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How to recognize gender by name

8 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Alexander Engman
Alexander Engman el 11 de Jul. de 2018
Comentada: Image Analyst el 13 de Jul. de 2018
I have a list (1 column, 601 rows) of the most popular male and female surnames and they are marked in another column as either M for male or F for female. I have another list of surnames of people from a statistical survey (which does not have the same dimensions as the list of names). I want to compare the names from the survey with the names in my list and mark them as either M or F if they are recognized. If they are not found in my list, I want to leave them blank. Does anyone know how I can do this?
Many thanks in advance.
  2 comentarios
KSSV el 11 de Jul. de 2018
This can be done with strcmp and ismemebr, can you share your data?
Jan el 11 de Jul. de 2018
What exactly is "a list"? Prefer to post a small Matlab code, which creates a representative data set. Then suggesting some code is much easier.

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Respuesta aceptada

Guillaume el 11 de Jul. de 2018
Editada: Guillaume el 11 de Jul. de 2018
Very easy to do:
%genderlist = Mx2 cell array, 1st column name, 2nd column gender
%namelist = Nx1 cell array, list of names that need gender
%namelistwithgender = Nx2 cell array, 1st column from namelist, 2nd column corresponding gender if found in genderlist, empty otherwise
[isfound, where] = ismember(namelist, genderlist(:, 1));
namelistwithgender = namelist;
namelistwithgender(isfound, 2) = genderlist(where(isfound), 2);
Note that the search is performed case sensitive. If you want to ignore case, then convert both lists to lower in the ismember call.
  6 comentarios
Alexander Engman
Alexander Engman el 13 de Jul. de 2018
Thank you!
A lot of the names are actually combinations or "double names", they are connected with a hyphen, for example a combination of the names "Anna" and "Maria" would be "Anna-Maria". Is there a way to give the name a gender if either or both of the names are recognized?
Also, how do I write the code to not make it case-sensitive?
Thank you so much!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 13 de Jul. de 2018
Just use lower() and strrep():
namelist = lower(namelist); % Everything is lower case after this.
theName = namelist{:, 1};
theName = strrep(theName, '-', ' '); % Replace dashes with spaces.
% Get cell array of names
ca = strsplit(theName)
for k = 1 : length(ca)
thisName = ca{k}; % Extract first word
% Check if thisName is in each gender namelist.

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Más respuestas (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 11 de Jul. de 2018
I'd get a distribution and then use k nearest neighbors. After all, there are several names with varying numbers of people in either gender, like chris, robin, ariel, sam, pat, etc.
  2 comentarios
Alexander Engman
Alexander Engman el 11 de Jul. de 2018
That is a great input. These are however Swedish names, and we have very few gender neutral ones.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 11 de Jul. de 2018
Then just use xlsread() to read in your reference name lists, and your "test/validation" set of names and use ismember(), something like (untested):
[numbers, names, raw] = xlsread(filename);
femaleNames = strings(:, 1); % Female names in column 1.
maleNames = strings(:, 2); % Male names in column 2.
testNames = strings(:, 3); % Test names in column 3.
for k = 1 : length(testNames)
inFemaleList(k,1) = ismember(testNames{k}, femaleNames);
inMaleList(k,2) = ismember(testNames{k}, maleNames);

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