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Getting stuck after first loop iteration-- Coregistering .nii files to spectroscopy files

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I am working on editing/modifying a script a colleague wrote. Basically it is a manual (via this script) batch processing of a software run in MATLAB. It runs successfully for the first iteration, but I am stuck on the second (I only have two files in the folder for testing purposes). I am getting the error
"Index exceeds matrix dimensions" at line 154::
cur_file_NII = NII_filename{l};
Which is when I am trying to set the current .nii file in the loop/iteration to run the Coregistration. It is failing on the attempt to find the second file.
Also, when I try to use "cur_file_NII" the software gives an error about the number of .nii files found. However when I type "curr_file_NII" into the command window I get: B:\BBA\Gannet\Tests\8.13.18_testManualBatchScript\NII_files\RAN133-1a3_T1.nii which makes me think it should be fine...
I believe it has to do with "NII_foldername" because when I run the script that variable shows as 0. However, when I Evaluate Selection for this loop
for i = 1:length(NII_list)
NII_foldername{i} = NII_list(i).name;
indexing NII_foldername gives me the .nii files in my folder, with a correct length. Not sure why it gets set to zero before the end.
Thanks for the help. Here is the code. Unfortunately I can't include the MRS_struct file because it's too large.
%%Paths- source and final
source_path = 'B:\BBA\Gannet\Tests\8.13.18_testManualBatchScript'; %where the dicoms are; Can be a larger list, even if we are currently only doing a newer/smaller
%batch. The excel list document will take care of only what we want
%fit_path = 'B:\BBA\Gannet\TAP\TEMP\GannetFit_output'; %used for renaming MRS_struct
MRS_struct_path = 'B:\BBA\Gannet\Tests\8.13.18_testManualBatchScript'; %location of MRS_struct file that will be renamed
NII_path = 'B:\BBA\Gannet\Tests\8.13.18_testManualBatchScript\NII_files'; %folder of NII files
scan_code_filename = 'List_to_analyze.csv'; % this is the .csv we look through to get scan codes
% change per analysis, keep this in VOI folder
%%Keywords + setup
%analysis_name = 'BBA_ALC'
study_name = 'RAN'; %change per study/ analysis
%These keywords are from the DICOM files- to set file_water and file_metab
water_keyword = 'TEMP GABA H2O svs_se'; %these should be the same for RAN vs TAP etc.
metab_keyword = 'TEMP GABA svs_edit_RFA'; %most of them with this
NII_keyword = '_T1'; %this may work but need to test
%metab_keyword = 'TEMP GABA svs_edit_859A'; %use this for PRE RAN 69
count = 0;
%%read the scan code
% look through CSV file. Open, look through (comma delim), close
fid = fopen(scan_code_filename);
scan_code_file_text = textscan(fid, '%s', 'Delimiter', ',');
% extract the list of scan codes from the CSV file
scan_code_exp = strcat(study_name,'\d\d\d-\d');
scan_code_array = regexp(scan_code_file_text{1},scan_code_exp, 'match'); %look for scan_code_exp within scan_code_file_text (.csv file)
%list of PIDs from .csv file
%put scan codes into final array
scan_code_array = scan_code_array(~cellfun('isempty', scan_code_array)); %making a usable array here and below
for i = 1:length(scan_code_array) %for loop to deal with cell array structure?
scan_code_array{i} = scan_code_array{i}{1};
scan_code_array = unique(scan_code_array); %make sure each ID is unique
%%Go to dicom location and find files-- LOOP Start
display ('Find DICOM files and set water/metab files');
% make an array for dicom folder name
dicom_list = dir(source_path); %top of layer where all dicom FOLDERS are stored (in TEMP/INS folders)
%DICOM folders
dicom_foldername = cell(length(dicom_list),1); %cell struct w length of dicom list X 1
% make an array for nii folder name
%NII_list = dir([NII_path, '/*.nii']);%list all conent from location of MAT files
NII_list = dir(NII_path); %location where nii files are
NII_foldername = cell(length(NII_list),1); %cell struct w length (rows) of nii_list x 1 column
for i = 1:length(dicom_list) %for the length of ^, get ith name from dicom list
dicom_foldername{i} = dicom_list(i).name; %setting d_foldername to the name of the list,
%getting a name of a folder
for i = 1:length(NII_list)
NII_foldername{i} = NII_list(i).name;
%display ('test11');
% find the files
for i = 1: length(scan_code_array)
display ('inside for loop');
cur_scan_code = scan_code_array{i}; %current scan code is the ith of scan code array
%Setup dicom search via cur_scan_code (PID)
tmp = strfind(dicom_foldername, cur_scan_code); %find current scan code ^ (PID) within dicom folders
tmp_foldername = dicom_foldername(~cellfun('isempty', tmp)); %folders from ^ scan code (should return metab and water)
%Setup nii search via cur_scan_code (PID)
tmp_nii = strfind(NII_foldername, cur_scan_code); %find current scan code ^^ (PID) within folder with NII files
tmp_nii_foldername = NII_foldername(~cellfun('isempty',tmp_nii)); %folders from ^ scan code (should return .nii file)
if (~isempty(tmp_foldername)) %if tmp_foldername comes up with folders/data then.... (i.e is not empty)
% find water and metabolite folders in the list of tmp_foldername based on the key words
% now we are in a SPECIFIC IDs DICOM folders (both water and metab show up) (tmp_foldername(i))
% find the full name of water file
