Hi, I'm having trouble getting my script to prompt the user to re-enter the input if it isn't a number. I've seen a few similar questions but none seem to work for me.
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i = input('Please enter which you are converting from, ''imperial'' or ''metric'' : ', 's');
i = lower(i);
switch i
case 'imperial'
gallons = input('Please enter measurement in Gallons: ');
litres = (gallons*3.78544);
str = ['The value is equal to ' num2str(litres) ' Litres'];
case 'metric'
litres = input('please enter measurement in Litres: ');
gallons = (litres/3.78544);
str = ['The value is equal to ' num2str(gallons) ' Gallons'];
str = ['That input is invalid.'];
%it works fine when I call for the VolConv.m file to run again, but in the case the user enters letters when asked for the measurement, I get errors. It does prompt them again until they enter a number, but I want to eliminate the red error message for one of my own and then prompt again. Thanks in advance!
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Respuestas (2)
el 6 de Abr. de 2017
Editada: Stephen23
el 7 de Abr. de 2017
Always use the 's' option with input, even when you want a numeric value, e.g.:
gallons = str2double(input('Please enter measurement in Gallons: ','s'));
This will prevent bad things from happening if the user inputs valid code (either accidentally or maliciously), and will output NaN for any invalid inputs (i.e. anything that is not a number). You can test for the NaN using isnan.
3 comentarios
Image Analyst
el 6 de Abr. de 2017
See this snippet. Put it inside a loop that calls it until your users enter the correct information:
% Ask user for two floating point numbers.
defaultValue = {'45.67', '78.91'};
titleBar = 'Enter a value';
userPrompt = {'Enter floating point number 1 : ', 'Enter floating point number 2: '};
caUserInput = inputdlg(userPrompt, titleBar, 1, defaultValue);
if isempty(caUserInput),return,end; % Bail out if they clicked Cancel.
% Convert to floating point from string.
usersValue1 = str2double(caUserInput{1})
usersValue2 = str2double(caUserInput{2})
% Check usersValue1 for validity.
if isnan(usersValue1)
% They didn't enter a number.
% They clicked Cancel, or entered a character, symbols, or something else not allowed.
% Convert the default from a string and stick that into usersValue1.
usersValue1 = str2double(defaultValue{1});
message = sprintf('I said it had to be a number.\nTry replacing the user.\nI will use %.2f and continue.', usersValue1);
% Do the same for usersValue2
% Check usersValue2 for validity.
if isnan(usersValue2)
% They didn't enter a number.
% They clicked Cancel, or entered a character, symbols, or something else not allowed.
% Convert the default from a string and stick that into usersValue2.
usersValue2 = str2double(defaultValue{2});
message = sprintf('I said it had to be a number.\nTry replacing the user.\nI will use %.2f and continue.', usersValue2);
2 comentarios
Image Analyst
el 21 de Abr. de 2017
You can use input() instead of inputdlg() if you're not allowed to use dialog boxes yet. input() is a more primitive command window-based function.
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