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In item 7, I need to use short labels for the x, y, z axes. How it is? Thank you

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Vadim Potorocha
Vadim Potorocha el 17 de Nov. de 2020
Cerrada: MATLAB Answer Bot el 20 de Ag. de 2021
x = -4:0.1:4;
y = -4:0.1:4;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y)
Z = cos(37.6*X).*X.^3-Y.^2;
figure('Name','Zadanie 7','NumberTitle','off');
xlabel 'x'
ylabel 'y'
zlabel 'Z'
print 7_1.png
hold off
figure('Name','Zadanie 7_1','NumberTitle','off');
xlabel 'x'
ylabel 'y'
zlabel 'Z'
print 7_2.png
hold off
  4 comentarios
Vadim Potorocha
Vadim Potorocha el 17 de Nov. de 2020
the teacher told me about a short format of this, but in task i need it how it done
Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 17 de Nov. de 2020
What is item 7?
Your graph looks like this. The numbers for the x and y axes do not have any numbers after the decimal point, so what do you mean by "short labels for the x, y, z axes."?

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