water_foldername = tmp_foldername(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(tmp_foldername,water_keyword)));
N_waterfolder = length(water_foldername);
water_filename = cell(N_waterfolder, 1);
for j = 1:N_waterfolder
tmp_waterfile_list = dir([source_path,filesep,water_foldername{j},filesep, '/*.IMA']);
water_filename{j} = [source_path,filesep,water_foldername{j},filesep,tmp_waterfile_list(1).name];
% find the full name of metabolite file-- path, no .ima extension yet
metab_foldername = tmp_foldername(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(tmp_foldername,metab_keyword)));
N_metabfolder = length(metab_foldername);
metab_filename = cell(N_metabfolder, 1);
for j = 1:N_metabfolder %getting a .ima file to paste at end of metab path (1/320 files)
tmp_metabfile_list = dir([source_path,filesep,metab_foldername{j},filesep, '/*.IMA']);
metab_filename{j} = [source_path,filesep,metab_foldername{j},filesep,tmp_metabfile_list(1).name];
%find the full name/ path of nii file
NII_foldername = tmp_nii_foldername(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(tmp_nii_foldername,NII_keyword)));
N_NIIfolder = length(NII_foldername);
NII_filename = cell(N_NIIfolder, 1);
for j = 1:N_NIIfolder
tmp_niifile_list = dir([NII_path,filesep,NII_foldername{j}]);
NII_filename{j} = [NII_path,filesep,tmp_niifile_list(1).name]; %here NII_filename is not empty and is the first nii in folder
display('found all the files');
for j = 1: N_waterfolder
for k = 1:N_metabfolder
for l = 1:N_waterfolder %this should be N_NIIfolder but it is giving zero for length...
cur_file_water = water_filename{j};
cur_file_metab = metab_filename{k};
cd(source_path) %VOI folder
% Run Load
% Run Fit
% Run Coregister
MRS_struct = GannetCoRegister(MRS_struct, (NII_filename)); %not able to run 2nd image/iteration
% Run Segment
%MRS_struct = GannetSegment(MRS_struct);
% Run Quantify
%MRS_struct = GannetQuantify(MRS_struct);
display ('fail test 222');
%Rename MRS_struct to include unique ID w water+metab filenames
%doing this to override Gannet batch and create a unique/single MRS_struct file for each P
cd(source_path); %the MRS_struct_vox1 file in in source_path location (main folder)
[water_filepath, water_name,water_ext] = fileparts(cur_file_water); %use cur_file so it's the PID we're on, not j/k
[metab_filepath, metab_name,metab_ext] = fileparts(cur_file_metab);
%[NII_filepath, NII_name, NII_ext] = fileparts(cur_file_NII);
display ('Changing name of MRS_struct_vox1 file');
old_filename = 'MRS_struct_vox1.mat';
new_filename= strcat(water_name,'_',metab_name,'_','MRS_struct.mat');
%new_filename= strcat(water_name,'_',metab_name, '_',NII_name,'_','MRS_struct.mat'); %need '.mat' when saving newfile
%^ saving new MRS_struct file w/ water,metab,NII files used in name
movefile(old_filename, new_filename);
  8 comentarios
Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 17 de Ag. de 2018
This is quite a long script for us to try to debug without being able to run it. Can't you attach some data or give us the file/folder structure at all? Otherwise, just follow normal debugging methods. It looks like when you do this:
NII_list = dir(NII_path);
that you might be getting folders in there, so you mgiht want to skip those
if NII_list(i).isdir
continue; % Skip directories
Or else go back to getting a list of only files with the .nii file extesions.
Holly Pothier
Holly Pothier el 20 de Ag. de 2018
Unfortunately I can't attach all the files because the software uses 320 + 1 .ima files to run. Also, you would need the software (Gannet) installed. However, I did go back to getting only files with the .nii file extension
NII_list = dir([NII_path, '/*.nii']);%list all conent from location of NIFTI files
This seems to be fine now, I can't remember why I strayed away from using it. Although, I am running into the same problem. The first iteration works fine, and all the variables are what they are supposed to be. But when I get to the second iteration when GannetCoRegister is called, all the variables are empty arrays when indexed in the command window. I'm not sure how/why this happens in the second iteration?
for i = 1:length(NII_list)
NII_foldername{i} = NII_list(i).name; %setting NII_foldername (which is empty before this) to contain the names/files from NII_list
%after this NII_foldername should have the nii files
Is it possible this is causing the second iteration to come up empty? length(NII_list) comes up as 2 which seems correct because NII_list comes up as a struct array 2x1-- 2 NII files in that folder. comes up with the correct names of the NII files in that folder. __
What do you mean by file/folder structure? Do you mean what is in each folder? I will try to provide whatever I can...
NII_path- folder with NII files in there.
source_path- main folder that contains folders of dicoms and NIIs (located in ^ folder). The dicom files are grouped in folders by ID. For example, ID #123 will have a folder for water dicoms (1), metabolite dicoms (320), and one NII file within NII_path.
So the script finds the water dicoms, the metabolite dicoms, and the NII file for ID123 and then runs the software. It works fine for iteration 1, but when I get to the second it fails due to the arrays coming up empty.
I hope this helps. And thank you for the help, it is much appreciated.

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