semi)];
% create the patch:
p = patch( ...
'XData',[semi_points(:,1); rect_points([2 4 3 1],1)], ...
'YData',[semi_points(:,2); rect_points([2 4 3 1],2)], ...
'FaceColor','flat', ...
'EdgeColor','none', ...
'FaceVertexCData',[1 0 0], ...
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