How to add a black line using brewermap
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I want to add an extra black line to a plot with 5 lines where I am using:
map = brewermap(5,'Blues');
set(0, 'DefaultAxesColorOrder', map)
for iA=1:length(Avec)
plot(xvec,yvec, '*-', 'LineWidth',3,'Markersize',3); hold all
legendLabels=[legendLabels,{['$A=' num2str(Avec(iA)) '$']}];
plot(Avec, minvec,':k','LineWidth',3,'Markersize',3); hold all % black line
lh=legend(legendLabels{:},'min','fontweight', 'bold','fontsize',24,'Interpreter', 'latex','Location','best','NumColumns',1);
Right now in the legend I see the data twice, and the same colours again, no black line.
Thanks in advance for your help!
2 comentarios
Respuestas (1)
Image Analyst
el 25 de Nov. de 2019
What is that thing? A legend? How did you make it? Why are there no text strings with it? Did you specify null strings?
If you want another legend line, with no curve with it, you can just plot a single point in the color you want.
plot(x1(1), y1(1), 'k.');
then call legend. Because of that extra call to plot, you should have another legend line, though since the plot is just a single point, you won't notice it.
To put up a line you can call line([x1,x2], [y1,y2]).
Call line with the y values being the min value you want the line at:
hold on;
line(xlim, [minValue, minValue], 'Color', 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
3 comentarios
Image Analyst
el 26 de Nov. de 2019
Editada: Image Analyst
el 26 de Nov. de 2019
No, because I get
Undefined function or variable 'brewermap'.
You forgot to included the products when you filled out the form to submit your question. Evidently brewermap is either one of your functions you forgot to attach, or in a toolbox that I don't have. Please spare the others the trouble I had by listing in the product section what toolbox it's in, or else attach it, if it's a custom function of yours.
Create your legendLabels like this, not like what you did:
legendLabels{iA} = ['$A=', num2str(Avec(iA)), '$'];
Any idea why your legends all say "data n" instead of "$A=n"???
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Más información sobre Legend en Help Center y File Exchange.
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